[Log] Do What Feels Good

Nov 22, 2005 23:00

Who: L'sen, Te'an
When: Unknown
Where: L'sen and Neiveth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen and Te'an celebrate their graduation at last.

Neiveth's View to a Kill Ledge
     A sabre's curl of smooth, sleek rock with its jagged, violent-scarred edge and dropping walls forms this narrow and nifty little ledge. As it's tucked in tight against the naturally pillared walls and set beneath larger landing surfaces for the weyrs above, alighting here is no easy feat. However, once settled, there is a neat conglomeration of smaller ledges, four or five in all, each one set at a different height and just perfect for dragons to sit, catch some sun, and spy down on the world below. The ledges run together, rough-hewn walls a couple of feet high marking their borders; jagged stairs make the transition between them possible. There is even a precarious human-sized ledge overlooking everything, though its raised edges have trapped dirt, dust, sand, and leaves, as well as a somewhat surprising collection of sunbleached bones, a green sunhat, and an old boot. The main and largest ledge, sized for a pair of smallish dragons, is in the middle of the mess of ledges. The other ledges, none larger than for a green or small blue, are arranged above and beneath it.
     For humans' comfort, some artistic hand has sculpted curved benches out of the rock face to create a semi-circle around the obsidian-fletched oval table in the middle of one of the smallest ledges, and braziers for coals and fire can be filled and lit there also against the chill of colder seasons. Rusted iron-work sconces might be restored to hold lanterns of glowlight, though they'll have to be kept well shuttered against the howling wind


Obvious exits:
Weyr Sky

Neiveth is sprawled on the largest ledge of the bunch, with L'sen nestled up beside him. "Hey, did you tell Deneth? We gotta show them, you know what I mean? And celebrate. We said we'd celebrate. Hey, you think we could get, like, I dunno. Some wine, or something?" wonders the bluerider mildly, not moving. He still wears the big grin from throughout the graduation ceremony as he lounges on the ledge.

As if Te'an would forget? Deneth gives a gleeful bugle to her clutchsib, on her way onto the ledge - luckily she's a green, rather than any of the larger colored dragons, so there's plenty of room for her to land and miss once, what a perilous ledge! But she recovers quickly enough and gets herself settled, so Te'an can squirm off of her carrying something. "I brought a blanket, I don't know about your weyr, but /mine/ is pretty .. well, empty. I snatched some wine too.." He says as he looks around for L'sen. Deneth said she saw him..

Helpfully, Neiveth crowds over until he's half on that ledge, half sliding off to one a couple of feet lower. L'sen is shoved along, scrambling up and away from the edge. "Te'an! Hi!" he calls excitedly, clambering over the blue to meet the greenrider. "Mine's kind of cozy. It came with a pretty good bit of furniture 'n' stuff, and then, well. Dad's a woodcrafter, so we have tons of extra stuff just lying around that I grabbed, and it's really nice. You gotta come see. I mean, it's not really... decorated yet, but then, I dunno how to do that, so it's nice anyway. C'mon!" He starts quickly for the inside, waving for Te'an to follow.

Deneth is less than helpful to her rider, and immediately sidles up to Neiveth, leaving the boys to do as they will. Te'an just gives a roll of his eyes to his green, and then turns his whole attention on L'sen. "Hey!" He quips, and tosses his blanket over his shoulder, seems he's planning on spending the night. "That's pretty nice, I'll have to find some .. stuff for mine. It's too empty, I almost feel like sleeping with Deneth on the ledge." He admits, and then scoots off inside with L'sen.

L'sen's Quirky Multi-Level Weyr
     Inside the elegant, dark-flecked weyr is more ironwork and heavy wood, arranged throughout four separate rooms. The walls are sleek and smooth, naturally cut through with volcanic glass, and though this weyr is stuffy in summer, it is cozy and warm throughout the Reaches' long winter. Still, like the ledges outside, each room is slightly smaller than most, quirky but charming. Each distinct area is decorated with iron sconces holding glows, which cast a warm golden light through the weyr.
     The first room of the weyr is little more than an entrance chamber. It also serves as a coat-room of sorts, bearing L'sen's heaviest coat and a lighter jacket hanging on hooks in the wall, alongside Neiveth's straps. A trio of steps lead the way to the next room further in, a living room dominated by a large hearth and a spacious dragon's couch. The couch is big enough for a pair of dragons, if small, or perhaps one large one; it's filled with the rushes common to a weyr, to warm up the chilly stone and provide some padding to it as well. The fireplace's mantle, long and large, is dominated by a very impressive collection of sporks: some just rough wooden spoon-forks with a placename carved along the handle, others truly quite pretty with inlaid bits of metal to indicate craft and hold, still others decorated with a tidy bit of woodcarving. The room's furniture is equally comfortable, all very nice and new pieces made by an excellent woodcrafter: a few chairs and a large dark table, as well as a rather beaten-up couch and an armchair placed close to the fireplace. In the corner is a cupboard containing a lovely set of martini glasses; curving up next to the cupboard climbs an elegant spiral staircase to a higher level.
     The third room in the sequence, found at the top of the spiral staircase, is the bedroom. Filled with a large wooden bed with a gaudy blue-and-gold quilt and several furs, the room is cozy and warm. On the far wall is a dresser to hold L'sen's clothes, and the bed is flanked by a pair of battered nightstands holding glows. Overhanging the room is another level, reached only through a rickety wooden ladder. The tiny floor at the summit of the quirky weyr is a child-sized alcove, not tall enough for a man to stand upright. Currently, it's being used for storage of a couple of plain boxes of L'sen's other belongings.


