[Log] One of the More Tolerable People

Apr 27, 2006 21:00

Who: Delu, L'sen
When: Unknown
Where: Guest Weyr, Igen Weyr
What: Delu and L'sen enjoy the morning after Boskyth's flight.

Igen Weyr Guest Weyr
     Set within easy access of the ground levels, this guest weyr is spacious. The ledge has enough room for two or three dragons, and the cozy stone 'couch' has been hollowed out nicely from turns of use. An ornately embroidered curtain separates the sleeping area, which is kept exceptionally clean. A relatively new bed has been put in, complete with a mattress that looks like it was built more to last, rather than to be all that comfortable. The black and gold rug takes up much of the floor space, while a tapestry depicting a Fall over the Igen River hangs to one side. The walls constantly bear fresh coats of paint, and seem to be very well kept; like they were sanded down and repainted every turn or so.
     From the ledge, the sky of the Bowl opens out to the west.


Obvious exits:
Steps to bowl Balcony

Sprawled out across more than his fair share of the bed, L'sen is stretched out flat on his back, limbs tangled in the sheets, head half off the pillow. He snores lightly, a gentle rasping as morning sunlight starts filtering into the weyr.

Delu lies on her side next to him, just barely awake, clutching a bit of sheet to herself and, ever so quietly, panicing.

L'sen is out cold, still snoring away like nothing's happened. He stirs enough to kick his legs gently and tangle himself up further, and he rolls over onto his side to snuggle up against that warm body next to him, without ever opening his eyes. "Mmph."

Slowly, memory returns, mostly, of the night before. The flight, and after. She tries to roll over, though the sheets being bound around the bluerider don't help, nor does... Ow! Oh, right. That. Yup, definately sore. She sighs a little, but the brief twinge seems to help calm her, as she looks over at L'sen with a less paniced appraisal. "Well, coulda been worse, I guess." She murmers.

"Mmph?" mumbles L'sen again, a questioning lilt to the indistinct noise. "Wha? Um." One eye cracks open. "Delu? Oh, morning," he offers sleepily, yawning and edging closer, heedless of any discomfort on her part. "Neiveth's gettin' pretty good at this, y'know? He's all smug-like again now."

Delu edges away an equal space; or tries to, lacking in bed. That gives her somethign to say, and she says accusingly, "You're a bed hog. And a sheet hog. Not very nice you know."

L'sen blinks blearily, raising a hand to rub at his eyes slowly. "I don't mean to," he defends himself. "You can come get some, too, you know, if you wanna." Never mind that since he doesn't move back over, that means scooting closer to him anyway. He's oblivious to his faults, a small pleased grin slipping across his face.

Delu sighs, and tries to relax on the pillow. She does offer a soft smile. "You know, though, you are one fo the more tolerable people I could have woken up to, at least."

L'sen's smile brightens. "Thanks, I think. Just tolerable?" he wonders, brows arching as he snuggles into the covers once more, enjoying the time off. "I thought I was pretty good, you know? I mean, least we're friends and stuff, you know what I mean? S'not like I'm somebody you never met 'fore."

Delu shrugs a bit, looking up at the ceiling. "Yes. Well. You know." She answers lamely. She sighs a little. "I feel a lot better, though."

"Er. Not really," admits L'sen sheepishly. "Should I? Glad you're back to normal, though--you were kinda weirding me out before. Leastways, back up at the Reaches, that time with Ayana and Bayan. Not so much here now."

Delu blushes, quite brightly, at that. "I said a lot of things that I will never be able to take back." A sigh. "I should just transfer to Ista or something now, and call it a wash."

"Why's that?" L'sen wonders curiously. "Because Boskyth rose? What's wrong with that? All the greens rise--and the golds. And us blues and browns and bronzes get to chase, you know what I mean? Like Neiveth, he's doing pretty good, considering he's still kinda young. He's caught Deneth and Ozriadasoth and now Boskyth," he says proudly.

Delu shrugs, and rolls over to curl up against the bluerider. "Don't wanna talk about it. Or think about it."

Quiet content to let Delu curl up against him, L'sen is silent for a few seconds, a rare enough occurrance. Then, persistantly, he asks, "Why not? It's not really so bad, is it?" A thought occurs to him. "You're okay, aren't you? I mean, like, I dunno. I didn't hurt you or nothing?" he asks quickly, brows knitting in concern.

