[Log] Nobody's Naked Yet

Aug 08, 2005 21:00

Who: Lassen, Linnea, Maja, Terlan
When: Day 6, Month 5, Turn 4, 11th Interval
Where: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
What: An innocent conversation turns into a discussion of who's getting naked first.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
     This shoreline marks the edge of the freshwater lake that fills the southeastern portion of the bowl. The gritty dirt of the bowl gives way to smooth sand.
     Across the lake, the bowl wall rises high into the sky, its face dotted with weyr entrances. A few dragonlengths above the water, glimpses of a level cliff can be seen amidst boulders lining the edge. Just south of here, a smaller pond of water is divided from the main lake by a natural bridge of land. A path leads across the bridge and up to the diving cliffs, winding through a dotting of small boulders on its way.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. while Timor winks as a waxing crescent though the smaller Belior closes its eye to dream. There is a light breeze that ripples across the lake.


Obvious exits:

LAke Pond Diving Cliff Bowl

Out at the lake shore, a couple of boys are skipping stones across the water's smooth surface. Lassen and his friend chatter amiably as they do so. "Hey, watch this," Lassen pronounces, as he slings one rock--and watches it sink hopelessly in the water. His companion laughs, shaking his head and turning away. "I gotta get back to work. If I don't finish everything today, You-Know-Who'll get on my back again--especially after yesterday." Talk of the previous day elicits a snicker from both, as the boy treads away. Lassen remains behind, scouring the shore for another rock.

Terlan is slowly receding in his wardrobe, once far thicker than it needed to be for this place he's actually getting down to an almost normal amount of clothing. Though with spring hitting, it could be attributed to that. He's sitting out of the way of the heavily trafficked areas, though at the sound of others he does peer and watch them. Once the other leaves, he gives a bit of a wave to his fellow candidate, but it could easily enough be missed. "Hey, Lassen." He calls out, you know, just in case the wave was missed.

Lassen jerks at the sound of his name, whirling around and stumbling as he peers at Terlan. "Oh, hey," he says after a moment, his tone light. "Didn't know you were out here." He scuffs his feet in the dirt, frowning; finally, he gives up on finding that perfect rock and heads over to Terlan. Dropping gracelessly to the ground near the other candidate, he remarks, "Man, it's really warming up, you know? I miss winter already. I'm all hot 'n' sweaty and stuff, you know?" He grimaces and plucks at his shirt, fanning himself.

"Would you have left if you knew I was?" Terlan asks, almost accusing but the light expression on his face really betrays the fact it's said in jest. He shrugs his shoulders, and comments lightly, "It's not warm, it's still cold if you ask me. But, not as much as it was. I don't like the winter at all. I miss Ista.."

Lassen blinks, surprised; he doesn't pick up on the joke very quickly. "What? Nah, no way. Where'd you get that id--oh. You're joking. Heh." He grins sheepishly, then shrugs. "Winter's the best thing about High Reaches. I mean, heat? It's okay, but I like the snow and ice and skating and snowball fights and... and all that stuff. Yeah. You Istan types--I dunno how y'all live down thattaway. I sure wouldn't."

Terlan chuckles a bit, and shrugs his shoulders, "Can't help joking around, I enjoy it too much. Besides, who knows what you've been told about me behind my back! There's a few candidates who don't particularly like me." He muses, then shrugs again and smirks, "I love the sun, and the heat. I enjoyed working in the gardens, there's nothing like that here.."

"There's always some, you know?" muses Lassen. "The grumpy ones? I always feel bad for them. I mean, it can't be any fun to, well, not have any fun, you know what I mean?" He shrugs. "Anyway, I've never been to Ista, but I don't think I'd like it very much. Or maybe I would. I guess it's mostly just what you're used to. I mean, I've lived here all my life--well, at the hold, actually, but it's pretty much the same thing, so--anyway, it's all I've ever known, so I like it okay." He grins.

"Grumpy? Oh, no! He thinks I was flirting with him, and he absolutely abhors the fact I've flirted with Josilina even though I know full well that she's weyrmated. But, what fun is it to just walk around saying 'yes, ma'am, no ma'am'?" Terlan asks, and then just smirks and leans back against the ground, or well, the pile of sand behind him. "And maybe I was flirting with him, but it doesn't mean anything. Would you hate me if I did the same to you? Or would you be able to laugh it off?" He asks, then muses for a short moment, "I lived in Benden Hold before Ista, but I liked Ista much better."

