[Log] To See You Happy

Oct 01, 2006 02:40

Who: E'sere, Vanya
When: Day 6, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: Waterfall, High Reaches Area
What: E'sere takes Vanya to see the waterfall outside the Weyr, and they talk personal things.

Mountain Waterfall
     A half-day's brisk-paced hike from the Weyr, this clearing may just be worth the time it takes to get there.
     Against the backdrop of the purple-grey mountains, this glade nestles a deep plunge pool churned by a waterfall plunging from a river high above. The river is clear and cold; it winds on through the wide meadow and into the woods, flowing swiftly down the mountainside. The plunge pool is deep enough for a dragon to swim in, though the thunder of the falls is loud and keeps the water forever chilly. Partway up the cliff face is situated a small outcropping of rock. The aesthetically minded may simply admire the little jut while the braver may use it as a diving launch. A dark overhang behind the waterfall suggests an alcove or opening, the presence of which is better known by common visitors.
     The heat of summer has brought the little glen to vibrant life, emerald grass spattered with flowers of various colors and shapes. Small flitting insects zip to and fro, their buzzing noises drowned out by the roar of the rushing falls. The mist stirred up by the spilling water casts bright arcing rainbows when the sun glints off the spray. The lake is an inviting greeney-blue and flashes of color can be seen by the watchful; fish whose scales glint in the sunlight as they duck in and out of shadows cast by the mountains.


Obvious Exits:
Mountain Clearing (MC)

After taking long enough to clean himself up after the morning's drill session, E'sere meets Vanya back in the bowl, Morelenth at his back. When she arrives, they mount up, E'sere as always offering a hand up. Then, once their lunch and things are stowed away on the bronze, he mounts as well, settling into place behind Vanya and checking the buckles habitually before he cues Morelenth into the air. The bronze circles higher, then /between/s the short distance to the waterfall, where he takes a long and scenic spiral overhead before finally landing again, allowing E'sere to unbuckle them. "Here we are," he tells her, grinning.

Going Between always leaves Vanya breathless. Well, not that she's done it but twice now, but she gives a gasp when the three of them burst from that awful blackness. She blinks at the brilliant sunlight, and laughs with a bit of delight. "Yes, indeed we are," she agrees, dismounting with the help of E'sere's hand. She looks around herself, finding the meadow and waterfall as beautiful as she remembers. "It is just so lovely up here," she comments, her own grin wide and happy. "It's like we're the only two people on Pern, and there's no Thread, no worries, just peace." She waits for him to unload the food and a blanket, then moves to a pleasant spot beneath one of the few trees, spreading the blanket in the shade and settling down while E'sere is still near Morelenth.

"It is amazing," agrees E'sere as he nods, handing the things to Vanya while he turns back to Morelenth. Sliding the bronze's straps off, he folds them neatly and hooks them over his shoulder as he follows Vanya over to the trees. "I haven't been out here in a while, but it looks exactly the same. I don't really get out of the Weyr much these days, unfortunately," he notes wistfully as he glances over the scene. Morelenth, meanwhile, stretches out on the grass, wings spread to absorb maximum sunlight.

The sight of the bronze taking advantage of the warm sun puts an even wider smile on Vanya's lips. "I know, and I admit I'm a little worried about your stress levels, E'sere. Everyone needs a break now and then, just to get away from it all, forget all the problems." She pauses, kneeling on the edge of the blanket, basket now open. "Essdara packed lunch, so I'm sure it'll be great." She looks up at the rider, admiring the way he carries himself. "You're a handsome man, E'sere," she says, a little shyly. "You'll make an impressive Weyrleader." That he will be the next leader is in no doubt to her. "And you'll put things to right here, make it all good again for everyone."

"My stress levels," E'sere repeats wryly, making a face. "I wonder whatever for. I'm afraid, needed or no, I don't have /time/ to take a break like I should. When I get back today, I'll be working overtime to make up for this. But--it's worth it." He favors her with a smile, lowering himself to the ground beside her. He peers at the basket a moment, then ducks his head, grinning. "Don't count my chickens before they're hatched," he tells her lightly. "We don't even have a Weyrwoman yet, let alone a new Weyrleader. But thank you. I'm... I'm glad you think so, still."

Vanya nods, still convinced that E'sere will be the next Weyrleader. "I heard a few people say when Sinopa's gold rises, Morelenth's the favored to catch her," she comments. "That he's caught her before, and that the queens can choose who catches them." She shrugs, glancing over at the bronze sunning himself. "I'm not the only one who thinks he will, or that you'll be the Weyrleader, E'sere." Her voice is a little sad, but she doesn't indicate why that might be. "And, there are are teas I can make, massage techniques I know which will ease the stress." It's eyes back to the man beside her now. "All you have to do is ask. You know I don't mind." Out comes something wrapped in cloth. Bread. And other things, meat, cheese, wherry. And a skin of Benden red, Dara sneaked into the basket. "Taking a break is very therapeutic, and I'm glad you brought me here."

"He caught her last time," agrees E'sere, glancing sideways at the sunning bronze. "Just before the start of the Pass. Thirty-three eggs; it was a good clutch. And--well. I expect Sinopa favors us, anyway; we've been friends for some time now." But still he shrugs after this explanation, looking back to Vanya, frowning slightly at her tone. He does not, however, question it; instead, he quirks a small smile, nodding. "I know. But I hate to ask for favors," he admits wryly. "I know you're busy, too, with more important things. I'm glad, though, you could come with me today."

