[Log] Broken Promises

Oct 07, 2006 22:05

Who: D'ven, E'sere, J'cor, Roa, Vanya
When: Day 16, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: E'sere is arrested.
Notes: Now with added internal commentary between E'sere and Morelenth!

E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr
     This narrow ledge is longer than it is wide, fanning out on either side of the entrance into the weyr. The stone has been deeply scored by the passage of countless dragons over the turns. Its location is optimal; natural outcroppings of the bowl wall keep the wind from raking the ledge's surface and the sun reaches the rock to heat it for most of the day.
     Inside, E'sere's weyr is laid out like any other weyr, dragon couch at the fore and rider quarters at the back. However, the decor is not typical bachelor pad: E'sere has instead taken some care in choosing furnishings--a rich dark wood desk and chair, matching padded chairs in a small seating area, and his large bed at the back--and decorations, mainly expensive-looking tapestries hung from the walls.
     The clear summer sky has been hidden behind a dense wall of clouds. They aren't dark enough yet to threaten a storm but the air has grown humid and heavy.


Obvious Exits:

Finally, sometime early that afternoon, E'sere dozes off to sleep against Morelenth, the bronze doing so as well. Now, a couple of hours lately, E'sere is starting to stir again, the bronzerider flicking open his eyes and peering up at the dragon. Morelenth is still asleep, and E'sere rubs a hand across his cheek again with a soft smile as he starts disentangling himself laboriously from his covers. Most of them are left there, only the bedspread picked up as he gets to his feet, still a little shaky. He tucks the blanket under one arm and runs the other hand across the wall as he moves very slowly and stiffly from couch toward the bed at the back. Carefully, he seats himself on one edge of it, beside Vanya, and then moves to spread the cover back out over her and the bed.

Sleep, deep and dreamless. The slumber of someone whose energy is depleted. There's a faint stirring as she's covered, a murmuring of E'sere's name. Of worry for him, the lines on her face less pronounced, but circles still dark beneath her eyes. The dark lashes brushing against fair skin as her head turns toward him, as if in her sleep Vanya is still looking after him, still concerned for his safety. A hand reaches out, searching for his, instinctively wanting to make sure he's alive. And only after she finds that hand do her eyelids flutter, consciousness returning slowly but surely. Head instinctively turning toward him. "E'sere...?"

"Hi," murmurs E'sere in return, finishing sorting out the quilt and then sliding himself in under it to curl up beside her. He manages another small smile. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep--I was just getting stiff on the stone. All the padding in the world's not enough for my old bones." Pause. "Though perhaps it was safer to stay still. My stomach--it's spinning again." He grimaces.

"Just lie still," Vanya urges, wide awake now. "Let me get you some mint water, that should help," she explains, trying to move from the bed without disturbing him. She slips from beneath the coverlet, moving to the desk, pouring a glass of water and mixing the mint. Bringing it back to him, she smiles, placing her hand on his cheek. "If you can sit up, this should help your stomach," she says, taking his place on the side of the bed. "I thought I'd lost you," she says, voice soft. "I was so afraid I couldn't save you..." But she helps him drink, and the cool mint does ease the spinning of his stomach. "Lie still, and I'll take care of you. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

"Vanya," E'sere begins, but there's no strength of protest behind those words, as he instead moves to prop himself up--wincing--against the headboard of his bed. "You don't have to baby me," he tells her. "I'll be fine if you'd just let me sit here and rest. I... I hate talking medicine." His nose wrinkles slightly, but he offers a smile as she comes to sit by him. It's not until her latter words that his eyes slide away from hers, falling again to Morelenth. "You're not the only one," he admits quietly. "But I am okay."

Once he's drank some of the mint-laced water, Vanya sets the glass on the bedside table, smiling as her eyes track to Morelenth, as well. "He was worried, too," she confirms. "I tried to comfort him, but I don't know if I actually did." She chuckles a little at the "baby" remark. "I'm not babying you, E'sere," she protests. "I'm just making certain you really are all right. That's all." She places her hands back in her lap, simply watching him. "Do you mind if I lie back down? -- will it bother you?"

