[Log] I Just Want It Done

Apr 27, 2006 19:00

Who: Ayana, Catriona, Celane, Chayil, Delu, D'som (NPC), Kazara, L'sen, Sarai, St'vren, Yaria
When: Day 21, Month 6, Turn 7
Where: Living Cavern, Igen Weyr; Main Entrance Field, Igen Weyr; Feeding Grounds, Igen Weyr; Guest Weyr, Igen Weyr; Sky, Igen Weyr
What: L'sen's Neiveth catches Delu's Boskyth.

Igen Weyr Living Cavern
     Igen's living cavern is an immense hollow in the volcanic caldera, stretching up two stories to a slightly charred ceiling; the light of the glows and hearth are reflected in the quartz which peppers the unique Igen swirled sandstone. Large enough to seat the entire weyr, the living cavern is always buzzing with activity. Tapestries adorn the walls, depicting scenes from Pern's past. The head table sits upon a raised platform at the far eastern side of the room, in front of a huge and continually burning fireplace.
     The stairs lead up to a wide balcony that overlooks the cavern. Large tunnels lead west out to the bowl, and south to the kitchens. A smaller tunnel to the east leads deeper into the inner caverns. A doorway in the northern wall opens to the infirmary, while the small door to the northeast opens into the Records Room. In the corner between the infirmary and the records room is a plaque.

Meal Table

Obvious exits:
Bowl STairs Records Room INFirmary Kitchen Inner Caverns

Sarai looks very perplexed as she's followed out by a couple riders, "/I/ don't have a headache cure! I'm a /dragon/ healer. You are not a dragon. Shoo!" Sarai shakes her cane at the riders, who scurry off to one side. "I'll probably see their dragons tonight," she grouses.

Celane comes in from the Bowl.
Celane has arrived.

Chayil spots Sarai and gives a wave, a significant Look, and then a nod towards Delu. This should say it all, even while she's telling Delu, "Thirsty. Doesn't Boskyth feel like having a bit of a drink? Something... rich?"

Celane enters the living cavern again quietly, hoping that she won't be noticed, especially by the two girls that she had left not too long earlier. She'd been out by the lake getting some air, but knew that she couldn't dwadle much longer, as there were chores to be done, especially knowing that there would be lots of riders hanging about with little to do until Boskyth rose.

Late afternoon in the caverns, and all activity seems focused around one table. Delu and Ayana, sitting across from each other, in heated conversation. Chayil is moving about, arranging things for the fun that is coming. Maleriders of all sorts hover with knowing looks and smug anticipation. Delu looks to Ayana coldly. "You know the answer to that. You wanted me to get personal, I did. Far be it, as ever, for me to go against what you want, Ayana."

Delu glances at Chayil with a frown. "She is, thankfully, still asleep, though I wish she would get on with it, since you all seem so sharding eager."

Ayana nods at Delu, "And that you did. Thank you for saying it." She looks away and focus on nothing in particular.

Celane wanders into the Weyr's kitchens.
Celane has left.

"Naw, man, I ain't lost!" comes a cheerful voice. "I know my way around here, you know? ... This is really the living cavern? It didn't look like this /last/ time." And so arrives L'sen, blinking at the room in surprise. "Whoops. Oh, well," he tells the unfortunate man stuck guiding him there. The resident rolls his eyes and quickly exits, leaving L'sen to stroll through the cavern, peering hopefully at faces as though looking for someone.

Kazara slips into the fray, almost feeling the rising tension, but not quite. "Evening," she greets to those people she knows as she passes, nodding here and there. "Greetings, Weyrwoman," she adds, seeing Chayil bustling about, then "Hello, Delu, Ayana," when she sees the two weyrlings. Now she notices something's up, from the somewhat stony expressions.

Celane comes out from the spicy-scented kitchen.
Celane has arrived.

Chayil isn't, in fact, bustling anymore. She hasn't been for some time. She's near Delu, and to the question of eagerness on everyone's part (presumably including hers), she responds serenely, though with a touch of firmness -- it's a scolding, albeit one that will allow Delu to save face -- "Some of us are only eager for you to get back to your usual self. This," she nods towards the tension in Ayana's demeanor, "is why I tried so hard to teach you to control the connection between yourself and your dragon."

Sarai's eyes pass over the minature Weyrwoman to the baby greenrider and then the casks of the bad booze. "Already? Didn't they just hatch?" Sarai vaguely whines, though the tone is on the side of amused. "We're not eager, it's just that a rider's mood snaps back to normal instead of ... well, pre-menstrual times, oh, a million."

Celane comes out of the kitchen, laden with a tray of fresh meatrolls. Clearing a place on the meal table for it, she takes her time in setting it out, trying to overhear snatches of the conversation from about the cavern.

Kazara oohs at the meatrolls, saying 'thank you' to Celane and snatching a couple or three almost before Celane's taken her hands away from the tray. She peers around at the varied expressions, a slight expression of confusion coming over her face. "Someone ready to fly already? It's a bit soon, isn't it?" she asks, echoing Sarai unconsciously.

Delu growls softly, "Trust me, none of you wants that more than /I/ do." She glances at Ayana, expression managing to soften a bit. "It's not exactly fun, you know, not being able to say nice things like you should." Now who's whining? "Soon... I never thought I would look forward to her rising, but now... I just want it done!"

"Delu! Ayana!" There's tension? Apparently, L'sen didn't get that memo, either, along with the change of locations of the living cavern. He just beams when he sights the pair, tramping over and plopping unceremoniously into a seat. "Hey, y'all. I came to visit." Duh. "Hi, hi, I'm L'sen," he offers in introduction to the unfamiliar elder riders. "What's going on?"

Neiveth> Boskyth stirs again. A pair of blues having joined Kyreth, she looks, almost, pleased. Skin bright enough to shock, she nonetheless seems disinclined to move things along.

Celane smiles at Kazara, glad to see a friendly and familiar face among the sea of blue and brown riders, only a few with whom she's familiar. She busies herself with tiding the meal table, looking around the cavern as often as she dares, trying to keep up with what is going on at Delu and Ayana's table.