Delu shrugs a bit; even that topic is safer than Ayana. "I'll be fine. My own fault for not following advice and making sure I, uhh, found someone before the flight."

L'sen blinks. "Found someone for what?" he wonders, questioning again as he raises up enough to fluff vainly at the pillow before flopping back carelessly onto it.

Delu chuckles softly, nestling closer. "You really are dense, sometimes, aren't you?" A blush. "I've only been with girls before, L'sen."

"Oh." L'sen grins, rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess I am. It wasn't so bad, though, was it? Guys are nice. So are girls, actually, but, yeah." Big smile, meant to reassure.

Delu shrugs a bit. "Don't remember much of it. Probably better that way. You smell nice, though." A sigh. "You'll have to leave, soon, I guess? To get home?"

L'sen grins. "Thanks," he says cheerfully. "And, um. Not /too/ soon, I don't think. I can stay for a while--I already missed drills, I think, so it don't matter now. I can stay. If you wanna?" He directs a hopeful grin at Delu.

Delu nods a little. "Don't wanna move. Comfortable, sort of. And Boskyth is sleeping, though I doubt wants to give up Neiveth yet, either. They say they will want to stay together, for a while? How long, normally?"

"Neiveth... I dunno," answers L'sen vaguely, shoulders lifting in a vague shrug. "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. He didn't hang around Ozzy long, but then, he adores Deneth anyway, so who knows? He's pretty happy now, still goin' on and on about how great his performance was, and how much she appreciated it, you know? Is she the clingy type or something?"

Delu shrugs a bit, "She's affectionate, I guess. But this was her first flight, so I can't really say what she will be like with him." She sighs a bit. "I'm just suprised /I/ don't want to leave."

L'sen hesitates, grin faltering. "I'd feel bad if you just up and ran off," he remarks after a moment. "Like, I dunno. I'm some kind of gross or something, you know?"

Delu shrugs a bit. "You're not gross, for a boy anyway." So reassuring! "I'm not going anywhere."

"Thanks, I think. Again," notes L'sen, bemused more than offended. "So you'd really never been with a guy before? Faranth. I dunno whether I should be flattered or what. Relieved, maybe, you ain't got no standard of, um. Comparison?"

Delu shrugs a bit, "Don't like boys. Like girls. Like Ayana." She sighs. "No, not thining about her now."

"I," L'sen declares grandly, "am not picky." Again, a half-shrug. "Why not? What about her?"

Delu says, firmly, "DON'T want to talk about it. Can't you distract me or something?" She sounds petulant.

"How you want me to do that?" inquires L'sen, befuddled. Pause. "I got suggestions, but you don't like guys, 'member?"

Delu shrugs. "I'll pretend if you will. Besides, I thought you weren't picky?"

L'sen grins. "I'm not, you are. I like girls just as much as guys. Even though really, guys--we're easier to understand, I think. Girls are just confusing, you know?"

Delu raises a brow, looking up at him. "You have an interesting way of making someone feel wanted, L'sen."

"Sorry?" offers L'sen hopefully. "I was just sayin', is all. We're friends, right? So I do like you, so, yeah."

Delu presses against him a bit. "We're friends." She affirms. "We're also mates, now, at least for this morning."

L'sen breaks into a bigger smile. "Yeah, we are," he agrees cheerfully. "Might as well make the most of it, you know?" He tilts his head to offer her a kiss, taking advantage of that sentiment.

Delu is, apparently, all-too-happy to share a kiss with the bluerider; nor, for that matter, is she bad at it. She sighs a little after a long moment. "See? Not so bad!"

"Not bad at all," marvels L'sen, eyes widening. "You're pretty good. Lots of practice? I'm not bad, either. Te'an taught me all I know, you know?" And he leans in for another demonstration of that skill.

Delu shows that, indeed, she's had reasonable practice; it may have been with a small audiance, but nonetheless intense and fulfilling, ending with a light bite at departing lips. "Always enjoy that." She comments. She then blushes, with a soft chuckle. "This is... Pleasant." She sounds suprised.