"No, please," E'sere encourages her, looking back to Vanya. "I'd like that." He pauses a moment, gives the still-sleeping Morelenth another glance, then turns back to his healer. "He... We talked. I think he's more upset than I am," confesses E'sere. "I suppose I would be, too, if I had to watch him nearly die. I don't remember anything from when I got to your room until I woke up this afternoon and ate. He remembers all of it." His smile is sad as he looks down and tangles his hands in the quilt. "But the best thing about a dragon's memory is that in a few days, he won't remember it."

Vanya nods, rising and moving around the bed to the other side, slipping in beside E'sere. She doesn't fuss much with the cover, but makes sure he's comfortable enough. "Lucky him," she says, and it's clear from her expression that it will be a long time before she forgets what happened. She doesn't say anything more for several minutes, but her eyes are staring at the wall, now. "He remembers /all/ of it?" she asks then, perhaps remembering what she'd whispered to the dragon while E'sere slept. "I mean, good. If Tialith questions him, he can tell her what happened."

E'sere moves to slide one arm behind Vanya, scooting himself slightly closer as she slides in beside him. "All of it," he agrees after a moment. He's silent then, watching her watch the wall.

Vanya's eyes shift, looking up at the man beside her. There's an embarrassed blush on her pale cheeks, and she looks away after a few moments. "People ... sometimes say things they ... emotions get confused when they're frightened," she says, voice hesitant, stumbling over the words. "I was scared, and worried, and --" She moistens her lips. "I was afraid for you, and I m-may have said some things that could be ... misconstrued." But there's no resolve in the words. They're just words, spoken because they should be said. The fact she doesn't look at him is a good indication of that.

E'sere is still watching Vanya, still silent, his gaze expectant for more or better explanation.

But Vanya is silent, still, a myriad of emotions flashing over her features. "I --" A flicker of her eyes to him, and she cannot look away. "No, that's not true," she whispers. "I'm not a very good liar. What I said ..." A pause. "I ... meant it." And only now does she look down, away, ashamed. "I tried not to care, to keep it light between us, but I /do/ care, E'sere. More than I have a right to." And she places her head on his chest, listening to his heart beating. "I didn't know Morelenth would tell you."

Morelenth> To E'sere: Morelenth's touch is grim as he flashes an image of Tialith, followed close by Teraneth, aiming for their ledge. << They're coming. >>

Both E'sere and Vanya are propped up in E'sere's bed, the bronzerider with one arm about her, her head against his chest. Morelenth is asleep, or feigning so, on his couch. In light of what he's just been told, E'sere glances down at Vanya, watching her steadily with a small frown. Then, he opens his mouth and just as quickly shuts it again, head snapping around to Morelenth as he bronze starts awake with an anxious rumble, giving the pair just a couple scant minutes' warning. At once, E'sere is scooting away from Vanya, unlooping his arm from about her and rising from the bed as he abandons answering her confessions. Instead, he declares grimly, "We've company."

Vanya is confused, at first, but the comment about company gets her attention. She slides quickly from the bed, straightening her dress as much as possible. "Lie back down, E'sere," she tells him, worried that sudden movement may bring on nausea. "Please...? I don't want you moving around a lot." She moves around the bed, ready to at least look like a healer taking care of a patient, not lying in bed with him.

Indeed they do. The first bit of the afternoon's company is a long and lean queen, the newest resident of the weyrleader's complex. Tialith lands on the wingleader's ledge with a low rumble for Morelenth. It is the barest amount of civility, just the line between rumble and snarl. Roa is climbing down to land lightly on the stone and walking towards the inner weyr. She lingers at the entrance, Tialith standing tall and close behind her. "Wingleader," she greets, her tone calm and cool. "Journeyman."