Sarai shrugs at Kazara and makes her way to the snack table for a meatroll or five. "Not really too early, it just feels early Kazara because ... you're old."

Ayana says nothing, seemingly within her own mind, missing the look Delu gives her way. She does notice the others' arrivals and half-heartedly gives out salutes, not caring who they went towards. After making sure she acknowledges everyone, she goes back to staring at nothing in pure silence.

Neiveth> Neiveth, as glib as his rider, settles into place with a brassy, off-key rumble for Boskyth and the other dragons.

Kazara shoots a Look at Sarai. "I am /not/ old!" she protests. "I'm just...a bit older than this bunch," she finishes, wrinkling her nose. She bites savagely into a meatroll, chewing it thoughtfully and watching Delu and Ayana, raising an eyebrow and frowning alternately.

Neiveth> Kraznyth rumbles pleasantly as he makes himself comfortable, ready to wait as long as he needs.

Delu glances at Sarai sharply, "She is /not/ old! She's barely older than us! Well, compared to /some/ anyway..." She starts to look a bit unfocused, as she tries hard to keep track of everyone talking to her. "L'sen, what are you... You shouldn't be here, not today..." She frowns, shaking her head a bit. "Shard it, why is everyone /looking/ at me! Go away!" She finally remembers her half glass of wine, and downs it; this is why they get the cheap stuff.

Helpfully, L'sen studies Kazara, cocking his head at her words. "How old are you?" he asks. "You don't /look/ that old, but then, that don't--what?" He breaks off, blinking confusedly at Delu. "Er. Why not? I mean, you sound like my old wingleader, always gettin' onto me. Neiveth said it'd be all right? I talked to Bayan, you know?" The latter he directs to Ayana, noting her quietness.

Sarai's immune to Looks. You don't get to her age and position without gaining some protection against the most a young pup like Kazara can muster, "She is too. She's .. what 28? 24? We impress young things half her age. She's old enough to teach. That makes her an adult and, therefore, old. Heck, she's over half my age, and we all know /I'm/ ancient."

Ayana seems to glare at L'sen a while before registering that he was talking to her, "Yeah, got a note today," she barely manages to say in a dark voice. Then it's back to looking at nothing.

Realizing that she's become distracted by trying to overhear the conversation amongst the dragonriders, Celane shakes her head to bring herself back to reality and slips back into the kitchen.

"I'm twenty-six, give or take a few months," Kazara replies to L'sen, looking him up and down, raising both eyebrows and hmming to herself. Then she realises what she's doing and looks away with a slight flush. Ahem. "Ah, the old 'leave a note' trick," she muses, half rhetorically.

Chayil has begun to bustle again in a very quiet way, helpfully suggesting to young children that they head back to the nursery or their parents' rooms, lest they have to begin to understand things they don't want to know yet. The elderly either shuffle off to their own rooms, or get snacks and sit back to watch the daily greenrider show, commenting -- sometimes crudely -- on this and that. Nothing phases folks past a certain age in a Weyr. Once most of the children are headed elsewhere, Chayil strolls back towards Delu and mentions, "Sometimes your dragon will want you to watch her eat. Either way, you might want to head outside, so you can reach the guest weyr, or your own, in time."

Celane returns before long with fresh pots of klah. Looking over the meal table with satisfaction, she finds herself a nearly-empty table at which to sit for a few moments. Noding to the unfamiliar bluerider sitting there already, she makes a cradle for her head with her hands, elbows on the table, and closes her eyes for a moment.

Sarai just smirks at Kazara and sits down by the burly men guarding the booze. "Weyrwoman, please don't give yourself a brain bleed. I don't want my old job back."

L'sen's brows knit as he watches Ayana. "Oh, really? Did it say anything about me? Because I promise, it ain't true," he notes, offering her another grin, remaining cheerful despite her lackluster response. And, to Kazara, he adds, "Oh, that's not /that/ old, not really. I mean, it's older than me--I'm twenty now, you know?--but it could be worse. Guest--oooh. No wonder Neiveth suggested today. He coulda told me already--s'not like I mind." A shrug to the table at large.

Ayana's eyes dart back to L'sen, frowning a bit, "Nothing bad, L'sen. Baye's a gentleman, as always." She sniffs, looks away, and goes back into broody silence.

Delu glares at Chayil, and stands. "Fine. I'll leave." She totally ignores Ayana, and everyone else, as she heads off towards the bowl. "Better off without me here, anyway." She mutters, as she reaches the exit.

D'som calls out, cheerfully, "Don't go too far!"

Delu tosses a rude gesture back; where'd a nice girl like her learn /that/ one?

Ayana whips a glare at D'som, enough to start a fire.

Delu walks out to the Bowl.
Delu has left.

Kazara nods at L'sen. "Indeed. I thought Kraz sounded a bit smug this morning when I woke up. He was fit to burst with smugness, I swear." She glances over at D'som, wondering where he was hiding so quietly, then notices that Delu's stalking out into the Bowl. "Whoops, there she goes, off in a huff."

L'sen peers at Ayana. "You're awfully grumpy today," he finally points out. "Is it all just her?" A vague gesture after Delu. "Or did I do something? 'Cause I didn't mean to, whatever it was." Only then does it seem to register that Delu's on her way out. "Oh, hey, wait. Don't leave me!" he says quickly, jumping up after her. "I don't know where I'm going!"

Celane cautiously gets up from where she has been sitting and goes to take the place at the table that Delu has just vacated, wanting to get a word with Ayana. She mutters to Ayana, "... you... have... admit, I'm a... worried... you." It was the closest to a private conversation that she was likely to get at the moment.

Neiveth> St'vren has been here a while, he's leaning against Rusuth's flank chatting amiably with one of the weyr Smiths. "No, it's no trouble. I'll ask Waylan, and he can probably have some scrap bundled up by tomorrow--if I don't bring it over, my friend Catti and her brown will. They're around here somewhere." He waves casually to the occasional passerby, not really paying attention. Rusuth seems preoccupied as well.

Ayana nearly growls at L'sen, "I'm fine!" then gives a withering glare at anyone else, silently standing up. She notes Celane's words, just snorting and walking out.

Ayana walks out to the Bowl.
Ayana has left.