This explanation leaves Lassen somewhat befuddled: he simply stares at Terlan for a long moment. Then: "Wait--what?" He tilts his head curiously. "You flirted with who--him? Oh. Er." He wrinkles his nose, but then offers a shrug. Lassen pauses. "Um. /Are/ you flirting with him?" he wonders, sounding just a bit nervous. He edges just a little away from Terlan before continuing. "Benden? Never been there. I've never been outside High Reaches--Hold and Weyr, both."

Terlan just starts snickering at the reaction, and the scooting away that comes along afterwards. Rolling his eyes, he just sighs and wriggles a bit to make the sand a little more comfortable. "The question that should be asked is this one.. Do you /want/ me to be?" He then fixes his gaze on Lassen, and scrunches his nose. "But, I can answer that by your reaction. So, don't you worry about that." He says with a bit of a smile, and then nods at the last, "I'd only been here the once before I got searched, just for a little while."

In the sky directly above, Elindath banks and lands neatly at the lake shore.
Elindath has arrived.

Lassen breathes a sigh of relief, unsubtle as ever. "Oh, good. I, um, well. I probably wouldn't have even noticed, but hey. Thanks, I guess? Um. Hrm. I don't really... flirt? At all. I'm just no good at it, see?" A shrug ensues, and he remarks, "Yeah? Who searched you, anyway? Or have I asked you that before? I don't even remember when you showed up. Huh. I've been trying to keep track of all the new people, so I can meet them and stuff, but, well, I'm not doing too good, so."

"Verenth, Melata's blue while she was running errands in Ista. It was a while ago, though maybe you just don't recognize me without all my blankets." Terlan says with a chuckle, "Or heard Maja griping at me about where I stole them from. She's a finicky one, that." He muses, and remains laying on the ground with a nice mound of sand as a backrest to keep himself comfortable as he chats with Lassen.

A shadowed green figure snakes its way in from above, gliding in sharply angled turns until she comes to rest as close to soundlessly as a flapping dragon's wings can, coming to rest a few lengths from the youths at the lake's shore. She might be all subtle, if it weren't for the bouncing basket of glows held by a human perched on her neck, and the soft murmurings that indicate the rider would like the dragon to help her in the dismounting process, though the voice quiets as the rider catches on that there are people nearby. "Hullo?"

Maja wanders over from the eastern side of the bowl.
Maja has arrived.

"Maja. Maja. Hmm." Lassen muses over the name for a few moments, then shrugs. "Can't place the name, but I pro'lly know her. Or've seen her, anyway. Blankets, huh. Boy, that's... Well, weird. Sorry," he apologizes without sounding very sorry at all. He falls silent for a brief second, before waving enthusiastically at Linnea and her green. "Oh, hi. Come to join us?" he greets the rider brightly.

Terlan blinks as the green settles on the ground, though he does narrow his eyes to try and get a look at the rider. However, it doesn't seem enough to rouse him off the ground to go run over and greet the rider, nope. He's far too comfortable for those sorts of things while he lies lounged back on the sand pile he's accumulated. "Hello!" He calls out to whomever's on the green, and just smirks at Lassen, "Probably, she's the one poking into everyone's business, don't you know.. And it's /not/ weird, you'd probably be running around naked at Ista trying to cool down - I was just trying to keep warm."

Linnea slips down from the dragon's neck, mumbling annoyedly about unhelpful and broken legs and mrble grble, though her thin lips curve upward into a smile as she holds the basket aloft, bathing her face in greenish sickly light. "Hi." The scene is previewed, Li making certain clothing is on in the appropriate places, and, satisfied, she approaches. "Thanks." Terlan's last makes her squint self-consciously. "Sorry? I don't poke into people's business, at least not all the time." Guilty conscience much? "And wha? Who's naked?" Worried glances about: did I miss something?

Linnea climbs down Elindath's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Linnea has arrived.

Maja isn't naked. A fairly tall silhouette foreshadows Maja's appearance in the light of Linnea's glows, though Maja has none. In fact, she squints as her eyes protest the gleam of light on the otherwise darkened shoreline. Her arms are crossed for protection in the breeze. "Ah," she states, making out the other inhabitants of the beach. "Thought you might be here." She does give the other occupants of the beach brief glances, though she's speaking to Terlan.