Shorly after, there's another arrival. Teraneth joins Tialith on the ledge, though it's a tight fit. His own rumble is slightly more civil, though very removed and stand-offish. He does not only bear his own rider, J'cor also having arrived on his back. Sliding down, D'ven follows Roa inside, nodding to both those present but not offering verbal greetings. There's a moment of suprise and regret in his eyes as he sees Vanya, but it's quick to vanish. Once J'cor is down, Teraneth leaves the ledge for the moment, there just really not being enough room.

If E'sere feels sick again from his haste, he doesn't show it, instead ignoring Vanya's worry in favor of continuing on through the weyr's interior toward the ledge. He keeps one hand bracingly against the wall as he moves to the entrance to the weyr, taking up a post there, with Morelenth straightening to stand beside him, the bronze's eyes worried yellow again. By the time they get there, E'sere's expression is closed off, unreadable and emotionless as he stands in the entryway, watching. "Weyrwoman. Weyrleader. Wingsecond." His greetings are as cool as theirs, the bronzerider studying each in turn, though perhaps his gaze lingers longest on the latter.

Vanya's expression is a mixture of confusion and concern as she tracks E'sere's movements, ever ready to come to his aid if need be. She moves back to the desk, setting down a half-empty glass of water laced with mint. "Wyerwoman," she greets, then blinks as another dragon lands, depositing D'ven and J'cor. There's a moment of surprise and then dismay as she sees the Wingsecond, her eyes regarding him steadily for a moment. "Weyrleader, Wingsecond," she adds, finally, her own voice just the tiniest bit strained. Then she simply falls silent.

J'cor is careful to outpace D'ven by just a fraction when the two men enter the room, just as he places himself that bare inch in front of Roa as he draws up next to her. His eyes meet E'sere's when the wingleader greets him by title, but he doesn't return the courtesy. "E'sere." A quick look for Vanya at her added greeting, a small frown forming as he looks at her. "Healer, is your presence required here at this moment?"

Morelenth> To E'sere: << This isn't going to be pretty. You should send her away. >>

Morelenth> E'sere's mind is thinking quickly, racing as he ignores the bronze's words. How much do you think they know?

Morelenth> To E'sere: << If they're here? Enough. >>

Roa has, after her greeting, fallen silent as a second dragon and two more men arrive. Tialith, for all that it compacts the space, remains her head tilted to that one eye can focus on Morelenth and the other on her own rider. The weyrwoman looks now towards J'cor, no more words forthcoming but a small nod for the other newly-arrived bronzeriders.

There's no answer on E'sere's part, the wingleader standing still in his doorway, with Morelenth looming over him. The dark bronze crouches behind his rider to stare at the visitors, eyes a slow mix of agitated orangy shades as he picks up on the emotions his rider buries beneath that composed mask.

Her attention drawn by the Weyrleader's question, Vanya blinks once, then recovers her wits. "Considering how close Wingleader E'sere came to dying after being poisoned," she says clearly, "I would like to keep a close eye on him, sir," she says in her most professional manner. "He is still weak and suffers periodic bouts of nausea and dizziness still." She draws herself erect as she speaks, still standing near the desk. "That's why I'm here, after all, to see he doesn't suffer a relapse." She glances then, to the ledge. "I would prefer to remain near my patient, yes."

D'ven stands silent beside Roa and J'cor, level with Roa and so a little behind J'cor. He dosn't say anything, but he's keeping his eyes on E'sere and doing his very best not to look at Vanya at all.

J'cor's eye returns to E'sere as soon as Vanya begins answering his question, listening to her, but not acknowledging her words until she's finished. "Very well," he answers levelly. Barely a pause, and then, "E'sere, evidence has been brought against you that indicates your involvement in several incidents which have occurred in High Reaches over the past months. You will be given a chance to make your case, however, for the moment, you are required to submit to a search and accompany the Wingsecond -" this with a small tilt of his head towards D'ven - "to where you will be escorted and interviewed by the weyr guard."