Neiveth> D'som strides out, absently unbuttoning his shirt. He takes wall space between Living Cavern and Infirmary and poses, like the tacky painting meant to show romance.

Neiveth> Delu stalks out of the bowl, a gesture that would make holdes blush tossed back over her shoulder at a comment from someone. She glares around, and moves over to her sleeping green. She sighs a bit, patting her. "You really do look very bright. I never understood how girl dragons skin changed, but I guess with your dark skin, it's pretty obvious." She patiently ignores the male dragons that look entirely too eager.

Celane looks at Ayana, watching her retreat out of the cavern, quite hurt this time at the way she had been treated, the dragonless footnote in the whole matter. She sighs quite audibly and gets up again; that didn't change the fact there was quite a bit of work she could be getting done.

Chayil notes belatedly, for benefit of Sarai and anyone else whose dragon isn't interested in this chase, "Shouldn't be long now. Hope she's prepared."

Neiveth> Ayana is not too far behind the stalking -out tirade, moving to an eager Kyreth and checking on him closely.

"If not, she'll have a heck of a ride," Kazara muses. "Oh, well. I suppose I should move my butt as well. It's liable to be a bumpy ride at that."

You walk out into the Bowl.

Igen Weyr Main Entrance Field
     Activity surrounds the Igen Weyr Bowl, especially so close to the Living Caverns. A road runs beneath the huge cliffs which form the southeastern section of the Igen Weyr Bowl. The wall opens here in three places, the middle one leading to the Living Cavern, and through it, the Inner Caverns. The northernmost one is the largest, being the Infirmary for both dragons and humans. The ground is solid and rocky and, in the brightest sun, glares uncomfortably.
     To the north the path continues, winding its way past the hatching grounds (off the Weyrling Training Fields) to eventually leave the bowl. Cutting across the bowl to the northwest brings you to the center of the bowl. To the west lies a green field full of beasts- the Weyr's feeding grounds. The infirmary weyr opens to the northeast, and the living caverns to the east.


Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Guest Ledge INFirmary Living Caverns Center of Bowl Feeding Grounds Weyrling Training Field

Kazara walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern.
Kazara has arrived.

Boskyth stirs more and looks around, with a pleased rumble, as if to say '/now/ we're talking. Delu's soft whimper is lost in the sound of the green getting to her feet with a cat-like stretch.

St'vren notes the exit parade--and that gesture Delu made--with a raised eyebrow. Clearly, he is in the middle of something that he cannot hope to comprehend. As his friend the Smith scurries off, he turns to Rusuth. And blinks. And says aloud "What do you mean, you're not going home?"

Leda is startled by the sudden activity in the bowl. Squawking, she alights from her draconic perch to find a place to land that's less alive and more out of the way.

Kyreth is oblivious to his rider, watching the green very closely as he stands up.

Hurrying after Delu, L'sen still finds time to glance aronud at the Weyr again, taking it all in despite previous visits. Neiveth snorts at him, drawing attention back to the situation at hand; the blue gives another not-particularly-melodious croon to Boskyth and stretches his wings out, an elegant pose for her.

D'som calls out to St'vren, "It's a booty call night, boy!" And now? He flexes.

Kazara slips out behind a few other people, going to Kraznyth's side and patting his flank, eliciting a quiet rumble, though the blue dragon's gaze is focused on the bright green sitting just over /there/.

Erdeth lands carefully.
Erdeth has arrived.

Boskyth stiffins a bit, picking up meaning from Delu, and turns, putting her head about three inches from D'som's face. The message is clear, /leave/. Delu sighs a bit, suddenly looking around with an uncertainty bordering on blind panic, as her weyrmate flexes her wings and stretches some more. "Shard it, Boskyth. couldn't you have waited a few turns, for me?"

Erdeth picks his landing carefully in deference to all the people around, gliding in as close to the living cavern as he dares get. As Yaria slides down he fans his wings at her irritably until she grumbles, "Fine, fine, I'll take 'em off." And starts pulling off straps before she can get a salute ready for anyone.

Yaria slides down Erdeth's side to the ground.
Yaria has arrived.

Kyreth flexes his wings, being his usual show-off while Ayana just stands beside him, staring at him -or, seeming not to. He notices the other male dragons and tries to put on more of a show as his focus stays on only one in the group.

St'vren turns a lovely shade of pale. He follows his dragon's (and all the other dragons') gaze towards Boskyth's stretching form. "Oh. Oh /shells/." Just what he needed, to act out-of-character and eventually lose another flight in front of people he doesn't know. "I don't even know where Catti is--Rusuth?--" The big bronze isn't talking at the moment, though, just watching Boskyth and slowly getting to his feet, silver-flecked hide rippling to shake dust away.

D'som sizes up St'vren and comments, "Well, a scattershot like you isn't any worry. And a Telgari'll never take the heat here. This isn't a piddly winter flight, you know." He puffs up his chest and postures a little faux challange at St'vren.

Yaria finally gets straps off and then gives a lackadaisical salute around. After a quick assessment of theknots she offers, "Igen's duties to, um, wherever ya'll are from." Spotting Delu and Ayana she looks a bit confused before edging through the crowd towards her classmates.

Kazara rolls her eyes at D'som. "Doesn't change, does he?" she mutters, partly to herself, partly to Kraz. She leans against him, casually glancing around at the preponderance of other riders, all waiting expectantly (or in a panicked state, to look at Delu). Herself, she's a little tense, as might be expected.

L'sen is surprisingly quiet, just grinning knowingly and peering at Boskyth and Delu and the various other riders and dragons curiously, while Neiveth continues his comical posturing.

St'vren looks at D'som and snorts, sounding not unlike Rusuth. "Stop flexing like that. You'll strain something. Not like you'll impress /me/." Looking resigned to his fate, he tosses his riding jacket over his shoulder and glances quickly around at the faces. A few casual acquaintances, but no one he knows. "He's always like this?" he asks Kazara idly. "And no one's killed him yet?"

D'som flexes a bicep in Delu's direction and says to St'vren "Bite me, snow boy."

Kazara shakes her head and sighs. "Yes, he's always like that," she mutters, just loud enough for St'vren to hear her. "He's an idiot, but he's /our/ idiot."

