[Log] Guys Will Sleep with Anything

Aug 12, 2005 23:00

Who: Lassen, Lisle
When: Unknown
Where: Water Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
What: Lassen and Lisle discuss their personal lives.

Water Caverns
     The cavern's shape resembles a huge, big bellied ship, beached and turned upside down. Tendrils of steam fill the air regardless of the time of day or night. The soothing lap of water provides a quiet background melody. Two pools take up the majority of the cavern. The smaller one is used for laundry, while bathers prefer the irregular, larger oval. Pipes, with fanciful feline head spouts, continually supply the cavern with both hot and cold water, and hidden drains lure the used liquid away. Benches slouch back against the rough stone walls, and a few hooks painted in the hues of purple, blue, and lilac allow clothing to be hung during bathing.
     The laundry has been finished for another day, the bathing pool the center of action and conviviality. As residents, riders, crafters, and children take advantage of the soothing warmth of the water, the laundry baskets start filling again with dirty clothing.

Views: Laundry Pool Bathing Pool


Obvious exits:
Lower Caverns

Lisle is off towards the bathing pool, stripping down gingerly and muttering to herself. Her hands and arms are shining greasy looking, and some wet-looking smudges glisten on her face. Section of her blonde hair are slick and cling about her cheeks and neck. "Bleh!" There are a few curses in there too, but they're mumbled quietly as she attempts to disrobe without touching anything.

Lassen is already there, sliding into the bathing pool with a sigh. He stretches out, taking up quite a bit of room and earning dirty looks from a few of the other bathers. He's oblivious, though, eyes half-closed as he enjoys the water. After a moment, though, Lassen becomes more alert, and he peers curiously around the room for familiar faces. And who should he see but Lisle, heading inside. "Oh, Lisle! Hi!" he calls enthusiastically, waving one arm and slinging water on one grumpy old lady who shortly exits.

Lisle flings the last of her clothes into a pile and turns the motion into a flippant wave, her expression cross. "Hey," she grumps. Angry bathers? Huffy old ladies? Lisle will fit right in. "I'm filthy. Greasy, sticky, filthy." She slips into the water alongside Lassen. "Where's the sweetsand?" impatience in her voice. That old woman points to a bag right besides the blonde girl. She doesn't even seem to register how obvious it was, or how silly it is that she missed it. "Right. Thanks." The scrubbing that commences borders on a frenzy of sand and suds. "How are you?" That's to Lassen.

"Ew," Lassen observes eloquently. "You are nasty. You're gonna make all the water gross, too." He edges just a bit away, though he seems mostly unbothered. "So. How'd you get like that, anyway? Chores for the day? Still, I don't think I've ever seem anybody like that. I mean, I've gotten dusty from hearths and cleaning, and yucky from the stables, and stuff like that, but just... ew. Anyway, I'm good for now. How're you?"

"I had to oil. S'rist's. flying. straps," Lisle explains, the words punctuates by her scurbbing. "They just go on for bloody ever. And I think the oil he gave me was old, too. It was sort of... thick." She makes a face, scrunching up her pointy nose. "I had to do all of them. His good ones. His really good ones. His old ones. The oil just got everywhere. I'd have been better off giving up on my clothes before I even started." And finally, not that her body is encased in suds, she seems sated and actually looks at Lassen. She gives him a smile and giggles at herself. Apprently the huff is done.

Lassen just stares at Lisle for a moment in silence. Then, he snickers. "Why'd you have to do that? I mean, I never have. You get in trouble or something? Shards, how many straps does he need, anyway?" He shrugs it off, though, and begins scrubbing himself. Rather than the frantic actions of Lisle, however, he's calm and slow, almost methodical. "So. Other than that, everything's good, huh?"

Lisle shrugs a bony, lathered shoulder. "I had 'do chores for S'rist' today and that's what I got stuck doing. It wasn't -so- bad. I mean, at least it doesn't smell. I wasn't cleaning latrines or anything. It was just sticky and messy." She cranes her arms around at odd angles, even more angular for her scrawny arms and pointy elbows and jutting shoulder blades as she tries to reach her back. "Yeah, things are good. I'm sort of tired of some of the girls whining about how they can't sleep for the snoring." Not that Lisle is innocent of a little snoring herself. "How are you? Funny that we both got searched, huh? I mean, you were just here visiting and I've been here all my life and I've never had a dragon look sideways at me before. Of course, I don't know that the one who got me even looked at me at all..." She makes a thooughtful face, which is a lot like her confused face, and shrugs again.

"There are people snoring?" Lassen says, surprised. "I never heard. Huh." He shrugs this new marvel off after a moment, though, instead commenting, "Really? Who got you? Have I asked you that before? Sria's brown--Seruth? That his name? Whatever--he was the one that caught me, see."

"Sria and Sruth," Lisle corrects, knowing the name of Reaches' Weyrsecond well enough. "That's not who got me. Is that who got you? S'reit and Malicith picked me up. He's a weird guy. I'd heard about him before and all, but never really met him. Everyone says he's really nasty and stuff." She just shrugs. There's a lot of shrugging with these two. One would think Lisle would have bigger shoulder muscles. Anyway, at this point she slips under the water, finally wetting all that white-blonde hair and turning it burnished and silvery. Then she surfaces again and starts to lather it up too. "Have you met anyone?" Obviously he's met -someone-, so it seems like rather pointless question.