Morelenth> To E'sere: << They can't do this! >> Morelenth is horrified, angry and anxious colors welling up through his thoughts. << They can't. Don't go; it won't end well. Tell them--Teraneth's--the healer can back... >>

"I'll be all right," E'sere notes, lowering his mask long enough to flash a quick, reassuring smile at Vanya before he turns back to giving the three others hard looks. It's perhaps amazing how easy that change of tone, expression, mood is for him. The smile he finally offers J'cor is tight, humorless; he nods once in acceptance. Then: "Yes, sir," he says simply. Morelenth is less calm, the bronze pressing forward for a brief second before a hand against his shoulder stops him. E'sere doesn't move except for that, but whatever mental words he tells the bronze seem to reassure him at least some small amount.

Morelenth> E'sere notes calmly, Tell L'ret.

Morelenth> To E'sere: << But-->> Morelenth begins.

Morelenth> Tell L'ret, E'sere repeats, steadily calm, no trace of anything else in the words. Morelenth can feel them, though, the hatred, the fury welling up just beneath the surface. And beneath that, regret. You were right, he admits after a moment.

Morelenth> To E'sere: Morelenth isn't gloating when he replies, beaten, << I was right. >>

If there is such a thing as being shocked into silence, then that's what happens to Vanya. Her eyes widen and turn instantly to D'ven, her gaze piercing and horrified. Her lips part, as if she would protest, but nothing comes out. She just stands there, hand in the process of reaching for one of the bottles on the desk, arrested in all movement as she stares at this tableau. Eyes widening, face paling. And then she looks to Roa. Then to J'cor. Then her head shakes slowly from side to side, total disbelief registering on her face at the Weyrleader's words. This. Is. Not. Possible... written over her features.

Morelenth> To E'sere: After several moments of silence, Morelenth replies, << I've told Agrairth's. He will tell the others, he says. >> His pause then is a pregnant one as he notes Vanya's reaction. << You promised, >> he finally notes quietly.

Morelenth> E'sere pulls away from those words, noting flatly, I was never very good at keeping promises.

At J'cor's words, D'ven looks far away for a moment as he calls Teraneth back to the ledge. It may be a squeeze, but the bronze may be needed soon. The look that meets E'sere's hard one is hard, but there's triumph, regret, and disappointment there as well. Of the three, triumph seems to be the one in shortest supply. Barely there at all, in fact.

From the little weyrwoman, there is little comfort offered. Her own face holds its own mask. Quiet, smooth, calm. It doesn't change, despite Vanya's horrifed look or the accusations laid down. Roa only steps back a little to better allow E'sere the room to follow D'ven.

J'cor has now dismissed Vanya from mind, and so the healer's shocked reaction hardly seems to register with him. He does notice the bronze, taking note of the hue in Morelenth's eyes, but leaves it to E'sere to calm him; meanwhile, it seems the task of conducting a search will be left to D'ven, because J'cor shifts aside and waves the wingsecond forward. He himself stands by as back-up, ready to assist only in the unlikely case of E'sere trying something.

E'sere is not, indeed, trying anything, simply glancing between the three again and then to Vanya. He studies her a moment, frowning slightly, then turns back to step forward, out on the ledge to be taken where they will. Morelenth stares unhappily after him.

Morelenth> To E'sere: << I forgive you. >>

And then Vanya simply turns to the desk, gathering her medicines, placing them carefully into the satchel she brought them in, face as impassive as everyone else. Her back is stiff, and there's control in her every move. When she finishes that task, she picks up the bag, turning to face the accusers and the accused. Her expression is one of the perfect professional, emotionless. If anything, her face is closed. Except when she looks at D'ven. That expression looks very much like she's been somehow betrayed. And then she simply moves forward, standing out of the way, her only concern now for her patient.