Delu is lost in silent communinion with her dragon; then, abruptly, she steps back, with a resignd look, befre glancing around, and fleeing, literally, towards the guest weyr. Boskyth, covering her escape, launches herself up, to glide over towards the feeding grounds, her challenge silent, but obvious.

Delu heads up the steps to the guest weyr.
Delu has left.

Yaria whistles lowly, as she gets a look for Boskyth at the first time. She sidles in somewhere near Ayana and comments, "Hey, good luck. Looks like it won't be real lon - Whups. Yup. HEY!" As Erdeth is the first in the air after the green to the grounds.

Erdeth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Erdeth has left.

Boskyth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Boskyth has left.

St'vren smiles crookedly at Kazara. "If he tells me to bite him one more time, he won't be your idiot for long. Just sayin'." Then Boskyth is up, and Rusuth not far behind, and Stav follows in Delu's wake with a shrug of his wide shoulders. "Here we go. Again."

Kraznyth launches himself a few seconds later, gathering his muscles and making an airborne leap towards the feeding grounds.

"Here we go again," remarks L'sen good-naturedly as he thumps Neiveth on the shoulder. The rider heads after Delu, while Neiveth, dropping his pose abruptly, heads to the feeding grounds with the other dragons.

Rusuth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Rusuth has left.

Neiveth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Neiveth has left.

Kraznyth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Kraznyth has left.

Kyreth launches into the air without further ado as Ayana looks at Yaria and nods silently.

Kyreth heads into the corral containing the Weyr feeding grounds.
Kyreth has left.

Yaria heads up the steps to the guest weyr.
Yaria has left.

You walk up the steps carefully, arriving on the guest ledge.

Igen Weyr Guest Weyr
     Set within easy access of the ground levels, this guest weyr is spacious. The ledge has enough room for two or three dragons, and the cozy stone 'couch' has been hollowed out nicely from turns of use. An ornately embroidered curtain separates the sleeping area, which is kept exceptionally clean. A relatively new bed has been put in, complete with a mattress that looks like it was built more to last, rather than to be all that comfortable. The black and gold rug takes up much of the floor space, while a tapestry depicting a Fall over the Igen River hangs to one side. The walls constantly bear fresh coats of paint, and seem to be very well kept; like they were sanded down and repainted every turn or so.
     From the ledge, the sky of the Bowl opens out to the west.


Obvious exits:
Steps to bowl Balcony

D'som takes LARGE STEPS as he walks in. Stand aside, peons. He brushes past St'vren and snarks, "Move it, loser."

Yaria protests, as Erdeth makes his first kill, "But, but, he's not suposed to yet!" Gulp. She looks around at the guest weyr, her face absolutely white. They're all so much *older* than she is. One hand raises to a pigtail and begins to nervously twist it into a knot.

Delu has moved into the sleeping area, and to the other side of the bed from the others, wearing an expression of fear mingled with unignorable excitement.

Ayana watches everyone with a dark eye before focusing on Delu. She glares at D'som a bit and her eye looses focues as she work on her control with her dragon.

Neiveth> Kraznyth launches himself a few seconds later, gathering his muscles and making an airborne leap towards the feeding grounds. Once he's there he snags a claw out at the nearest beast startled into being terrified and rips into it, casually tearing its throat out and leaning in to drink its flowing lifeblood.

Neiveth> Boskyth lands in the feeding ground, head snatching out to grab a passing wherry, at first just enough to keep it still, flapping in teror in her jaws, before slowly clenching, a vicous croon escpaing her as she slowly snuffs it's life out. She starts to eat it, but a mental firmness for Delu - terrified or not - reminds her of the right way, and so instead she just feasts of it's blood.

Neiveth> Erdeth swipes out at a bovine, stunning it easily. He cracks it open, amethyst eyes fixed on Boskyth. He drinks easily and discards the corpse before snagging another. And all in this extremely eerie silence.

Neiveth> Kyreth attacks the first small beast he sees, snapping its neck deftly and begins to drink.

St'vren is having a rather eventful day, which has left him a wee bit stressed, and perhaps short-tempered as well. Not that this /justifies/ his actions, but it makes them a bit more understandable. At any rate, about two seconds after D'som swaggers past him, the young bronzerider taps him on the shoulder. "Pardon--" When the Igen blowhard turns around, Stav swings a short, sharp uppercut that nails him on the chin. "The only person who'll be doing any biting around here is me. Us. And it's sure as shells not going to be on you." He unclenches his fist and joins the cluster of riders. "You're not wanted."

Kazara slips in, once again behind everyone else, blinking a few times in the dim light of the weyr before her vision adjusts. She opens her mouth to snap at D'som for being so rude, but then closes it when she sees St'vren land a punch on his jaw. Well, that saved her the trouble of wasting breath. She grins to herself and moves closer, watching Delu's face, which seems now to be running a gamut of emotions.

D'som has a glass jaw, and goes down like a sack of potatoes, blood spurting out of his mouth as he seems to have bit his tounge. On the floor, dazed, D'som has enough wit to say this: "I'm easier than Delu is!" and he runs out, crying.

Neiveth> Launched skyward, Neiveth circles around the unfamiliar feeding grounds a couple of times before folding his wings and dropping onto the back of a herdbeast. The animal crumbles under his weight, limbs tangling and bleating abruptly silenced when he snaps at its neck and begins to blood.

Neiveth> Rusuth takes a moment to study the panic patterns and speed rates of the Igen beasts, and also to admire Boskyth's style and poise. His own style is rather rough around the edges, but he manages to snare a wherry with one massive forefoot and drain it with a certain grace and a minimum of mess.

Yaria lets out a startled squawk as fists start flying, nearly yanking that ponytail she's twisting into a knot out by the roots. She scuttles to one side. Weyrleader's kid she might be, but till a weyrling and not going to call down a bronzerider from out weyr. Her eyes go mutely to Kazara, even as D'som beats a retreat.

Ayana is oblivious to any fists flying standing alittle to the side so that she could keep an eye on everyone in the weyr.