Lassen grins. "Close enough. What's so weird about him?" he wonders, tilting his head. He stops scrubbing to eye Lisle mildly. Then: "Uh... like who? I mean, I know bunches of candidates, and some riders, and residents, and other people, and stuff. I mean, anybody speficic? Spefif... spe-cif-ic?" He says the word very closely and precisely when he finally gets the letters arranged properly. "Have /you/ met somebody?"

Lisle shrugs, yeah, again. "He just seemed... I don't know, smart." As though this concept were sort of abstract. "Have I met anyone? No, not really. I've bumped into Xeledyr a few times. He's sort of weird, too. Like... he's really boring on the surface, but I think that there's this fun person just sort of waiting to get out. Not like Satiet. I'm pretty sure she's no fun all the way through."

Pondering this a moment, Lassen nods. "Smart, yeah. I guess that can make him weird. I haven't seen ol' Xel in a long time, though. I'm not sure about him. I mean, he seems okay an' all, but I just don't know him all that well. And Satiet--well, I've only met her, like, once, so I dunno. How d'you know her?"

Lisle makes a definitely icky face, nose all wrinkled, lip curled. "She sucks the fun out of everything. I heard she might be pregnant though. By Ista's Weyrleader? I've never met him either, but I can't imagine what sort of guy would want to sleep with her. Likely laying with corpse with claws or a prickly-plant or something." Her pale hair has started to become a mound of white-gold and foam on top of her head. "Xel... he asked me to eat dinner with him this one time, but I think he was trying to a rise out of me or something."

Lassen shrugs mildly. "We're guys. Most of us'll sleep with, well, pretty much anything," he observes wisely. "I mean, we've all got our standards, but, well. Ahem. Anyway." He clears his throat and actually blushes a bit before continuing in his same bright tone of voice. "Dinner? That sounds nice. Why'd he wanna get a rise out of you? I mean, d'you like him or something? Or does he like you? Bet that's why he wanted dinner with you, really." He nods sagely.

Lisle cants her head, dropping a few dollops of foam to the water. "I don't think he likes me. Do you? I mean, you're a boy. You should find out. I think he was just teasing me." She pauses, thinking, as though her whole body as to stop for her mind to have enough juice. "Guys will really sleep with anyone? Would you sleep with her?" she asks, pointing at the old woman who is now looking -really- grumpy.

"Okay, not /just/ anyone," clarifies Lassen hastily. "Not her, for one thing. Somebody young and pretty and nice and cool? Well, yeah, I guess so." The woman, for some reason, doesn't look thrilled with this announcement, either. "So maybe he likes you, maybe not. I dunno. I mean, guys can be friendly without liking a girl--just look at me. But I dunno. It's... fishy. Yes. Fishy."

"How about that one? Is she young enough?" Lisle asking, pointing her soapy finger quite obviously at a young woman across the pool. She's forgotten the old lady already. "Wait, so guys will sleep with anything, but a guy can like a girl without -liking- her. Does that mean that a guy will sleep with her, too?" She arches a brow for that, half-teasing, half-asking. Then... "Have you slept with a girl?" she asks flat-out.

Lassen pauses to sort through this, then nods. "Yeah, that's pretty much it, I think. I mean, I dunno, exactly. I don't really understand all of it myself. I just know what I'd do, and what the other guys I know would do. Sort of." He shrugs. "Anyway, she's... she's okay," he remarks, eyeing the woman Lisle points out. "Maybe if she was nice and I knew her and stuff." Then, the Question. Lassen fidgets a moment, then shrugs. "Um. Well. Not... exactly," he hedges slowly, reluctantly.

"Well what if you impress?" Lisle asks, sinking down in the water with her hair still all sudsy and piled atop her head. "I mean, then it could be turns and turns before you're allowed to have sex." She doesn't seem to mind that he hasn't, doesn't seem surprised at least, but she's looking at him now rather curiously.

Lassen stares, boggling, at Lisle. "Turns and /turns/?" he squawks. "Oh, shards. I mean, I'm already sixteen. I'll be... I'll be /ancient/. A complete loser by then. Augh!" He releases an anguished wail, burying his face in his hands. One can only hope he's not entirely serious.

Lisle might hope, but she's just confused. "Well, don't... I mean..." she tips her head to try to see that buried face for more clues, because obvious this wasn't the reaction she was expecting.

Lassen peers up at Lisle, tilting his head. He seems less distraught now, as he queries, "Didn't mean what?"

Lisle frowns for a moment, trying to catch up, then she frowns harder, "Are you making fun of me? I didn't expect you to -cry- about it, but, well, most guys don't want to have to wait a few extra turns to sleep with a girl for the first time."