"I do have time off, now and then," Vanya replies to the last. "And spending time with you is nice, E'sere. The drills were interesting, and I have a better idea of how things work now. Once I get all my notes jotted down, I may have a suggestion or two about warm-up exercises. Not, mind you, anyone has to take my advice. I'm not here to stir things up, just hope that I can do some good." She smiles as she unwraps the food and lay it out. "It's good that you're friends with her. It will make things easier, I suspect. My only regret is that once you're weyrleader, you'll be even busier, and get yourself even more stressed." She pauses, reaching for a meatroll, settling herself on the ground, legs stretched out while she rests back on one hand. "Ask me, E'sere. I don't mind, and it's no imposition. Goodness knows I owe you for so much, but that's hardly the /only/ reason I'd do it."

E'sere quirks a brow. "I'd be glad to, you know," he tells her. "Take your advice, I mean: if you think it will help us, it's certainly worth trying. And--" He pauses, cocks his head, offers a wry smile. "It will make things much easier, yes, that we know each other and we've worked together before. I... Well. It won't be easy, no, to be Weyrleader, especially as much has to be done, but. I'll try not to let it overwhelm me, all right?" He reaches for the food as well, getting his lunch, taking a bite and chewing thoughtfully. "You don't owe me," he tells her after a moment, smiling, "but if you do ever think I need--something, you're welcome to make me sit still for you. I can't promise I'll think of it on my own, but that way, I'll still get the benefits."

Vanya chews thoughtfully, her gaze on the waterfall, watching rainbows in the mist. "I just want to see you smile, now and then," she says softly. "And to know you're not wearing yourself out with worry /all/ the time. I know it's not going to be easy, and ..." She pauses for a bite, perhaps to get her thoughts together. "... and I probably won't be able to see you much, but I just want you to know if you ever need me, I'll be there in whatever capacity you need. Healer, friend -- whatever." There's another pause while she nibbles more on the meatroll. "As soon as I've made a few more observations, I'll go over my findings. Br'ce has said I could watch his wing, as well, and I'd like to compare them with what I saw of yours today. He was interested in my research, so I let him read over my papers." There's a pause. "I just want to minimize the risks. I don't want to march in and throw everything off."

As Vanya speaks, E'sere simply watches her, frowning slightly, though not harshly. He opens his mouth, starts to comment, and never says anything, instead glancing back to the water himself. After a moment, he notes, "That's a very good idea. Our wings have a different composition, different functions--2C is in the second flight, so we're very balanced, about equal numbers of blues and greens to browns and bronzes. 3C and the third flight are weighted to the smaller dragons, and it makes them quicker, more agile, so it might change your findings some."

Vanya nods, obviously in agreement. "That's what I was thinking, though when it comes to ground exercises, there'll be enough similarities that I can formulate proposals for you both." She sighs, finally looking over at him, eyes soft and expression relaxed. "It's what you want, isn't it, E'sere? To be weyrleader, to fix all the problems you can, and bring the weyr together. To make it safe here for everyone -- riders, residents, people like me -- so we don't get hurt anymore?" The words are quiet, her expression toward him almost hopeful. "It's what I'd want, to know the man in charge would make it all good. To know I can place my trust in him totally, and believe in his dream."

E'sere hesitates, biting his lower lip a moment before he nods. "It is," he admits. "It's... what I've always wanted. I grew up watching Mother, watching Ganathon--G'thon, then--seeing everything they did for us, the Weyr, Pern. Even before I impressed, I wanted to be like them." He glances downward, picking at the food more than eating now.

Vanya smiles at E'sere's honesty to her. "Then I wish that for you, even if it means I'll not be able to be around you much," she says, equally honest. "And I'll do what I can to make it come true." There is such sincerity in her, such caring. "For now, though, I'm going to enjoy stealing you away, and capturing your attention for a little while." There's a teasing there, and she smiles. "I could get used to this peace, and to being here with you. I don't think I should, mind you, but I could." There's that touch of sadness again. "I somehow doubt your Weyrwoman would much appreciate it."

"Thank you," E'sere tells Vanya, managing a half-smile for her. "I... Thank you, Vanya. I'll... Well. I'll try not to let it eat up /all/ my time, when it happens." He doesn't deny, this time, that it will. Then, smile fading at her latter words, he sets aside his half-eaten food for a minute. "Why do you think that?"

She sits up, finishing her meatroll, and busying herself with opening a cloth wrapped cheese. "Well, if Morelenth catches the queen, you'll be ... weyrmated," Vanya replies, trying to keep her tone lighter, casual. "It's been my observation that most women don't like to share their menfolk with other women time-wise, let alone ... sleep with them." She forces a chuckle, still trying to keep it light. To sound unconcerned and a little more worldly. "I mean, even Tavaly, knowing I was just a healer working with T'zen, watches me very closely. She doesn't like the fact I'm touching him at all. So, I can't imagine your weyrwoman will be any different." She offers him the cheese, deftly cutting a piece off it with a small knife. "But it's all right, E'sere, it's worth it to see things made right here. And, I'd bow out without a fuss, I promise."

E'sere's brows knit in brief confusion, his frown deepening, then twitching abruptly into a grin as he laughs. "Oh, Vanya. No, no--it's not like that at all," he tells her, bemused. "Winning a flight doesn't mean you're weyrmated; it only means you won a flight. If I weyrmated everyone whose flight Morelenth won, I'd be weyrmated to a dozen woman--and probably as many men, too." Grinning still, he winks at her. "Flights are just flights; that's all there is to them."