L'sen, following just behind St'vren, pulls up short at the fighting, blinking in mystified surprise. "Hey, whoa, what'd you do /that/ for? He wasn't bothering nobody," the good-natured bluerider points out, nevermind D'som's sins. However, he makes no move to help the injured rider, and seems not particularly upset whatever he says.

Neiveth> Kraznyth rapidly drains his first kill and quickly moves onto a second, making a short leap towards a wherry making a dash for freedom. He lands upon its back, neatly breaking its legs with his weight, then he attaches his teeth to its neck and finishes it off, sucking deeply.
Delu remains silent in her little corner, though her eyes seek out Yaria; perhaps the person appearing closest to herself in reactions. She half reaches towards her, then pulls herself back a bit, though her expression remains needful

Neiveth> Kyreth is already draining his second kill, throwing his claws into the closest one and drinking heavily.

Neiveth> Boskyth makes her way through a series of birds, each kill more cruel and considered than the last, bathing in the sanguine humors of the dead beasts. The males are ignored, pointedly; she kills for herself, and maybe for her rider, but not for /them/.

Neiveth> Rusuth is certainly not killing for Boskyth, she's doing fine on her own. He admires a female who can manage for herself. He makes his own fun with a bovine, snatching with dark-stained talons at the beast until it trips, then drinking from its throat with a deep, gurgling growl.

Yaria turns her eyes from Kazara just in time to catch Delu's almost reach for her and skitters back from her, jaw locked. Her breath is coming more rapidly as Erdeth's emotions take on a darker hue. She turns a dazed look around the rest of the room, completely off balance and looking it. "Who *are* all you people anyway." Her accusatory look seems to be more at the Telgari than anyone else. at least the others she knows. kinda. Sorta.

Neiveth> Neiveth tangles his claws in the beast beneath him, half-hopping once or twice to squeeze out a few more droplets of blood. Then, abandoning it, he flaps upward again and almost as quickly slides into a second creature, giving it the same treatment.

Ayana looks a bit dazed, watching Delu almost reach for Yaria. She catches herself from turning a glare at her classmate, and insteads just looks pointedly at Delu.

Kazara's gaze slinks around the room, taking careful note of the people contending for Delu's attentions, sort of knowing that they're otherwise occupied as much as she is. She winces as her dragon makes another killing, not much liking the pleased mental images she's getting.

St'vren is still enough himself to spare Yaria a sympathetic glance. "St'vren, bronze Rusuth's, Telgar," he says, staccato-like. "Pleased to meet you, I'm sure, though the circumstances could be better. Just breathe. Fly with him. You'll do fine."

There is no Delu, only Boskyth, now. The girl, far from relaxing, has chosen instead to immerse herself in her dragon, as the only safe place to be in a weyr without comfort, with blood and violence in the space that should be safe.

Neiveth> Erdeth has had his fill. He merely waits, still in that eerie silence, wings half unfurled. He is ready when she commands.

Neiveth> Boskyth tosses a carcass aside, and glances around. Good, good, they are all wayching. She preens, for a bried moment, before crouching, and launching towards the sky. Silent no more, a challinging, clarion bugle rings across the bowl, urging the males to do their best.

Neiveth> Boskyth leaps into the air!
Neiveth> Boskyth has left.

Neiveth> Rusuth doesn't even bother to bugle. That'll come later. He just drops the bovine's carcass and follows, wings snapping wide.

Neiveth> Rusuth leaps into the air!
Neiveth> Rusuth has left.

Neiveth> Erdeth leaps into the air!
Neiveth> Erdeth has left.

Neiveth> Kyreth finishes his kill just in time to see Boskyth launch into the air. Bugling a call himself, he launches.

Neiveth> Neiveth crunches once more at his herdbeast, then launches.

Neiveth> Kyreth leaps into the air!
Neiveth> Kyreth has left.

Neiveth> You leap into the air!

Neiveth> Kraznyth flies up from the Feeding Grounds.
Neiveth> Kraznyth has arrived.

Yaria scowls at St'vren. "I don't need *you* to tell us how to fly, Telgar." Hands come out of her pigtails and ball into fists which settle on her hips. "You just stay away from Delu. It's me she wants anyway." Beware adolescents with blues, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Defiantly she moves to try to block off the bronzerider's sight access to Delu. "And she hates boys, so you're *so* history." From terrified to snotty in sixty seconds. As fast as Erdeth reaches for a thermal after Boskyth.

Ayana withers a glare at Yaria, stepping forward, "She's not yours, Yaria! She's mine!" She suddenly cries from the side she was occupying. Her fists are clenched at her side as she stares the girl down, not even bothering to include the St'vren in the conversation.

Catriona comes up the steps from the floor of the bowl.
Catriona has arrived.

Kazara steps back, definitely wanting to stay away from the drama playing itself out just a few feet away. In stepping back, however, she takes a step closer to Delu, also hitting the wall behind her unexpectedly. She gasps in startlement, lurching forward again, starting to feel disoriented as she feels part of herself going up into the air.

Neiveth> Zevalyth glides down cautiously.
Neiveth> Zevalyth has arrived.

"She ain't nobody's yet," L'sen points out helpfully, just grinning that silly grin of his, heedless of any ill will between other competitors.

St'vren holds up his hands in the universal I-come-in-peace gesture, laughing somewhere down in his throat. "Not telling anyone how to fly, little girl, or making any claims. We'll see how this all turns out, and maybe let the nice greenrider choose for herself." His dark eyes flick towards Delu, not overtly possessive, but with intention.

Neiveth> Boskyth settles into a speedy course in teh air above the bowl. She keeps her pace almost languid, at this juncture, giving the boys time to fall in behind her, and find their positions withing themselves. With a teasing tail-flick, she pushes ahead a little bit, a promise of the fun to come.

Catriona is late. She wouldn't be here at all if only she could have escaped in time. But no, Zevalyth isn't likely to miss a chance at chasing. So in she slinks, keeping close to a friendly wall, silent and almost predatory in the way she watches Delu. Those other riders? They may as well not even be here.

Delu's head moves around, looking over, without seeing, the riders around her, appraising their dragons through them. Still, enough of the words penetrate for a softly hissed, "Not now, and not ever, will we /belong/ to you."