Obvious exits:

Outside, Neiveth is quite content to allow the riders their celebration in peace, as he crawls back onto the ledge and curls up with Deneth, crooning a low note. Inside, L'sen gestures grandly, pausing in the living room area. "See? Wha'cha think? Ain't it great?" he asks, peering all around and finally flopping on the couch. "I'm real happy with it. What do you think?" he asks again.

Te'an looks around indoors, and seems quite pleased by what he sees. "Mine's.. waaay up near the top." He gestures, then shrugs his shoulders. "Fewer neighbors, and it's -cozy-." He does seem to like his own, though does add, "This is pretty nice though.. fitting for you. Did you pick it out? Deneth picked out ours." He looks around the weyr a little more before sitting on the couch beside L'sen.

L'sen shrugs mildly, glancing over at Te'an. He sprawls out, legs stretched out and arms on the back of the couch. "Both of us, really," he remarks. "I mean, we didn't like the first one that much--it was really huge and cold and windy--too much weyr for just the two of us. S'not like Neiveth's that big, anyway. But then we came to this one, and we both really liked it. It's... unique, you know what I mean? Yours sounds nice, though. Me, I kind of like having other people around, though. I mean, it'd be lonely otherwise. I don't like not having people around, you know?"

Te'an looks down at L'sen with a bit of a grin, then tosses his blanket overtop him. "We didn't like the first one we looked at either. All roots and knobby, no good at all. But, I have an outdoor firepit! It's small, but mmm.. I can have people over." He says proudly, and then leans down to try and curl up a little closer to L'sen. "I might live way up where now, but I'm not alone. Deneth's there, and I can always visit you.."

"I think," remarks L'sen, thinking hard, "there's one of those somewhere out th--there." He falters somewhat as Te'an curls up against him, bright smile faltering. Then it's firmly back in place, and he continues, "Of course. You can always come here. Maybe I could come visit, too, sometime? You gotta show me yours, you know what I mean?"

"Of course you can come visit me! Deneth's been bugging me about seeing Nevieth lately.." Te'an says with a roll of his eyes, "Though she was just as happy getting a visit from Kienth the other day too. She's just an attention seeker.." Not that it's news to anyone. He looks over at L'sen and just gets a big grin on his face. "Yes, I know what you mean. So, when are you going to show me yours?" He asks, with an expectant expression.

L'sen grins, nodding quickly. "Course she is. But hey, s'not like Neiveth minds, you know? He likes attention himself--showing off and doing all kinds of tricks and stunts and stuff," he notes, smirking and glancing toward the ledge one more time. Then, confusion overtakes his expression. "Huh? What do you mean? I /am/ showing you mine." Ah, blissful innocence.

Te'an snickers a bit at the first, "Yeah, she likes those guys showing off for her." He admits, hearing all about other's antics too often for his own good. At the last he just winks, "What do you think I mean? I certainly didn't mean we were going to celebrate by drinking wine and falling asleep up here!"

L'sen eyes Te'an a moment, frowning as he clicks all the puzzle pieces into place. "Ooooh. You meant /that/ mine," he says sagely, nodding once. Then, almost shyly, he grins at the greenrider. "I guess not. I just... I dunno. What do you want to do? ... I... I owe you a good kiss, don't I?" wonders L'sen slowly.

"Yes! Yes, you do!" Te'an says quite happily, "See, you're catching on just fine. Really, you need to learn about a lot of things so when a girl flirts with you.. you don't just miss it. I have a feeling you've probably missed a few chances." He says with a nod, then shrugs his shoulders. "It's not like I'm going to -force- you into anything though."

"I miss a lot of things," L'sen remarks, matter-of-factly rather than sadly. He shrugs, accepting that fact. "Anyway, what's it matter if some girl goes and flirts with me? And I know that. But hey, I /do/ owe you one. So. Um. Well." Somewhat awkwardly, he shifts to face the other man, wary.

"It doesn't matter, I suppose, if you don't care if you get a girl or not. With how.. desperate you seemed.." Te'an says, trying to piece things together and wondering something before just shaking it off. "You.. well, you don't have to." He says, noting the awkwardness and wary expression, but not without sounding tremendously disappointed.

"Oh. Well." L'sen ruffles at his hair, grimacing. "I dunno. Maybe I really am desperate? Or maybe not. I dunno. Anyway, I--I--Oh, shard it." Without further stalling, he leans forward to kiss the greenrider.