There's a myriad of emotions that flitter across Vanya's face, from confusion to surprise to relief, and a smile that finally creeps over her features. "Oh." There's a wealth of meaning in that one, small word, and it seems like any vestiges of sadness lift. "So ... it doesn't mean I can't be with you afterwards?" Just to make things clear. "I mean, of course, if you still want me to be. I don't want to force myself on you, or anything." Quick to not make claims, she is.

E'sere shakes his head, still grinning. "No, it doesn't mean that at all," he reassures her, arching a brow. "A flight... It's dragons mating, yes, and while it does mean the riders will have sex, too, it doesn't mean there has to be any further commitment to it. Morelenth has won flights of riders I didn't know before; he's won them of people I don't like, greens with male riders, friends of mine. There's nothing more to it, though, after that. I have never actually been weyrmated in the first place, so." a shrug. Pause. Impishly, he wonders, "You /don't/ want to do that?"

Vanya can still blush, and she does. From the vee on the front of her shirt, the crimson creeps up her throat to her cheeks, and she can't stop it. "Well ... no ... I mean, yes, no ... wait," she stammers, then seems to get her wits back. "That's a trick question," she accuses, turning toward him. "I don't want to ever force myself on you when you don't want me to, but ... yes, I do want to force myself on you when you /do/ want me to." A pause and a kind of puzzled look on her face. "Did that make more sense to you than it did to me?" And then some of what E'sere says penetrates. "You've been with ... male riders, too?" This whole thing of women with women, and men with men, seems to stretch her hold-bred raising just a little. The blush stays. "I mean, I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just --" She searches for the right word. "-- something I never thought about, really."

E'sere's grin is absolutely wicked as he just watches Vanya blunder around the question. "Oh, I think I got it," he tells her breezily when she comes to a consensus, nodding once. Then, shrugging, he picks his food back up, turning back to eating as the conversation changes. "Well, yes, of course--many times. Most of our greens do have male riders, so when Morelenth catches one of them--." He casts her a look, smiling. "I know some people it bothers, like it's, I don't know, some kind of threat to their masculinity. It's not something I'd choose outside a flight, but--me being weyrbred, flights just being meaningless sex--it's never something that I've minded."

The blush fades only a little at the frank discussion of sex. Vanya's still new enough to that particular activity that she hasn't learned all the nuances yet. "I know it happens sometimes in the holds, but it's rather ... frowned upon as not being ... well, natural, I guess. It was something we never really touched upon at the hall. Even Master Mindhealer Simbum only alluded to it in one lecture." She moistens her lips, gaze thoughtful. "I guess it's just something else new I'll have to get used to here. Flights." She ponders the word for a moment. "It doesn't sound like anything I'll need to worry about, though. Not being a rider." She eats a bit of cheese, letting her gaze wander back to the waterfall. "Thanks for explaining. I was a bit worried I'd have to leave you alone after Morelenth wins the ... flight." Trying out the newly learned word. "That would make me sad, not being able to be with you."

E'sere shrugs again, brows arching. "It happens, I know, but I think it's something that the holds and the halls want to keep down, out of the public eye. The Weyrs accept it--with flights, with most green- and blueriders preferring men, anyway, it is natural for us," he explains easily. If Vanya is flustered, he's certainly not at all. "And..." he begins again, slowly, frowning briefly. "You don't have to worry about the same things we do, no, but. Still, you'd be better served to avoid the losers of a flight--especially when Citalth does rise. There will be a lot of unhappy, frustrated men on hand then, and while most of them are content to drown their sorrows in wine, or work out their frustrations on one of the lower caverns girls..." He trails off again, frowning at Vanya.

Vanya's brow knits, as well, cheeks still a little pinkish. As if she can feel his frown, she looks over at E'sere, head tilting to the side. "I'm not making the connection," she admits. "I've never had anyone try to force me into anything I didn't want to do." She pauses, then, biting her bottom lip a moment. "Well, didn't /consciously/ want to do," she amends, that drunken party with D'ven and Essdara coming to mind. "And, there are plenty of lower caverns girls and wine, as you say."

"Yet," is E'sere's cautionary word, grim. "We have green flights almost every day; people are used to them, and things don't generally get out of hand. But when Citalth rises, every bronzerider in the Weyr except one is going to angry he lost, frustrated by the emotions from his dragon, and more edgy than usual. I'd hate to see you caught up in the middle of it--especially if I'm not there to watch out for you, though I probably wouldn't be in much better condition myself," he confesses wryly.

His concern for her is touching, and Vanya smiles, albeit a bit uncertainly. "I ... see," she says, though she probably doesn't totally understand what he's really trying to say. "So, it's possible one of the losing bronzeriders might try to force themselves on me?" There's a hint of uneasiness in her voice. "I guess that would be ... unpleasant." She reaches for the wine skin, opening it and taking a small drink. She then offers it to E'sere. "I've seen the aftermath of such a forced seduction, once. A woman from the hold. She was ... very distraught."

"People aren't themselves after a flight," E'sere notes, frowning still. "And while it's not likely, I simply think it's something you should still be prepared for, just in case." Accepting the wine, he takes a sip himself and hands it back again, picking over the food a moment longer and then setting it aside, too. He leans back, resting his weight on his elbows as he looks over to Vanya. "And gold flights can affect more than just the riders involved: their emotions often rub off on other people, too, even non-riders, just because they're so strong. It can play with your own judgement, too, especially since you aren't used to that sort of thing, Vanya."