Neiveth> Erdeth is falling in not behind, but above, having reached a thermal that he usually takes to his weyr to shoot him rapidly aloft with little effort. Still deadly silent, even his wings seem to be muted, their creaking in the air muffled as he rides the heat, staying roughly three dragonlengths above Boskyth and at her four o'clock - a great blind spot.

Neiveth> Kraznyth slips through the warm Igen air, almost gliding on the thermals rising up from the Bowl. His eyes whirl brightly, his gaze fixed on the absinthine beauty above and a few lengths in front of him, so close yet so far...at this moment in time.

Neiveth> Kyreth flies high and well, eyeing the close males with a flick of his wing. He doesn't even know why they bothered showing up. Focusing back on Boskyth, he keeps a distance and builds up his speed carefully. Doesn't do to get tired early on, nope.

Neiveth> Rusuth is too big to be all /that/ speedy, so the green's pace suits him just fine. Wide wings beat steadily, keeping him in clear sight-range of the lovely prize that is Boskyth. Not gaining on her--wouldn't want to startle her--but a constant, definite presence.

Neiveth> Zevalyth had enough time to blood, thankfully, before taking to the sky - he's very much in the ready to go mood. He takes deceptively lazy strokes to pull himself after Boskyth, seeming for all the world to be taking his sweet time with this whole chase business. When she pulls ahead that little bit he'll match her, slipping alongside one of the other chasers in the process.

Yaria snaps at Ayana, "Oh shut up, Aya. You get her all the time. It's our turn. Erd's turn - My turn - whatever!" Confused, she looks away and snaps again at St'vren, "I'm not a little girl." As Delu hisses, she turns back to her with a rather triumphant expression. "See? They just want to own you. I - He - *WE* don't." She takes a step forward, eyes glazing for a momnt.

Neiveth> Neiveth darts upward, flapping hard as he gains altitude after Boskyth. The quirky blue emits another brassy bugle as he ducks after her, his large eyes, whirling a violet to match that splash of color across his muzzle, locked on the young green.

Ayana just glares fiercely at Yaria before pointedly turning her head towards Delu, "Whatever." She says it forceful and full of jealous emotion. Hearing L'sen's comment, she rewards him with a look that could shoot wherries out of the sky.

L'sen, so oblivious. The bluerider doesn't even notice Ayana looking in his direction, as instead he maintains that smile, glancing curiously around again and peering at each other rider.

Neiveth> Boskyth banks off to the right, and seeks to gain altitude - darting close to the blue hiding her in blindspot, earning him a reproachful squawk. Still, she finds the updraft she wanted, using it to climb high and fast, speeding increasing with intent to preassure the larger dragons chasing her.

Kazara shoots a Look at Yaria and Ayana. "Both of you, quit it!" she snaps. "We're all in the same boat, so sit back and enjoy the flight!" She's not normally so...violently verbal. Some of Kraz's emotions must be affecting her. Lovely. "It's /her/ choice," she adds, pointing at the greenrider lost in her dragon's mind, and not anyone elses." Having said that, she turns away and watches Delu again.

Neiveth> Kraznyth doesn't react as fast to Boskyth's movements; she must be more cunning than he thought. Seeing that she's gaining altitude quickly, he seeks to gain the same advantage, flapping harder and circling a bit to try to find a handy thermal. Aha! Found one! He sneaks ahead of the rest of the pack, though there's still some competition nearer to the prize than he is. Bother.

Neiveth> Kyreth moves to the right after Boskyth, ignoring the blue ahead of him as he slowly works up his speed. The air feel lovely as it rolls underneath him, his wings pushing him forward with a force he didn't realize he had.

St'vren ignores the girlfight, his eyes staying on Delu. Not outright staring, just...looking. Considering. He takes a few slow, prowling strides along the wall, passing Catriona en route. "Am I such a terrible fate?" he murmurs, smiling a lazy smile. "not a girl, no, but that doesn't really matter, not now..."

Neiveth> Erdeth makes a grab for Boskyth as she veers towards him, even as his rider takes a step closer on the ground below. He's sacrificing his position in an attempt to ensnare her early but just misses as she shoots up past him. Now he labors to make up the ground, taking the same thermal and pushing his wings harder to make up the difference. once enough speed is gained, he arrows out, curling in a tight spiral to again take up residence in Boskyth's blind spot, but now on the seven o'clock side and just below her flight level.

Neiveth> Rusuth vanes his wings and catches the same uplift that Boskyth's using, lofting even his weight above a portion of the pack. The altitude gains him some ground, and he's only a bit below and a degree of true north shy of her, with a flicker of wingspar shadow against her hide. His deep rumble of a croon is almost inaudible. Still here, bright lady, still flying.

Neiveth> Zevalyth catches Boskyth's updraft, using the same means as her to lift to her new height. He tips a wing and slowly slides to her right, angling so as to be at a better vantage. For what? Well, aside from her pretty glow he'd like to be better able to see her next move, thank you.

Neiveth> Neiveth, tilting his bright wings, curves sharply rightward after Boskyth, tail lashing once. The Reaches blue pulls up, gaining a little more altitude but losing speed in the bargain; for the moment he gives up in favor of just holding steady. There's time yet.

Catriona's nose wrinkles, distaste evident in regards to the bickering between the other riders. Her eyes follow St'vren as he moves by, an unreadable look in them, and then it's back to watching Delu very, very intently.

Neiveth> Boskyth levels out a far distance over the bowl. Far from annoyance at the fact that the males still chase, she seems exultant that they can keep up. Still, there is one thing greens are better at than the other colors. They are smaller, lacking in stamina, but oh-so-maeuverable. Why, just look at the way she banks down, and back around, a tight, dizzying turn to take her back under the pack, in the other way, with a teasing croon to those above.

Neiveth> Kraznyth fights his way to be at a similar altitude to Boskyth, then higher, only very slowly gaining the height he wants in order to swoop down on the green. Just when he thinks he's in reach...oh, shards! She's pulled a 180 on him. With a challenging rumble he banks hard to try to follow, suddenly losing a lot of that hard-won height. He manages to keep within striking distance, although barely. The small green seems to shoot ahead of him, so much more manoeuvreable.