D'ven follows E'sere out onto the ledge without a backward glance. He does catch Vanya's look of betrayal, and there's a definite wince and a slightly hurt look for a moment before it vanishes. . "Stand legs slightly apart, arms out." He instructs. Assuming E'sere makes no trouble, he will then search him. The search is very thorough indeed, D'ven having been subject to several in his lifetime and thus knowing quite well what he's doing. Once satisfied, assuming nothing is found, he'll mount up on Teraneth, indicating E'sere to do the same, and take the other bronzerider to the waiting guards.

J'cor waits for the completion of D'ven's search before he allows the rest of the world to trickle back in. He spares a quick glance for the watching Roa, who - since he's making no move to join D'ven and E'sere riding down - must be his ride now; then moves alongside Vanya, though a distance of several feet still separates them. "Journeyman, as his physician, do you judge that he can be considered competent to answer questions in his present condition?" If he catches the silent exchange between her and D'ven, he doesn't react to it.

Ther's nothing on E'sere; he doesn't bother resisting or protesting, simply letting D'ven go about his business. Then, when he's finished, E'sere moves to mount Teraneth as steadily as he can, settling abound the unfamiliar bronze with a frown. Automatically he begins strapping himself in, staring stonily straight ahead when finished. Morelenth turns away, eyes drifting to angry red as he takes to watching Vanya, ignoring the arresters.

Vanya watches E'sere being searched, then as he mounts Teraneth with D'ven. It takes her a moment to register she's been asked a question, and a second more to come up with an answer. "I would advise he be given at until tomorrow morning, sir," she replies, voice steady. "As I said, he is able to move around, but I would like to monitor him for at least that long. He was given a near-lethal dose of what I believe was aconite." Calm. Composed. "With your permission, of course, sir."

At J'cor's discreet glance, Roa offers to him the smallest of nods. But then her focus slides away to watch as E'sere is searched and as he mounts a bronze not his own. Her gaze moves as words are spoken, traveling first back to J'cor and then to Vanya. Still, she says nothing.

J'cor's brows go up a fraction - hard to detect - at Vanya's request, though the quick headshake that follows is more visible. "I would suggest you select a colleague in whose ability you trust, and transfer his care to their hands." Efforts to look simply like a healer making a house call have failed, it would seem. "Meanwhile, you will need a ride down. Weyrwoman?" And he brings Roa back in directly, moving his gaze back to her.

"Of course, sir," Roa says smoothly. "What would you have Tialith ask of Morelenth, before we leave?" As the word 'we' is voiced, her gaze again flicks over Vanya, including the healer. Then she walks the few steps needed to stand beside the gold who remains in a stand herself, head up, wings slightly open. As opposed to Morelenth's anxiety, her own eyes hold the blues and greesn of calm.

This makes Vanya blink. And blink again. Her mouth opens, and there's protest written all over her face. But, after a second, she closes her mouth and nods. "As you wish, sir," is all she replies, moving forward to Morelenth, pausing a moment to offer the bronze what comfort she can. Feeling helpless is not something Vanya enjoys. Trying to convey a confidence she doesn't seem feel. "Whenever you are ready, Weyrwoman?" she says, offering the bronze a gentle stroke of her hand to his neck.

Morelenth looks back sharply at J'cor's words, the dark bronze glaring at him a moment before he reaches his muzzle over to offer Vanya a gentle, reassuring nudge as she nears him. The others are, then, ignored, the dragon simply absorbing what little comfort the healer and he can offer each other.

J'cor meets Morelenth's baleful glare without the slightest flinch, already watching the bronze since Roa's words forced his attention that way. "He's to stay on his ledge and not speak with anyone; if queried by anyone other than Vasyath, he will tell them that E'sere is busy." That resolved, he turns on his heel to face Tialith, waiting for Vanya to mount before he will.