There's a long moment of silence, then a simple nod. "So, I can be expected to be affected by Citalth's rising as well?" Question thoughtful. "And you won't be there afterward, E'sere. You're going to be the weyrleader," she says firmly, her gaze never leaving his face. "I'll be all right, though. I'll just go to my room or something. I don't think anyone will be beating down my door. I'll be safe enough. You won't have to worry about me, I promise." She smiles then, watching him relax now. "Stop frowning so. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the food and wine are good, and -- at least from /my/ point of view -- the company is fantastic. There are even rainbows in the mist, and a beautiful bronze dragon gleaming in the sun." She smiles at him. "Life is good, E'sere, so relax and enjoy it before I pounce on you, and /force/ you to let me give you a massage!" Oh, yeah, like /that/ is a threat.

"That's a good idea," E'sere agrees, nodding, quirking a faint smile. Though, at her latter words, he erases it, replacing it with the most comically dark scowl he can muster. "No. No, I refuse. I demand to be miserable," he tells her goadingly.

Vanya gives him back a very stern look, sitting up on her knees and putting both hands on her hips. "I don't issue threats like that lightly, bronzerider," she says, her voice low and challenging. "You will be miserable at your own risk. Don't argue with a healer. We have special ways of taking care of recalcitrant patients, you know." Those green-gold eyes narrow to slits, and if it weren't for the tell-tale twitch of her lips, she does a credible job of looking down right mean. "I'm no weakling you're fooling with. You're going to relax or ... or --" A moment to think of something suitable. "-- I'll spank you." There, now he's bound to be afraid. Riiiight.

E'sere chokes back a laugh as a cough, covering his mouth with one hand as he glances downward. "Would you really?" he wonders, when he's got himself under some measure of composure. He inflects his voice with a touch of arrogant disdain. "Oh, now I'm terrified, healer. Truly. I shake in my boots."

"I would." Firm, positive. "Don't dare me, or you'll find out why all those people think healers are evil," Vanya warns, her eyes still narrowed as she shifts her weight a little, reaching down to move a couple of things out of the way. Nonchalantly. As if she's just maybe getting something more to eat, changing her mind and then setting it back down. "I'm not afraid to spank a bronzerider." It's a funny thing to see, really. "I mean, T'zen already has me pegged as the healer he most wants to hate. I have a reputation to consider here."

"As do I," E'sere answers with feigned solemnity. "We bronzeriders are notoriously difficult to do with: I carry the honor of myself, my dragon, and generations of compatriots on my shoulder when I say, 'I don't think you really will.'"

Vanya arches a brow in a perfect imitation of E'sere's own often exhibited expression. She regards him thusly for a few moments, her own arrogance reflected on her face. "Try me," she finally says, and it's obviously a challenge, now. There's a glint in her eyes that is positively wicked as she moves across the blanket toward him, there's nothing in her way, now, after all. "And I might even toss you in the water afterwards." Oooh, another threat. "That should cool you off," she says in mock seriousness as she stalks her target.

E'sere doesn't move, only sits there and waits, regarding Vanya with an expression mixed of expantancy and challenge.

It's at this point that Vanya drops forward on her hands, now prowling across the blanket like a hunting feline. Not, mind you, she has /any/ idea how she's going to actually implement the attack. As she's pointed out before, she and any kind of physical fighting are total strangers. But, shells, doesn't she look threatening? There's not a word spoken as she regards E'sere. And, only when she gets closer does she make a feint to the left, hoping to draw his attention there while she pounces right.

E'sere is smarter than that, for good or bad: his eyes track Vanya but he doesn't move until she commits herself to the right. Then, quickly, he reaches up to grab her, to pull her in to his chest and lean back onto the ground--certainly not trying to fend her off. Indeed, he has a smug, cat-ate-the-canary grin as he looks up at Vanya: this was exactly what he wanted all along.

Well, it /was/ a good plan, only it didn't quite work the way Vanya planned. Still, she's not about to give up the fight, and does her best to pull free, but that's just not happening. Hard to struggle when you're laughing, after all. She didn't mean to laugh, but it starts with a surprised "eep," moves into a giggle, and then straight into laughs. "I'll never get the best of you, will I?" she says, lying on top of him, arms trapped by his. "But, losing does have it's advantages," and her smile is impish. She might not be able to spank him, but she's not without some imagination, and his neck /is/ now within reach. Vanya manages to get at least one stroke of her own against her captor.

"No," E'sere says matter-of-factly, breaking into a grin as she gives in. "And it's all winning, in the end." At her touch on his neck, his eyes flicker briefly closed, then open again to look up at her. "Vanya," he begins, that smile fading slightly. "Before we go any further--I should ask you something." He is, for a moment, silent, lips pursing. Then, he says simply, "Pregnancy--" and no more.

Vanya stills for a moment, face growing serious. "I'm a healer, E'sere," she says softly, eyes meeting his. "There are ... herbs." She doesn't say more; no need. "I won't ... I don't want ... wouldn't do that to anyone," voice a whisper. "I've seen too many, too much --" A flicker of emotion crosses her eyes. "I ... you don't have to worry." Taking the responsibility on herself. "And ... I've heard that a short trip Between can fix ..." Again, she doesn't finish, just leaves the words to trail into silence. "That would complicate things too much, and I promised not to complicate your life, remember?"

"I had to ask," E'sere answers simply, with a wry frown. "I knew there were herbs to prevent it, and /between/, of course, though that's a last resort, after the fact choice; but I didn't know if you took those herbs, or had thought about the possibility any." He flickers a quick, small smile at her, reassuring.

