[Log] Sharing Confidential Things

Sep 29, 2006 23:30

Who: E'sere, J'sek
When: Day 4, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Where: E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: J'sek stops by with questions.

E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr
     This narrow ledge is longer than it is wide, fanning out on either side of the entrance into the weyr. The stone has been deeply scored by the passage of countless dragons over the turns. Its location is optimal; natural outcroppings of the bowl wall keep the wind from raking the ledge's surface and the sun reaches the rock to heat it for most of the day.
     Inside, E'sere's weyr is laid out like any other weyr, dragon couch at the fore and rider quarters at the back. However, the decor is not typical bachelor pad: E'sere has instead taken some care in choosing furnishings--a rich dark wood desk and chair, matching padded chairs in a small seating area, and his large bed at the back--and decorations, mainly expensive-looking tapestries hung from the walls.
     Playful summer winds ruffle the landscape, turning calm waters into choppy whitecaps and smooth ground into a dusty obstacle course.


Obvious Exits:

As evening starts to creep across the Weyr, E'sere is once more holed up in his weyr with Morelenth, idly reorganizing the hides on his desk. The bronze is curled up on his couch, looking out to the ledge.

Regardless of the "playfull" winds outside, a watchdragon can be seen slowly coming in to land on the ledge outside. The brown settles only briefly, allowing his passenger to dismount safely to the ledge below before taking off again. And now, J'sek stands alone and hesitant. Areteth is well asleep and he hadn't thought to send much of a warning to E'sere. So the weyrling approaches the entrance of the weyr, slowly, lingering not quite in or out of the weyr itself.

Morelenth chuffs a greeting to the watchdragon, eyes settling on the passenger left behind. E'sere works a moment longer, cleaning up the things left out, then turns, heading for the entrance to meet his guest. "J'sek, good evening. How are you?" he questions, offering the weyrling a smile. "Please, come on in and have a seat."

J'sek relaxes a little when E'sere's greeting is heard. The weyrling smiles lightly, "Good." he replies at first, before adding, "Trying to keep Areteth from driving himself and me mad about the wind. He sleeps, finally. And you and Morelenth?" He rambles for a bit, before nodding his head slightly as he shuffles his way over to a seat, hesitating again for a moment before sitting down. "I hope I wasn't interrupting you?" he eventually asks, perhaps only now remembering some of his manners.

"The wind?" queries E'sere, quirking a brow as he follows J'sek. He settles into a seat opposite the bluerider, watching him. "We're well, both of us. I was just picking up some things--I had to find something, had to drag everything out to do it. Besides, I never mind having company. What brings you up here to see me?"

J'sek shrugs his shoulders lightly, "Yeah, the wind, of all things. He has to know how things...work. And if I don't know, then he makes me---us, find out." he says, correcting himself midway. He smirks now, but just as light as his smile. Now it's his turn to raise one brow, before chuckling softly and dryly. "Decided to take you on your offer to talk. I believe the last time we did, you said to come by anytime?" And now he shifts somewhat nervously in his seat.

E'sere grins, nodding. "Ah, I see. Yes, that could get troublesome after a while. Morelenth is, fortunately, not quite like that, but." A shrug; he leans back in his chair more comfortably. "Yes, that's right," he agrees easily. "I'm always happy to have visitors, especially you weyrlings. I like to get to know you before I have to fly with you."

J'sek smiles thinly. "I guess you're lucky then? It's just not Areteth, either. He somehow dragged Iusath's interest into the whole mix too. So it was the two of them for that time, until it was pretty much forgotten." His shoulders shrug again, and while he doesn't quite relax yet, he's not longer so fidgety. "Well...good to know I'm not intruding then." he says with a more genuine smile now. "And it seems like it'll take forever until we can even begin learning to fly, let alone thinking on joining the wings." Then there's a silent pause and the weyrling's brows knit together in thought, eyes dropping for amoment before looking back up to the Wingleader. "Do dragons, always share their thoughts or maybe even images with eachother? All the time?" Sounds more like a question for R'vain, but J'sek seems offset by something now that that question has been asked.

"Did he now?" E'sere quirks a brow, looking intrigued. "I know K'rom said Iusath was very curious, too: did they team up against the two of you, then? It's always worse when they try to mob you like that." His nose wrinkles wryly, then cocks his head as J'sek questions him. "Hmm. It depends on the dragon, I think. They're like people: some of them are very talkative; some aren't. And it depends on how well they know the dragon, too--Morelenth's more friendly with, say, Citalth or my wingmembers than he is with those we don't really know. But he doesn't share everything with any of them--there are some things we keep just between us."

J'sek nods his head slowly, "Not so much against us, as we were both speaking with Tavaly at the time. Areteth gave most if it to me. I'm not sure how much K'rom got from Iusath. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice." A quick pause. "Does this 'mobbing' happen rarely?" The weyrling smirks again, arms now loosely crossing over his chest as he settles back into his seat. He listens attentively to E'sere, only to wind up looking troubled or slightly confused. Seeing as it's J'sek, it's mostly a mixture of the two. "Really? So nothing private. At all, even when they were young?"