"You aren't desperate. You just act like it." Te'an decides for L'sen, even if it's not actually true. He then seems quite surprised that the bluerider actually carried through, but surprise only lasts for a moment before he's returning the kiss. He even goes so far as to try and pull L'sen a little closer to him.

"Mmph," mumbles L'sen indistinctly, letting Te'an pull him over. After the kiss, he leans back just a little, studying the other rider. "Was that good?" he finally wonders. "I mean, did it, like, I don't know. Live up to expectations? 'Cause we been waitin' a long time to finally do that, you know?"

Te'an might not be that effective in moving L'sen, considering the size difference between the two and positioning. He gives a quick smile to L'sen afterwards, and shrugs his shoulders. "Could use some work, but that's okay too. Hey, do you.. actually like me or..? Aislinn says I've changed, but I don't see how.."

"We can work on it?" L'sen suggests, rather hopefully. He grins sheepishly, noting, "Don't exactly have lots of practice before, you know? But hey. I guess you have. You're not quite the same. But you're still you, just... better. Less... Well. I dunno. But anyway, I... Well, yeah. I like you. I mean, we've been through this one, right? You /do/ still like me, right?"

"I know you don't have much experience, but.. well, I worry that you're only doing this with me because.. I asked you to. Not because you really /want/ to." Te'an says, scrunching his nose and glancing over towards where the dragons are curled up, Deneth happily ignoring her lifemate. "Of course I still like you. I showed up on your ledge right after the ceremony like I'd promised, didn't I?"

L'sen grins. "I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to," he notes. "I mean, I know I'm pretty agreeable and stuff, but still." He shrugs, nodding. "Yeah, you did all right. So. Um. Well. We gonna celebrate, or not?"

"You are pretty agreeable, and I wouldn't want to take advantage.." Te'an falters a little, as he always does when someone seems unsure, or perhaps because of his own doubts more than the other's. "Well, it doesn't matter. Did you want to here?"

L'sen shrugs. "Here's fine. I mean... Here's fine," he nods firmly. "Unless... you wanna go to yours? Because, well. I /am/ agreeable, really I am." He shrugs mildly. "You aren't taking advantage, not at all, you know? I wanna."

"No, I don't want to go to my weyr. This one is pretty cozy and I doubt Deneth could be pried away from Neiveth right now, even just to fly to ours." Te'an says with a roll of his eyes. He then scoots a little closer yet to L'sen, and places his hand on the other man's hip. "Do you really?" He asks, as he slides his hand up a little higher.

L'sen is quite calm now that the decision's made, no sign of his earlier wariness and uncertainly. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Neiveth, too," he answers distractedly, sliding closer himself. "And I do, really. Stop asking me that, 'kay? I do. I mean, you do, and I do, so let's do." He snickers.

Te'an doesn't move any closer, as getting much closer would have them on top of eachother. Instead of continuing to ask if L'sen is sure, he simply gives a nod and places a quick kiss on the bluerider's lips and tugs at his shirt. "Can't celebrate properly all covered in clothes. Either you take them off, or I'll do it for you." He says with a bit of a chuckle.

"Er, well. Okay," L'sen agrees easily, nodding. He leans away and tugs his shirt over his head, tossing it carelessly onto the floor. "Okay. You gotta do it, too," he notes, eyeing the greenrider with a grin. "Or I'm not. And bet you can't make me, either."

Te'an is much more practiced in removing his shirt, tossing it off just as carelessly and then grinning back at L'sen, "Like that's hard for me to want to do? I've been wanting to get you undressed for.. well, a long time!" He says, and then reaches over to brush his fingers against the bluerider's chest. "If you want, I'll help with the rest.. It's much more fun to have someone else take your clothes off."

L'sen eyes Te'an skeptically, eyes glancing downward to the hand on his chest. "Oh. Really? Well... Okay. I'll try it, sure," he notes with a grin, glancing almost shyly over at the half-naked greenrider. "It sounds fun, anyway, right?"

"Of course it's fun! I wouldn't do it if it wasn't." Te'an says, dragging his hand a little lower to reach the waistline, and at which point he leans in to try and get another kiss out of the bluerider.

Always agreeable, that's L'sen; he doesn't protest or resist Te'an at all. In fact, he's rather eager and enthusiastic when he kisses the other man. "It's fun," he agrees, nodding. "So, uh..." Despite his enthusiasm, he's not entirely sure what's going on, and he thus eyes Te'an expectantly.

Te'an was expecting to be the leader in this endeavour, so doesn't seem at all surprised that he's given an expectant look. He just says, "Shh, don't ask questions.. just do whatever feels good.", and then presses himself fully up against the bluerider as his hands try to loop around to L'sen's back.

"Do what feels good," L'sen repeats Te'an's words again, nodding slowly. He grins brightly and is quite content to obey that command, letting Te'an press up against him as he likes.

te'an, l'sen

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