Lassen frowns. "I'm not crying," he notes defensively. "Besides, it doesn't matter. Not like I can, I dunno, keep from impressing or anything." He shrugs, and his mood lightens again. Innocently, he wonders, "Have you?"

Lisle lifts a shoulder from the water, "I guess," she says, forgetting all the teasing and supposed crying. But his question makes her smile, a little quirky grin of a curve on her lips. "I'm not telling you," she says, giving him a playful, sidelong look.

"But--but--" Lassen protests. "I told you!"

"So?" Lisle replies, obviously enjoying his reaction. Her wry grin grows smirky. "You didn't have to. Besides, I'll tell you someday, I'm sure. Do you really want to know?" She looks at him, a considering look with a lot more going on behind her eyes than she usually lets on. "You don't really care anyway," she decides. And then she shrugs the whole thing off as if none of it matters, but that last little flicker of a glance hints otherwise.

Lassen sighs, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Women!" He shakes his head, then presses, "I wouldn't ask if I didn't. You know me: I'm curious. It'll eat me up inside if you don't tell me. Well, at least until I forget about it in a couple of hours." At least he's honest. "Anyway, that's not the point. We're friends, right? And I answered all /your/ questions, so."

Lisle rolls her shoulders forward, smiling rather bashfully for his exasperation. "It's different for girls. If I say I haven't then I'm a prude and if I have then I'm a hussy. Right?"

Lassen peers. "Um. Maybe?" he says uncertainly. "I guess so. I mean, I dunno. Is it really different for girls?"

Lisle nods and shrugs at the same time. A variation, if you will. "I think most people look at girl differently, yeah." And pauses again, watching. "Ok, I'll tell you, but I want to whisper it." She waggles a finger at him to lean in.

Lassen's eyes light up, and he breaks into a broad grin. "Okay! I love secrets," he announces enthusiastically. Hastily, he scoots over next to Lisle, leaning close.

Lisle leans in all slow like, grinning widely to have so eager a listener. She leans in so that her lips aren't far from his ear and whispers, "I haven't, but I got close once."

Lassen 's brows arch. "How close?" he asks. "With who? Anybody I know? You gotta tell me. I mean, you can't just leave me hanging now."

Long distance to Lisle: Lassen cracks up. Lassen is such a guy sometimes. Shad'll sleep with anything, and R'dur with nothing: Lassen's the only halfway normal one. ;)

Lisle pulls back enough to blink her round eyes at him. "You want details, too? I mean, do you want -details- or? And no, you don't know him so you can't go asking him questions." She waves a pointed finger at him as a warning.

Lassen sighs. "Fine, fine. I don't know him. But yeah, sure. Go ahead. I mean, this is what you girls like to do, right? Gossip."

Lisle giggles for that. "So are you being a girl now?" Without waiting for him to answer she leans in close again and starts to laugh. "I can't tell you this -here-. She's listening." The soapy head is tipped towards the old woman. "Are you really gonna wait for two turns? I bet there a girl or two in the barracks who would sleep with you all secret like." Then those round eyes widen and narrow again, "Unles one of 'em already has and you're lying to me."

"She won't care," Lassen brushes off the older woman. "So spill it. I wanna know. And... I dunno. I mean, I guess... I guess somebody would? I mean, I'm cute and nice and stuff like that--right?" He pauses, then shrugs. "I dunno. I wouldn't even know how to approach it, or who, either. But maybe. I dunno."

"I would, I think," Lisle offers, or sort of offers. "I mean, it might be sort of weird, though. Since we're friends and all. You're cute and nice, though, it's true." And still she puts off the details.

Lassen stares, obviously surprised. "You would? Really? I mean, you're not... you're not... you're serious?" He peers at her curiously a moment, then grins again. "Huh. That might be kind of weird, I dunno. I mean, I guess not--better than some completely random person, you know what I mean? You never did say, by the way--the details? C'mon--just spit it out already!"

Lisle just laughs, not a giggle but a big, thoroughly amused laugh. It's enough to make that older lady tsk and shake her head. "Would you sleep with me?" she asks, no less surprised that he didn't shudder at the very thought. Shudder in a bad way. "We'd get in trouble, you know."

Lassen ponders that a moment, then shrugs. "I guess. I mean, we don't get in trouble if we don't get caught. Not that, well, either of us are particularly, um, sub-tle," he remarks.

Lisle just sort of grins at him, a great big grin. "Have you ever even kissed a girl?"

Lassen nods quickly to that. "Yeah, duh," he says, as though that were obvious. "Of course I have. Several times. Haven't you? I mean, kissed a guy, that is. Or... you don't kiss girls, do you? Because that's just a little weird, you know what I mean? But, um, kind of... interesting, too."

Lisle dunks her head under the water to rinse the remaining suds out, the white-blond hair is slicked back when she resurfaces and there's an excited light in her eyes. "I've kissed some guys. And one girl. And you." And she leans right in to try to kiss him on the lips, not much more than a peck really. Then she's climbing out of the water. "I have to get to sleep before I fall over right here. I'll see you tomorrow, Lassen." Her smile is terribly naughty as she gathers up her things and scampers away. The old woman grumbles.

lisle, lassen

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