"You just wait," gloats L'sen then. "Trust me. Us guys, we got our good, um, parts, too." Nod.

Delu grins a bit. "Oh, do you? And what parts would they be?" Successfully distracted, and happy for it, it would seem.

L'sen smirks. "Here, lemme show you," he suggest playfully, beaming at her.

Time passes.

Delu lies, once more, curled up against L'sen's side, looking content. "So what brought you here, at just the right time, anyway, L'sen? I about died when I saw you come in."

L'sen sprawls out again, glancing sideways at Delu. "Mm? Oh. Neiveth, he just said something about maybe we should visit, so, well. We did. And we got lucky, I guess. That's a good reaction, right? You were happy to see me?"

Delu shrugs a bit, "I wasn't me, then. Well, I was, but I wasn't. I was just, mostly, suprised to see you. And then Boskyth went up, and that's about the last I remember with any clarity." She sighs. "Part of me wishes I remembered less than I do."

"Yeah, I know," L'sen offers, grinning up at the ceiling. "Don't worry, though. I think it gets better, you know, the more times she does it. Leastways, that's what I've always heard. I dunno, really. I mean, it's never exactly been hard for me, but then." A shrug. "That's kind of the way I am, I guess."

Delu shrugs a little, "You don't get the pre-flight loss of control, like we do. The things I said... Shards, L'sen, Ayana will probably never speak to me again. I tried to hurt her, and I think I did a pretty tidy job of it."

At that, L'sen frowns. "Yeah, but she knows what it was, right? You can apologize, and explain you were all proddy, and then it'll all be okay, you know?" So optimistic.

Delu snorts softly. "No, L'sen. Ayana... She won't forgive me. She knows about being proddy and all, but she takes everything very... Personally. And there is, really, no excuise, even bring proddy."

"It's better than nothing?" suggests L'sen. "I mean, it can't hurt no more, can it? I'll talk to her if you wanna."

Delu shakes her head, sighing. "No, I'll go find her, later, when the dragons wake up. It will be better if we are alone, and she feels she can say anything without anyone overhearing."

L'sen knits his brows again, biting his lower lip a moment. "Are you sure?" he asks after a moment. "I mean, I could still go with you, if you wanna. I'm not scary or anything, you know? I'm harmless, so."

Delu smiles a bit, and kisses his nose. "You are very sweet. But, somehow, I don't think taking the person I spent the nigt passionately loving is going to set the right tone for this conversation, you know?"

L'sen grins once more, eyes crossing as he watches Delu kiss his nose. "Um. Well, I guess not," he agrees. "Just tell her it's all Neiveth, though? 'Cause, well, it was. Well, okay, not this morning, but you know what I mean, you know? And if you do need me, well. I can come by? I still haven't seen y'all's weyrs, either."

Delu smiles gently and nods. "I do want you to come visit us, properly, soon. Once this all dies down, maybe?" She sighs. "I love Boskyth, but... I do, sometimes, wish she was blue."

"Blues /are/ nice," agrees L'sen. "But hey, maybe next time Kyreth can catch, you know? That'd be nice. It's always nice when it's somebody you actually, you know, like-like, instead of just like, like me." A shrug. "But yeah, sure. Lemme know--I'll try not to come unannounced again, you know? Learned my lesson."

Delu chuckles softly, "Well, announced or not, you are welcome. She shouldn't do this again any time soon."

"Good," L'sen notes. "Although... I might make sure Neiveth stops by next time," he teases.

Delu grins, and sighs, stirring a little. "So what now? What happens next? I've never done this before..."

"Uh..." L'sen blinks, turning his head to study the girl next to him. "I dunno. I gotta get back to the Reaches sometime, but... You might wanna go talk to Ayana, get it over with. Every time I get in a fight with somebody--which usually means Te'an, admittedly--it helps if I go make up fast, 'fore they have time to brood up on it for days."

Delu nods a little, and sighs, looking around for clothing. "I guess I will do that. Maybe have a bath first, I think that would definately be relaxing..."

L'sen props himself up, nodding as he leans against the headboard, not getting up just yet. "Sounds like a good idea. Me, I'm gonna get some breakfast first, I think, you know? I'm /starving/."

delu, l'sen

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