Vanya's smile is soft. She's had this conversation before, recently, as a matter of fact. "I wasn't, that first time, no," she admits, honest to a fault. "But afterwards, yes. I began taking doses of purgin berries, though I won't know for certain it worked until --" She blushes slightly, now, talking of such intimate things with him. "-- my cycle runs. The berries work, but usually should be taken during the cycle." Probably more than he needed or wanted to know. "If it was too late, well, Between isn't the only way to ... to take care of it." She's falling back into known territory. "I made sure to read up on it after we became lovers."

E'sere nods slowly, just slightly, offering another faint smile to the woman lying against him. "I understand," he agrees easily, reassured. "I understand. I just wanted to make sure, in case. If anything does happen, though, please--tell me, and Morelenth and I can take you /between/. We don't mind, of course." Pause. Then, quirking another smile, he repeats, "Lovers."

"Isn't that what it's called?" Vanya asks, uncertain. "I've heard it described as that, but if I'm wrong, if there's a better, more appropriate word, just tell me," she adds, brow slightly creased. "I don't want to make a mistake, and say something I shouldn't. Or ... presume." Ever self-conscious, ever doubtful of herself. Better back in safer territory. "There're even herbs that will keep a man from getting a woman pregnant," she says, "only they have to be taken more often." A pause. "I'll tell you, E'sere," she agrees, lifting her eyes for a glance at the sleeping bronze.

E'sere himself is hesitant at the question, biting his lower lip. "I think that could be considered appropriate," he finally offers, vaguely. "And--I think that might impugn my masculinity." The latter is offered in lighter tones, joking.

Vanya nods, then gives him a small smile and an indulgent shake of her head. "Spoken like a true bronzerider," she teases gently. "And, it would just remove the worry of being close," she tells him with a wink. "But, far be it from /me/ to even suggest you impugn your masculinity, especially when I'm about to take full advantage of it." With an impish light in her eyes, she leans her head down and begins an assault on his neck, right there, in that very sensitive area just below the ear.


Later, lying drowsily on his back on the blanket, E'sere has his eyes closed, mouth tilted into a pleased smile. "Mm. Vanya?" he queries after a moment, one eye cracking open to peer at her. "You are... You--" He stops, purses his lips, not, apparently, finding the words he wants. Finally: "You learn fast."

"Mmm...?" She's lying in the sun, basking in the warmth of it on her skin, unashamed that she's unclothed. Arms behind her head, her eyes closed. "I had a good teacher," she murmurs, a rather indolent, lethargic expression on her face. "And, Delia at the hall used to get these lurid books. Really awful, filled with impossible love stories. She'd read them to us after we were supposed to be sleeping. I tried not to listen, but it was kind of impossible." She chuckles. "Is learning fast how to please you a bad thing?"

"Did she." E'sere's smile broadens as he rolls onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow, head in head. The other hand he uses to trace abstract patterns along Vanya's bare stomach, touch light. "I suppose that's a girl thing to do. Boys just share stories of their own exploits--true or not," he notes. Then, with a bemused smile, he adds, "And certainly not. I hope I've learned you as well already? I, at least, had the advantage of entering into this knowing what I enjoy."

The muscles of her abdomen ripple at the near tickling touch. "Do they?" she queries, her brows arched, but her eyes still closed. "I always wondered," she admits. "It wasn't this girl's thing, but, then I was pretty convinced there'd be no man who'd ever /want/ me in that way. I wish I'd paid more attention to those books, but I was too busy studying." She sighs and relaxes, enjoying the pleasure that touch brings. "Yes, you've learned me," she whispers. "I'm very pleased. You quite well uphold the reputation of bronzeriders everywhere. They'd be proud of you," she teases, stretching a little, eyes finally opening.

"Practical experience," E'sere notes lightly, "is so much more beneficial than books. Didn't they teach you that--that working a shift in the infirmary was a hundred times better than studying diagrams in the records?" He leans forward to offer a quick kiss, lips twisting in a smile. "You're not just saying that to stroke my ego, are you?" he murmurs.

"Practical application is always the best teacher, but I did enter into this with /some/ knowledge, particularly about anatomy," Vanya replies, rolling her head to the side and looking at him. "Diagrams are all well and good, but they're nothing compared to the real thing." She smiles, a hint of teasing in her eyes. "And, no, I'm not just stroking your ego, E'sere. I don't lie, remember? I'll let the grown up horde of pre-teens do that. I enjoy what we do, and I like knowing you enjoy it. I know I'm not all that experienced, but I do learn quickly, especially when it's a subject that interests me."

E'sere grins at Vanya. "No, I don't believe they are," he agrees with her, bobbing his head slightly. And, to the latter: "You'll learn--you /are/ learning. I can tell the difference already. It's always interesting to watch someone develop, especially like--this. I have to say, you've impressed me. I... didn't really expect this to happen, or to... keep happening," he confesses after a moment, smile wry.

A shadow crossed over the meadow, clouds whisking by overhead. Vanya doesn't say anything for a few minutes, then rolls onto her side, forcing E'sere's hand to drape over to her back. "Are you upset it has?" she asks, reaching her own hand up to brush at that stubborn lock of hair, smiling when it falls back into place. It's become a habit with her, just a slight gesture she enjoys. "If you are, I can keep it a strictly work between us, though it will be ... difficult. If that's what you'd prefer, though, I will. I don't ever want to see dismay in your eyes when you look at me."