"Again, it varies," E'sere notes with a wry half-smile. "Morelenth and my wingsecond's brown are fond of teaming up against us sometimes, if they're not happy with what we're doing. And sometimes some of my riders' dragons try to talk us into things, but." A shrug. "I... I'm not sure what to tell you, really, J'sek. I'm, by nature, a private person, and Morelenth is very similar--and we've been together long enough now we understand each other and know what we neither of us mind saying. It is different, though, when they're young: you're still adjusting to each other, and their personalities are often just beginning to develop."

J'sek once again, listens attentively while E'sere explains. And even when the Wingleader does so, J'sek himself only seems to become more confused, his expression clearly showing some sort of conflict of thoughts. "I didn't mean to ask such a strange, personal, question. It was just on the top of my head." he says, shaking his head a bit. "Thing is though, is Areteth isn't the one who's--sharing, I suppose? I got it from him. From Iusath. Images, basically. He didn't understand them so he just passed them on to me." He lifts a hand to scrub at his chin slightly, causing some of the next words to be mumbled. "And I don't know if I should tell K'rom what she shared." He then straightens a bit and chuckles lightly. "Listen, I didn't mean to come to ask you such weird things." Now he's nervous again. "I should've probably gone and harassed R'vain."

"No, no," E'sere says reassuringly. "I don't mind. It's what I'm here for, too, you know--our good weyrlingmaster may be /officially/ in charge of your training, but I've always thought that you would benefit from other influences, too. Now." Thoughtfully, he pauses, lips pursing slightly. "Morelenth has done that as well: relay things to me when he doesn't understand them. I have... always considered it a mark of our partnership that we can work through these things together, and that we don't have to keep things from each other, at least. Telling a dragon is as good as telling the rider. You don't think K'rom knows what Iusath told you?"

Nervousness dies down again, only to be replaced with the ever present frown that J'sek seems to always sport at one time or another. "True.." he murmurs, before shaking his head again. "I don't keep things from Areteth. I don't think I could. Only time I cut him off was---when Roa had to reset his leg." He grimaces slightly. "It was unpleasant enough to barr him that way." Now he goes quiet again, regarding E'sere with a long, thoughtful look. A bit of a nod, and he calmly continues. "No, he acted no differently. Iusath shared..." and his voice seems to lower after a faint, frustrated sigh. "...something I'd consider very intimate. It really took me by surprise. Especially since I was busy speaking with Tavaly and K'rom. Unexpected."

"Did she now." E'sere frowns slightly himself, raising a hand to rub his chin. "I would... I would probably speak to K'rom, then, privately. He should know that she's shared those things with others, so that he can ask her to stop or deal with it however he sees fit. I'd hate for her to get the idea that it was okay to share those feelings, images, whatever they were, and send them to someone inappropriate--our weyrlingmaster, for example, or the Weyrleaders."

J'sek gives a bit of a frustrated sound again, low and almost a grumble. "I would speak to K'rom about it. If I knew he didn't---Well, if I knew he wasn't so keen on attention. I don't want him getting the wrong idea." His mouth twitches a little at the corners, moving from a smirk to a grimace. Then he's smiling; changing like night to day. "No...no that wouldn't be good. Amusing, in a bad, sort've way, but no." Back to being more solem. "I guess I'll just face him then and get it over with." Now he looks again to E'sere, possibly making direct eye contact for once. "You won't share this with you?" Still not quite trusting, he is.

"Well, you'll just have to be careful to make sure he /doesn't/ get that impression," E'sere agrees, nodding. "I still think he deserves to know, and I'd much rather a friend like you, J'sek, tell him than someone who would be less considerate of his feelings." Pause. "And everything that goes on in my weyr," adds the wingleader, "is entirely confidential."

J'sek simply seems to give in and leans back into his chair again, even slouching a bit. Arms are still crossed, but one raises so that his fingers can scratch at the side of his neck idly. "You're right, E'sere. If I've the chance to speak to K'rom alone, I will." He then mutters shortly afterwards. "I thought I had been careful before." Another light smile and a change of subject "Good." he says, seemingly reassured. The weyrling then leans forwards, as if to begin another round of questions and conversation when his focus seems to shift. Instead, he hurriedly announces. "Areteth is waking and no doubt, he'll need me." There's a pause and he smiles a little more widely. "Thanks for listening. Someday I'll let you do most of the talking." And already, he's moving to stand, only to pause half way. Oh right. He's in a weyr, not on ground.

"I'll have Morelenth take you down," E'sere tells J'sek as he stands as well, the bronze already moving out onto the ledge himself in preparation for ferry duty. "And, you're quite welcome, J'sek--I don't mind you coming, or asking questions. In fact, you're always welcome to come back again if you think of anything else, all right?"

J'sek appears grateful of E'sere's offer and nods his head even as he begins to head out towards the awaiting bronze. "Thanks." he says, still smiling. Not so nervous now and strangly enough only now has relaxed. "I will, when time permits. I'll keep it in mind." A finger taps slightly at the side of his head to emphasize that as he leaves.

j'sek, e'sere

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