"Well, maybe," Lassen agrees dubiously with Terlan's latter words. Then, to Linnea, he remarks, "Nobody's naked, I don't think." He scans the shore quickly, then nods. "Nope, nobody that I can see, anyway. And anyway, I don't think you poke into other people's business. Well, okay, I don't actually know if you do or not, but right now I don't think you do, so. Anyway--hey!" He next hails Maja herself, waving again. "More people." He seems excited by the prospect.

Terlan chuckles at Lassen as much as Linnea, and shrugs his shoulders, "No, nobody's naked yet.. I say Lassen goes first, how about you?" He asks the greenrider, then chuckles, "But we weren't talking about /you/ in particular, you must be as bad as I am about thinking everyone's talking about you.." He muses to Linnea, and then blinks, and pushes himself up to a more proper sitting position as Maja seems to come out of nowhere and start talking. "Where'd you come from, and how long have you been listening?" He asks her with a bit of an accusatory glower.

Linnea squeaks as another voice, one from a previously unseen source, makes noise, though she tames down the response quickly. "How did you know we'd be here? Are you from Bitra, or just a good guesser?" Her free hand finds her hips, the other holding the basket aloft to check for would-be skinny-dippers. "I didn't think you were talking about--oh, never mind." After a sigh, she looks again at the two boys, then, "Sure, ok. But don't tell L'ian. He's a stickler for the rules."

Maja actually pauses by Linnea, creating a very large group circle. "Lassen's getting naked?" she overhears, or at least pretends to overhear, frowning in the direction of the other boy she doesn't recognize. "I'm assuming you're Lassen. Unfortunately, I'm a stickler for the rules, so I'll have to protest." Her gaze flickers to Linnea, and she smiles smugly, "I am a good guesser. Just ask Terlan. - I live here, Terlan, remember? And I've heard everything you think I've heard."

Lassen glances down at himself, then up at Terlan again. "Huh? Why me? I mean, are we really all gonna get naked? Because I'm not really seeing the point, but I mean, if everybody else is..." He trails off, mystified. Maja, though, actually gets a blush from him, though he grins nevertheless. "Oh. Well, okay. What's the rules got to do with anything, though?" he remarks curiously.

Terlan just starts laughing as everyone starts talking about getting naked while he sits there and listens. "Of course we are, starting with you. Do you like skinny dipping?" He muses at Lassen, and then flutters his lashes at Maja, "Rules? What good are rules for if not breaking them? However will you cope being around me when you well know that I'm about as likely to follow rules as you are to break them." He then shrugs helplessly at Linnea, "I guess there's no show today. Maybe tomorrow."

Linnea nods hesitantly. "Is that his name? Always good to know the names of boys before they take off their clothes. Have you met my brother? Never mind, he wouldn't ask your name." Maja is given an appraising look, Li just about giving in to giggling before she bites off the response. "Good answer." To that she adds a shake of the head, "Nuh-uh. I'm not getting naked. Just you guys." Note the lack of clarification regarding the rules, but Terlan's comments cover that well enough. Elindath scoots back a pace, leaving tracks in the sand, not wanting to be too much in on whatever this is.

"I'm sure there's a rule somewhere that'd apply," Maja notes, "and I'd rather not have to go looking." She gives Linnea a rather prolonged glance, unfolding her arms only to lock them behind her back. "I'm only assuming it's his name, ma'am, and I don't believe I've ever met your brother as I don't know your name. I'm Maja." Hopefully Lassen heard that. "And I'm not getting naked, either. But Terlan's such a rogue that I'm sure he'd get naked regardless of rules. Wouldn't you, Terlan?"

"Lassen, yeah," he affirms to Linnea, nodding. "Who's your brother? I might know him. But I might not. Or I might not remember if I do, so. Um. So I guess--ooh, Maja!" Subtle? No. Lassen beams, as though he's just figured something out. He probably has. "So anyway. Um. If I'm not going to have to get naked, first or second or at all or anything, I better go. Um, meeting somebody. A friend? Yeah. See y'all later." He stands and heads quickly for the barracks again.

maja, linnea, terlan, lassen

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