E'sere's lips purse as he looks at Vanya, arm resting at her waist lightly. "Vanya..." He hesitates, setting teeth to his lower lip. "Vanya," he tries again after a moment. "I don't want to hurt you, not at all, and I'm... I'm worried that that will be what happens, despite our best intentions. I do like you, Vanya; I enjoy your company. But things... Things are not going to be easy for me for the next few months, and I don't want to see you dragged through that, through all these awful politics, along with me. I can't escape them, but you--you don't deserve that, Vanya. You're innocent in all this." He offers her a small, sad smile.

What can she say to that? A plethora of emotion pass, each one leaving a trace on her features. Her eyes search his face, not certain what she's looking for. Finally, Vanya reaches her hand back to his face, fingertips trailing from temple to jawline. "E'sere," she says, her voice soft, kind, "I can't say I know everything you'll be facing, but I'm not totally innocent anymore -- and I don't mean that because of what we've done together. I don't think I've been innocent since the night the Weyrwoman died." Her finger moves up to trace his bottom lip. "I believe in you, E'sere, and it's my choice, really. But, I'll do whatever it is you wish of me. I'll step away, if that's what you want. I only want you to know that if you need me, I will be there for you. I made that promise that first night in your weyr. Nothing's happened to change that."

E'sere glances downward at Vanya's touch on his face, releasing a breath. "I don't know what to tell you," he admits after a moment, after rubbing his own hand across his eyes. He turns back to her with a tight smile. "I'm sorry, Vanya. I am. I... You would be better served to have never become involved with me, but... I'd not wish that." He pauses, lips pursing. He leans closer in toward her as his brows furrow, too. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me, Vanya. I couldn't bear knowing that our involvement led to someone wanting to hurt you--physically, emotionally--your repuation, anything. I'm worried that someone will want to hurt me, and they'll see you as a way to do that."

Again Vanya's quiet, but her eyes speak volumes. "I don't know what to say, E'sere," she says, voice small and not hurt, but certainly not over-joyed. She's spent too many turns controlling her emotions to let them break again, so easily. "I could say I don't care about myself or my reputation, but I do. I will do what it is you ask of me, but I can't say I'll enjoy it, and it will be ... difficult." She lets her hand drop away from his face, letting rest on his shoulder. "Maybe it's wrong of me, but I've come to care for you. I don't want you hurt because of me, anymore than you want me hurt. I /do/ know that." She sighs softly, trying to smile. "If that's what you want, then I'll keep my promise to you. I won't complicate things for you anymore than I have already."

Biting his lower lip again, E'sere studies Vanya with dark eyes. He's silent, silent several seconds before he leans in just that much closer. He murmurs, "What do /you/ want?"

There's silence again, then Vanya answers with a simple, "To see you happy, E'sere, however and whatever it takes." Simple words. "To know that I helped put a smile on your face now and then, and to be with you if you need someone." She pauses. "And, maybe to find a little pleasure and comfort for myself, at the same time." She takes a breath, releases it slowly. "I'm not looking for undying devotion or eternal love. That only happens in those books Delia had. I want to know I made someone smile, and maybe eased the burden they carry." Vanya gives a soft laugh, and smiles. "To be with someone I trust, and who trusts me. A friend."

Thoughtful, E'sere studies Vanya a moment, glancing downward. "I'd like that, too," he confesses after a moment, voice quiet. "I'd like that, too. It's been... a long time, anyway, since I had that." Pause. Forcing lightness into his voice, he adds, looking up again, "Especially with these benefits."

There's a touch of color on her cheeks at the "these benefits" comment. Vanya chuckles very softly, saying, "What benefits are those? Massages and picnics in a meadow? Or being threatened with spankings?" she asks, her hand smoothing over his shoulder. "You have that, E'sere, that goes without question. If you need me, I said I would be there for you, and I will. I'd help you battle your enemies, even at the cost of my reputation." She laughs then. "It's pretty much in shreds anyway, after my stunning display of bad judgment." She's not upset at it, anymore. "It's my choice to be with you, E'sere, a choice I made freely, without coercion. I'm here because I want to be, no other reason."

"I'm not used to that," confesses E'sere sheepishly. "I'm used to people hanging around for my dragon, my knot, my family--not for /me/. It's... nice. It's nice. Refreshing. Sometimes I think it would have been easier if I'd been an ass--then, I'd know they were all just sucking up to me, but. I'm just not made that way." He lifts his shoulders in an awkward shrug, managing half a smile for the woman beside him. "When all this blows over..." he begins.

"...you'll be Weyrleader," Vanya finishes for him, smiling, "and I'll be long forgotten in a mound of paperwork and women who'll be beating down your door." She chuckles. "E'sere, I don't think I can play games like that, just empty flattery to get something. I saw too much of it at home, and at the Hall. I'd rather someone know and respect me for what I am and what I can do. I'd rather know someone chooses to be with me, instead of seeing me as a means to an end. I don't have that kind of position or power, anyway, though I am of the Ruathan Blood. If Uncle thought it would buy him favor from someone, he'd have married me off turns ago. He doesn't think I'm worth anything, so I was safe." She does smile at him, let her hand caress his shoulder. "I have nothing to gain and nothing to give but me, and that I've given you."

E'sere quirks a small smile in return, glancing downward but looking unashamed of her analysis. Though, he hesitates again at her latter words, eyes cutting upward. "Your uncle. Do you think... What do you think he would do, if he knew--?" Unspoke: what we've been doing.

