[Log] Y-S-I-D-R-O

Oct 08, 2006 00:03

Who: E'sere, J'cor
When: Day 17, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Holding Cell, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere requests J'cor's presence but gets few answers for his trouble.

After a frustrating while of trying to get E'sere to talk, the guards are perhaps more willing to indulge his request to speak to the Weyrleader personally, if not privately. The bronzerider, still as stone-faced as when he was arrested, taps fingers idly on his legs as he waits the man's arrival, staring steadily across at the guards remaining with him at present.

And at last, after a long search, the guards have succeeded in tracking down and bringing the Weyrleader. The one who managed it precedes him by opening the door, and steps quickly to the side to let him by; those who were in the middle of interviewing E'sere remain, though one of them yields his chair to the Weyrleader. J'cor nods his brusque thanks as he takes the seat, scanning the other furnishings of the place (an empty residential room in the lower caverns, stripped bare except for simple concessions like a bed and chamber pot). At long last his gaze returns to E'sere, and he raises a brow.

"Weyrleader," E'sere greets the man politely, especially considering the circumstances. He watches him a moment, straightening automatically. Then: "I'm sorry if we've interrupted anything, but I had hopes, sir, that you might be able to explain more fully what all this--" a hand gestures around the room, taking in the guards still there "--is about, please. They are in the business of asking questions, not answering them, and I should like to know what my crimes are alleged to be first."

J'cor leans back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest while he considers E'sere. Though a small cant of his head accepts the polite greeting, he makes no effort to return it. "I believe they know their business, E'sere, better than you or I. However - captain?" he leans his head back to look over his shoulder, at one of the interviewers standing by. The man straightens with a small clear of his throat, and says, "Sir's been charged with conspiracy of kidnappin', blackmail, assault. Investigatin' sir in connection with murder of one Leyron, disappearance of a Peria. Possibly connected also with the assault on them eggs and -" even he pauses a moment, eyes glancing away from J'cor's, "uh, murder of a weyrwoman. Sir."

"I see. Everything, then," E'sere notes simply, not once looking away from J'cor as he listens to his list of crimes. Finally: "And may I ask what evidence there is to tie me to these crimes?"

J'cor's eyes remain averted for a moment, perhaps captured in his own reflections about that last named crime. While he's frozen doing that, the guard captain checks with him again, "Uh, sir?" The Weyrleader creaks back to life and turns towards E'sere, planting his hands against his knees while he considers him. "Evidence collected at one of the scenes which was found in your possession. Certain of your associations which have come forward."

"I should like to know," maintains E'sere steadily, frowning, "what evidence, and which associates. I believe that is one of my rights, no? To know my crimes, my evidence, my accusers?"

J'cor is slow to respond to that; the guard captain makes no effort at all. At last he raises a brow as he answers, "Your crimes have been listed. The Weyr brings charges against you; in that stead, you may consider me the nearest representative of your accusers. As to the evidence-" a thin smile, insincere, stops him for a moment. "It also has been listed. It involves, however, the rights of other people's privacy; I will consult with a harper, to see how far your rights extend in this instance."

E'sere nods once at that, his own mouth still tilted into a frown. "I should like that," he agrees, "before I answer any of your guards' questions. I should also like to speak to my own advocate, if you please."

One of the guards shifts at that, displased by it, but a glance from his captain stills complaint. J'cor only drops that raised brow, offering a small nod of concession. "Very well. Have you an advocate in mind, or would you like it arranged for you through channels?"

"Master Ysidro," E'sere answers at once, naming a recently promoted law-specializing harper who's also an old Caucus buddy of his--he's obviously put some thought into this already.

J'cor again raises his face away from E'sere, looking back at the guard captain. That man, belatedly realizing that he's supposed to do something here, pats at his pockets and withdraws a hide from one of them, a thin, leaking stylus from another. The materials with which, had this thing gone as easily as planned, might have held E'sere's confession. "Uh, spell it," the captain suggests, turning up against the wall and using it as a writing surface. His fellow-guard tenses, all the more alert to E'sere's movements now that his captain's back is turned.

For the first time, E'sere glances around to the guards' captain, brows arching in unimpressed fashion. "Y-S-I-D-R-O," he spells slowly, enunciating each letter carefully. "Master Ysidro of Harper Hall."

The captain, new to his post since both Jensen and Ashwin departed, is at least perfectly literate, and he writes down the name 'Ysidro' in large, legible letters. Once he has, he stuffs the slip of hide back into his pocket and turns back around to keep an eye out, hands braced on his belt. J'cor waits for this exchange to be finished before he asks drily, "Will there be anything else?"

"No, I suppose that's all," E'sere notes after a moment. nodding once. "I suppose we'll speak more when he arrives, then. Thank you for coming, Weyrleader." The words are plainly dismissive--the chutzpah, for the prisoner to do so to his captors.

J'cor lets out a thin snort at that dismissal, recognizing it for what it is though not responding to it otherwise. "Very well," he answers, rising to his feet. Fussing with the front of his jacket, he tugs down the edges and notes for E'sere absently, "I hardly feel my presence here has been necessary. In the future, make sure that you present your claims more clearly to the guardsmen before calling on me, and bear in mind that I am not the mediator of your case." Jacket fixed, he looks up with an arched eyebrow - he is the accuser, as he said - but doesn't linger over it as he turns to go out.

"If you were, perhaps," E'sere notes dryly, "more willing to discuss my case, your presence could have been more fulfilling here today." As though it were J'cor's own fault for making the meeting superfluous.

J'cor does not rise to the bait, walking through the door without a word - without even an arched eyebrow. The guards watch him out, but they remain in their places: E'sere will find himself with little privacy so long as he's in holding.

j'cor, e'sere

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