Morelenth> The queen's thoughts, when they come, arrive with their usual blanketed weight. This time, however, there is an intensity that was otherwise lacking. The weight does not so much enfold as it does bear down. Her next thoughts are not to be taken as requests. << You are to remain here, and you are not to contact any others. If any other than Vasyath ask, you shall tell them that he, >> a quick image of E'sere << is busy. >>

Morelenth> Morelenth relays the orders on to E'sere, who accepts them in silence. Finally: You haven't eaten since before all this started.

Morelenth> To E'sere: Morelenth is outraged. << I'm not telling them that! >>

Morelenth> E'sere's answer is expectant silence, which shortly earns a mental sigh from the bronze.

Morelenth> To Tialith: Morelenth accepts the order grudgingly, his mental touch white-hot furious as he makes none of his rider's attempts to hide his emotions. << I will do so, >> is all he says for several moments, withdrawing. Then, reluctantly, he notes, << I need to eat. >>

Morelenth> To E'sere: << They're going to have Vasyath speak to me, >> Morelenth notes.

Morelenth> Of course they will, E'sere replies. I never thought otherwise. I wonder if they think we owe Mother and Vasyath some special loyalty? If so, they're sadly mistaken. I just wish... I should have liked to take care of her before we go.

The weyrwoman looks to her lifemate who, in turn, swivels her head to watch the bronze intently for several long moments. After Tialith again turns away, Roa gestures for Vanya and J'cor to mount up. The rider will settle last

With a last gentle stroke to the bronze, Vanya moves away, woodenly. She stands by the queen, taking a deep breath and forcing calm over herself. Not a word is spoken, her face composed. When she is given leave, she will mount the gold dragon, eyes staring straight at Morelenth until she can no longer see the bronze. She has no words for either the Weyrleader or Weyrwoman.

J'cor follows on Vanya's heels, swinging up a seat just behind her on Tialith's back. Although he has to busy himself with the straps somewhat, he does keep an eye on the healer in front of him; like her, he makes no effort to speak.

Roa climbs up after the other two, looking over her shoulder to make sure both her guests are fully strapped. "Morelenth notes that he will need to eat, sir," she informs the weyrleader. "Tia can ask him to contact her when he hungers, and arrangements can be made."

Vanya manages her straps, and secures herself for the trip down from the weyr. She is silent, but it's a calm enough silence, expressing almost no emotion at this point.

J'cor pauses in his strap-buckling to send a quick look at Morelenth. "If he does not need to eat between today and tomorrow morning, I would prefer that he hold off till then, when new arrangements will be made. If his need is urgent, then by all means, let him contact Tialith." Then his attention slides back forward, leaving the dragons alone while they relay their messages.

A small nod from the weyrwoman. "I'll have Tia pass it along," and by the way that the gold again regards Morelenth, is must be presumed that she does so. She remains on the ledge, awaiting a response.

Morelenth> To Tialith: Morelenth is obviously pained to admit as much when relayed the next order, the bronze cutting off his emotions from her and retreating, offering eventually only bland words: << I should like to now. It... has been a long two days. >>

Morelenth> The queen's words are simple, the weight lifting up and away. << Then food shall be brought to you. >>

Morelenth> To Tialith: Morelenth gives no answer, only retreats further within himself at that conclusion.

Tialith chuffs once, softly, and then turns away, wings lifting. "He asks for food now," Roa says, but there isn't time for more as the queen crouches and launches off of the ledge to glide down and to the bowl below.

Morelenth> To E'sere: Hollowly, Morelenth notes, << We'll get out of this. It will work out. >> This time, there's no reply, none fitting to be found in E'sere's thoughts. He knows better.

Morelenth is left behind, alone, crouching in the midst of his empty weyr as they go. Only once they've truly disappeared does he turn, retreating back to his couch and curling up again, muzzle pressing into the blankets E'sere left there what already seems so long ago.

d'ven, j'cor, tialith, vanya, roa, e'sere, morelenth

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