This gives Vanya pause. "Truly? -- I can't say. He'd probably puff up and bluster and call me a whore, say he expected nothing more from a half-Blooded git," she says, and she can't totally keep the bitterness from her voice. And then she sighs, "Or, he could look into your family connections and decide it was an advantage to be exploited." She shrugs one shoulder. "He's unpredictable like that. Calculating, always looking out for himself, making the best political alliances." Another pause. "That's why he'll never hear anything from me. I had to let Mother know where I am, but I'll never go back to Ruatha unless I'm forced to."

"My mother," says E'sere, grimacing. "My mother... She had an affair with a cousin of Lord Nabol's. An otherwise unnotable cousin, but it led to me, and it led to Nabol having no coverage when the truth came out--when Odern decided to make a fuss about it. And it was... it was partially my fault: I never cared who my father was, not at all, until, suddenly, Ganathon told me. He said... He said I'd be Weyrleader next, and I should know. But he knew all along that I'd--I would go to Nabol. I had to meet him, my father, had to... had to know. And I was stupid, and I got caught, and Mother had to step down because of it, just like Ganathon knew would happen. Just like he planned so he could bring in his Igenite wh--who he wanted to lead. It's no wonder Mother decided to move to Telgar, with S'lien, now is it?"

Vanya listens and when he's finished, she nods. "I don't know what to tell you, E'sere, but I don't think you have to worry about my uncle making such a fuss, not over me. He sees me as an embarrassment, the child of his sister by a lowly, un-Blooded healer. He gave us a home because my grandfather insisted, otherwise, Uncle would have tossed us out." She looks at him, and it's with compassion. "I'm sorry they did that to you. You didn't deserve it, and it was wrong of them. If I could, I'd tell them so, but I'm only a lowly healer, too. I have no voice anywhere but the Infirmary. Even then, others out-rank me by seniority, if nothing else. I can only be angry for the injustice of it, angry for you, with you. It was wrong."

"And I thought Odern would be happy," E'sere notes wryly, shaking his head. "I thought he'd see it as an advantage. The Weyrwoman Diya and I tried to talk to him, afterward, but he didn't want to listen. We promised him everything we could--Mother always favored Tillek because it was her home, but we tried to tell him we could help /Nabol/. He wouldn't listen. He just... wouldn't listen. And now his people are dying." He pauses, glances downward again. "That's why... that's why I had to fly Nabol, why I had to even when the Weyrleader said no. Because it's my fault that this happened in the first place. I--" he looks up again, fixing her with an intense, earnest gaze "--I don't want to see that happen to you. We can't afford trouble with Fort right now, anyway, and I don't want to see it happen to you."

Vanya feels a lump growing in her throat. "E'sere, I'm a nothing and a nobody," she says, equally in earnest. "If Uncle wasn't insulting me, he was ignoring me, punishing me because Mother married a man she loved, not some pompous ass just like him. I'm not important enough to cause trouble. Uncle has Honi and Roui, the perfect Lord Holder's daughters. They're promised to sons of major holds, and he's probably forgotten I even exist. He has Mother there to torment," Vanya says. "And you /did/ help Nabol, and that was good of you. Maybe you went against orders to do it, but you did it for those people, and I'm proud of you. I doubt you and Morelenth were the only riders protecting Nabol that day. Oh, E'sere," she says, taking his face between her hands, leaning forward and kissing his lips. "I admire what you did, never doubt that. Don't you see you're worth more than any of them? I'd not give two marks for men like Uncle, but you ... you're worth more than they'll ever be."

"I--do you think so?" E'sere asks, looking up at Vanya, eyes dark with concern. It's an expression that makes him look younger, boyish with the need for reassurance, validation. "Really? I don't... I don't feel like it, sometimes. They, after Nabol, they called me a hero. Are you really a hero if you're only doing something to undo what you did before? I don't know. I don't think so." He shakes his head, frowning; and then, after a moment, manages a tiny smile for her. "I'm sorry for your uncle," he tells her after a moment. "I wish... I wish things were different, but... maybe it's better, if he won't raise a fuss about--"

"As long as he has my precious cousins, Uncle won't care what happens to me, E'sere. It would take ... I don't know what it would take for him to notice me in any other way than disdain. I don't think there /is/ anything that would make him sit up and see me as anything but an embarrassment. Certainly not as an advantage," she says, trying hard not to sound bitter. Vanya shakes her head. "Don't be sorry for me, though. If it hadn't been for what I went through, I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be with you, this moment. And, yes, I think what you did was heroic. You could have turned your back, ignored the need, and let a lot of people suffer needlessly. Even if you felt it was your fault -- which I don't see why you do, but we won't go into it now -- you did your duty and you protected Pern like the bronzerider you are. You ignored adversity and stepped up and did what was right. You put aside your anger and your personal feelings, and I'm honored to know you. Honored to call you my friend, to be your lover."

E'sere's smile broadens, becoming truer at her reassurances. "Thank you," he tells her, leaning forward to indulge in another kiss. Then, pulling back: "I want to show you something," he tells her, moving to stand. "Come on--we haven't even been in the water yet."

Vanya relaxes and laughs, allowing herself to be pulled upwards. "Isn't it going to be cold?" she asks, her eyes glancing to the water. "And, I'm not a strong swimmer, I warn you." But there's complete trust in her expression, in the way her fingers entwine with his.

"Frigid," E'sere answers with a smirk. "But that just means that afterward, we can warm back up again." He offers her an exaggerated wink as he leads her to the water, stepping into it without hesitation. "It's not hard," he tells her. "Swimming isn't. Come on--Morelenth can come pull us out later, maybe. It's deep enough hear for him." He makes his way on into the water, staying in the comparative shallows--there's only one brief intake of breath as he gets deeper, pausing waist-deep and then setting off around the edge of the water toward the waterfall, still leading Vanya behind him.