Neiveth> Rusuth banks wide--however much he tries, he is /not/ maneuverable, and learned that hard enough to actually remember the lesson some Turns past. :etting the smaller dragons match Boskyth's aerobatics, he just curves back in the opposite direction and resumes the chase. And since there's a lot of energy lost in all thise fancy moves, he gains back his lost ground soon enough. Yep, /still/ here.

Neiveth> Oh that's just not fair. Erdeth dips a shoulder to nearly spin vertical, cutting his turn so close. See? He's maneuverable too! Still no call goes out to entice Boskyth. His eerie silence is maintained, as strong and unrelnting as the earth below. He cuts across Boskyth's wake, again taking up that comfy blind spot.

Neiveth> Kyreth keeps the pace, not going too fast or too slow as he anticipates the green's moves. He knew she was going to turn so he was dipping within a second. Still not the closest, he returns to his pace, intently watching for more quick turns.

Neiveth> Zevalyth is small too! And you wanna talk about maneuverability? Her turn surprises him, this is true, but he responds quickly. A tilt of his wings pulls him up sharply, a flip has him on his back, upside down now and pointed in the direction she's now taking. It only takes another little flip to right him, and then it's time to recapture his pace and altitude. Stamina? Might become a problem a bit later.

Yaria mutters rebelliously under her breath at Kazara, but doesn't contradict her. her time as a weyrling has apparently beaten overt resistance out of her. Instead she shifts her weight impatiently from foot to foot, falling as silent below as Erdeth is above.

Ayana turns the same stare she gives L'sen onto Kazara, deciding whether or not she's worth a comment. Then she shakes her head abruptly, turning from all the riders except Delu.

Neiveth> Neiveth makes the most of the warm Igen thermals, an advantage not often found in his frigid homeland. A moment after Boskyth, he's diving, one wing half-folding while the other remains outstretched to enable him to spin about, not quiet so tightly as the green but better than the larger males, at least, as he brings himself about in pursuit.

Neiveth> Boskyth thought she was so clever, too, but as the males are all right back in position, she lets out a draconic growl of frustration. Experience, the thing she most lacks, will be hard won. Distracted a bit, she actually slows down, tail mere inches from a blue nose, an unintentional tease as she glides the Igen skies.

St'vren might be edging a bit closer to Delu. Or he might just be slouching bonelessly against the wall and grinning in a rather unsettling fashion. Hard to tell. He's not talking either. There are so much better things to do.

The tension is almost so strong that it could be cut with a knife. Kazara glances around shiftily, feeling a little suspicious of all the people around her, even those she's never met before. Definite Kraz talking there.

WHo are you people again? Delu, in the down moment of her lifemate, comes to herself, looking almost paniced again at the encroaching riders. "Get back, away!" She comments frantically, though not without some sympathy to, apparently, her favourite bluerider of the day.

Neiveth> Erdeth surges forward, reaching for that tail right in front of his nose! Wings strain hard against the air as he attempts to grapple and pull her in. staying in her blind spot is now paying off handsomely as he attempts to once again win his clutchmate.

Neiveth> Rusuth subtly puts on some speed, using his size and the tumbling gusts he leaves in his wake to nudge a few others aside. He's after more than just that teasing tail. A sudden dark, unmissable presence near the green, that deep growling croon sounds through the thin air again. Here. Have some experience.

Yaria spreads her hands in mute appeal to Delu, not retreating. Not yet, while Erdeth makes his desperate gambit in the skies above. Delu's choice.

Neiveth> Kraznyth delights in that little bit of teasing, and flaps his wings harder, trying oh-so-hard to get closer, but not quite having the same amount of lively stamina that the lovely Boskyth does. He lets loose with an indignant roar as Erdeth neatly cuts him off, the draconic equivalent of honking the horn and shouting obscenities. He's not going to let the other get away with that so easily.

Neiveth> Kyreth moves faster when he realizes he maybe losing, trying to fly underneath to catch by surprise. He can't lose! He's frantic now, wing beating as he sees his quary up ahead.
Neiveth> Neiveth snaps once, noting Erdeth's closeness to Boskyth, a brief flicker of irritation setting muscles to quivering. However, he snaps out of it quickly, striving onward with more determination for the effort.

Ayana looks just about as frantic as her dragon, shaking her head as she finds the cool wall of the weyr behind her.

Neiveth> Zevalyth is pulling ahead of one of the other chasers, coming up on the tail of the blue who seems to be so close to the prize leading them all on this merry chase. He's comin' to getcha!

Neiveth> Panic! A blue above her, the others encroaching behind, and not much stamina left to her for speed surges, she does what any good, tired green does to escape: dive! Barely escaping her brother's clumsy catch attempt, she launches herself towards teh ground, counting on gravity and surprise to give her breathing space. Still, she is clearly flagging, young wings not ready for a truly long flight.

Neiveth> Zevalyth does /not/ follow in the same manner this time. He does dive, but not in such a desperate manner. No, his intention is to get lower than she is, but not too much so, so he'll be in the perfect catching position when The Time comes.

Neiveth> Rusuth drops like a stone, if slightly more controlled, following the emerald falling star that is Boskyth. He retains his general position, almost-but-not-quite beside her, a solid presence that will not weary even though she might. Half-folding his wings to keep from merely plummeting, he is constant, an ever-fixed mark.

Neiveth> Kyreth sees her dive. Now's his chance! He dives after her, wings folded close to his sides as he gets into position and anticipates where she'll rise up. He barely pays the others any attention, just mere obstacles to dodge pass as he make his attempt. No more waiting indeed for this brown!

Neiveth> Dive, dive! Neiveth flies onward a moment longer, just long enough to make sure this dive is no fluke; then, the young Reaches blue tucks his wings and plummets in the chase after her, a screech of challenge ringing from his voice.

Neiveth> Kraznyth is taken by surprise by the sudden dive of the green, so he overshoots by quite a bit before he manages to react. He banks hard, almost stalling, going into a dive himself to curve around slowly, trying to keep in the running for The Prize. Slowly he gains, only a couple dragons between him and Boskyth. He roars again, a 'stop hogging the road!' sound as he tries to get past.