Frigid? -- that's an understatement. Vanya gives a gasp as well, but does her best to keep up with E'sere, shivering at the chill. It's that promise of warming up again that keeps her going, and there's no sense protesting since the roar of the falls would likely drown out her voice. Teeth chattering, she draws closer to E'sere, perhaps to leech some of his body warmth so she doesn't turn blue, or something. "W-whatever y-you say," she murmurs, already beginning to feel like she wants that warming up part /now/.

E'sere just grins at Vanya, doing his best to keep from showing signs of the chill getting to him. He leads her own up to the waterfall, then slips around behind it--getting soaked in the process, but sliding neatly into the alcove behind it.

By carefully clambering around the rim of the plunge pool, staying close to the cliff wall, you can enter the mouth of a small cave hidden behind the waterfall.

Mountain Cave
     This small cavern has just enough room for a modest sitting and sleeping area for two people. The inner stone is so dark as to be black, and the rocks that shape it provide surprisingly good insluation from the chill and roar of the falls just beyond. It's clear this space has been used before as small niches have been carved along the wall and are just the right height and size for the placement of glowbaskets. There's also a small, round indentation carved into the floor on one side and within are old ashes from a time when it was used as a firepit. Despite the comfort, the cave is perpetually slightly damp from the spray of the falls outside.

Obvious Exits:
Out (O)

Shivering, Vanya follows drenched and now truly cold. But she's thrilled, as well, peering into the gloom and smiling as she sidles even closer to E'sere's warmth. "This is ..." She stares around herself in wonder, curiosity piqued. "... nice." It's also warmer than the water, and the roar of the falls is muted. Light is diffused through the water, casting ever-changing shadows in the small cavern. "It looks like it's been used before," she comments, glancing at the walls. "I wonder who used to live here...?" she ponders, as water pools around her feet. "With a few amenities, it could be quite comfortable."

E'sere rakes back his hair with one hand, the other moving to slide around Vanya. "I don't know," he confesses. "I've known about it since I was a child--we used to hold Conclaves here, when we were boys, or stage fights where our parents and the nannies couldn't see--but I've never known of anyone actually living here long-term. I imagine some holdless have used it before, but." He shrugs slightly and steps further in, toward the warmer and drier back of the cave, brushing water from his face as he does so. "I like it, though, myself. Very--private."

Vanya nods, some of the chill leaving her. "Private is good," she comments, her expression thoughtful. "It would be nice to have a place to be totally alone, or maybe with someone special." She follows, her feet making splashy noises on the stone floor. "It's actually large enough to put a pallet in, and with a fire, it would be downright cozy." There's a thoughtful tone to her voice, as well. "People could meet here, and no one would ever know..."

E'sere's brows furrow at Vanya's latter words, the man cocking his head slightly, questioning. "Yes..." he agrees slowly.

She snuggles a bit closer to him, her arm sliding around his waist, as well. "I wonder if anyone else remembers it's here," she muses, looking at the very deserted look of the place. "I don't think anyone's been here in a long time." Vanya lifts her head and smiles. "With a few odds and ends, it would make a perfect place to just hide from everyone for a little while. Take some doing to get things in here without them getting wet, but ..." She leaves him to either pick up on her meaning, or ignore it.

"It's possible," agrees E'sere, nodding his head once, quirking a smile for the woman cuddled against him. "A nice little getaway when the world gets a little too overwhelming. Which is unfortunately frequent these days..."

"Yes, and not impossible to reach on foot, though it's a bit of a distance," Vanya agrees with a sly smile. "A runner would be able to make it, or, say, a dragonrider who just happened to spy a poor woman trudging her way up the path and kindly offered her a ride. I mean, no one in the weyr would ever see that, if she was out on the road." Her other hand snakes across his stomach, sliding easily over his wet skin. "There is rain gear and water repellent material that could protect anything that had to go under the falls, and who cares if clothes get wet? A fire would dry them easily enough."

Nodding slowly, E'sere glances around again, brows arching. "I never really thought about it before," he muses after a moment. "But it certainly does suit. It'd make a nice little place for a tryst--a romantic little rendezvous." Dramatically, he sighs. "Not that I've anyone to share it with. Did you happen to notice any of my hordes of preteens outside?"

Vanya turns her head and peers toward the entrance, sighing. "No, I think they must have been snatched up by all those other bronzeriders when their hearts were broken by you," she replies, tsking sadly. "I suppose you will have to settle for an old, decrepit healer," she adds, that impish glint in her eyes. "You know, the one who's a fast learner? I hear she's been hanging around, just waiting for you to notice that she adores you." There's a soft laugh from her that echoes a little in the small cavern.

E'sere is fighting, failing, to keep that smirk from tilting his mouth upward at one corner, brows sliding upward as he does so. "Does she? I hadn't noticed," he murmurs in return, giving in, smirking. "Perhaps she should take more direct approaches for this dense man."

"I'll be sure to let her know," Vanya replies, trying equally hard not giggle herself. "A more direct approach, hm? Well, I hear she's got a pretty good imagination, and isn't afraid to use it. Inventive, and her specialty is that indecent, unorthodox thing called massage." It's difficult now, to keep her lips from twitching. "But, she's kind of shy, so it might need a little encouragement from you to let her know her attentions are welcomed."

E'sere's answer is unequivocal: he leans back, damp skin pressed to the stone bracingly as he tugs Vanya closer, then leans forward to press his mouth to hers.

vanya, e'sere

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