Neiveth> Erdeth overshoots, grabbing at air. The rest of the pack is arrowing down before he folds his wings to drop, the rush of air behind him like a gasp in the middle of the night. Oh how the mighty have fallen. He's now laboring to steady himself out and catch up.

Neiveth> Boskyth pulls up a safe distance from the ground, opting away from the dangerous near-ground-pullups that some, more experienced, greens choose. Still, her hide is quite muted now, and her wingbeats grow sluggish. She tries to bank upwards and away from the back but she hasn't much left to give, and it looks likely that this is when someone will manage to land her.

Neiveth> And this is when it's good to be at the back of the pack? Or the top, depending? Erdeth has lucked out again, and he puts on his last burst of speed, trying to barrel into Boskyth and sweep her forward and out of the way of the others that would claim her.

Neiveth> Zevalyth is ready for you, lovely. He pulls up just enough to be right above and angled towards her. He reaches out with limbs and wings, so very eager to have that bit of pretty for himself. His wings remain strong, prepared to keep them both aloft if he could just catch her.
Neiveth> Neiveth times his pull-up to just before he thinks Boskyth will do likewise; the strategic move lets him shoot above her, neck craned downward as the momentum of his dive gives him speed enough to overtake her, his body extended as he seeks to drop those last few feet, right on top of Boskyth.

Neiveth> Kyreth finally gets within close contest to Boskyth and attempts to catch her. Wings beating so fast like never before in his young life, he sweeps in underneath her in anticipation, hoping the green would come /just/ alittle closer.

Neiveth> Rusuth gains even more ground, wings curving wide and welcoming as he arcs towards Boskyth. The deep, echoing sound that rasps out of his long throat is not quite a bugle or a roar, just a low cry that beckons, offering safety and respite. He's tracked her thus far, now he can bring her safely down again. His shadow flickers over green hide again, leaning in.

Neiveth> Kraznyth makes a final attempt to get at the luscious green, so tempting, so ready to pick as like a ripe fruit on a tree. He lunges forward with strong thrusts of his wings, straining to get into position just so...almost, almost... A roar as he moves in for the kill, trying to shoulder his competitors out of the way.

Catriona is tense, every bit of her. This is it, the moment at the height. She looks ready to pounce or run out of the room at any moment, all depends on what happens in the next few minutes. It all happens so fast, really.

Even L'sen's good humor is flagging, much like the green, as he takes to fidgeting and shooting hopeful looks over at Delu.

Delu gives a soft whimper, her dragon-shared senses telling them both what everyone knows; there is no more running, no more hiding. She covers her face with her hands, trembling in a mix of terrified lust.

Kazara leans against the wall of the weyr as she almost stumbles, the sheer emotion from her dragon thudding through her head, making her legs feel weak.

Ayana is still staring down the other riders, giving the 'don't go near her' look as she stays linked to her brown's mind in anticipation.

St'vren does not, quite, reach out. But he's within arm's-reach of Delu (sneaky bronzer that he is), and his dark eyes are blank and intense. Exhaling slowly, he breathes "Here--oh, here--"

Yaria makes a soft, pleading noise in her throat, all but straining towards Delu, hands still stretched out. She's the favorite. Non-threatening. Surely...

Neiveth> Boskyth's dodging of her blue brother signals the end for the dragon, tiredness causing the dodge to send her off-balance. Lacking the ability to recover, she does what seems logical to even her, and lets one of the boys take over for her. With a soft, accepting croon, she manages to move into the wings of a blue, above her, anticipating her need - Neiveth, her mate.

The pleading noise in Yaria's throat abruptly strangles. She turns hateful, unfulfilled eyes on L'sen before turning and abruptly pushing her way out of the weyr as Erdeth decamps in the skies above.

Neiveth> Erdeth peels down and back for the bowl, going to sulk in his weyr.

Neiveth> Zevalyth barks a lament, tucks his wings and dives into a near-plummet from the sky. Time for a cold bath.

Neiveth> Erdeth has left.

Yaria makes her way down the steps to the floor of the Bowl.
Yaria has left.

Neiveth> Rusuth does roar this time, a rough, tearing sound, and peels away from the group with all the speed he's been holding back. Good sportsmanship? Bah.

Neiveth> Kyreth shrieks in anger, then dives toward the bowl looking for his lifemate.

Catriona jerks as if struck and turns away from everyone to run out into the bowl.

Catriona makes her way down the steps to the floor of the Bowl.
Catriona has left.

St'vren makes his way down the steps to the floor of the Bowl.
St'vren has left.

Neiveth> Kraznyth watches the green fall into the clutches of Neiveth, and realises he's snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Awww, fardles. With a somewhat annoyed groan he banks around and sails off back to the Bowl.

Neiveth> Zevalyth leaps into the sky.
Neiveth> Zevalyth has left.

Neiveth> Kraznyth flies carefully towards the main entrance.
Neiveth> Kraznyth has left.

Neiveth> Kyreth wings to land at the Main Beach.
Neiveth> Kyreth has left.

Neiveth> Rusuth flies carefully towards the main entrance.
Neiveth> Rusuth has left.

Neiveth> Zevalyth flies carefully towards the main entrance.
Neiveth> Zevalyth has left.

Neiveth> Neiveth is as surprised as anyone else, a squawky startled bugle escaping his throat before he recovers, twining himself gratefully with Boskyth.

"NO!!" Ayana shrieks as she doubles over in agony. Without looking at anyone, she dives for the exit.

Kazara ngaarghs, a strange sound coming from her throat, and following the example of some of the others she pushes herself away from the wall and stumbles out of the weyr.

Kazara makes her way down the steps to the floor of the Bowl.
Kazara has left.

Ayana makes her way down the steps to the floor of the Bowl.
Ayana has left.

L'sen, as startled as his dragon, breaks into a grin, eyes widening as Neiveth tangles himself with Boskyth. The young bluerider steps toward to meet Delu then, letting dragon emotions take control.

neiveth, st'vren, sarai, zevalyth, yaria, kazara, kraznyth, kyreth, l'sen, erdeth, d'som, celane, delu, rusuth, ayana, catriona, chayil, boskyth

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