[Log] Weyrlingmaster

Sep 29, 2006 19:49

Who: I'daur, Josilina
When: Day 26, Month 4, Turn 9
Where: Weyrling Training Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Josilina has an offer for I'daur.

Dragon> Zunaeth senses that Lhiannonth reaches for your attention with a polite tickle - what might be the equivilent of throat-clearing among riders. << Good afternoon. Mine wonders if yours is free at this time? If he is, she wonders if he might meet with her in the training room for the young-riders. The weyrlings. >>

Zunaeth> Lhiannonth senses that Zunaeth, on his end, is silent, accepting the message but offering no reply for several seconds. Presumably, this entails a conference with his rider, for, after a space, he replies with warm threads of agreement, noting, << We are coming. >>

Weyrling Training Room
     This large room was cut deep into the cliff side and is lit only by glows. There are two large stone tables running east and west. Behind each table is a stone bench for the weyrlings to sit on, not very comfortable admittedly, but wood is too valuable to use for this purpose. At the north end of the room is a smaller stone table and chair, used by the WeyrlingMaster. Behind that lies a map of the northern continent, the areas that each Weyr protects carefully marked.
     On the east wall is a detailed depiction of a dragon's wing with the anatomy clearly marked. If you look at the west wall, it's covered with many Wing formations. In the back of the room are a couple old, scratched up couches. Originally they were in the colors of High Reaches Weyr, one black, one dark blue, but now it's a little difficult to tell which is which.

Weyrling Board

Obvious exits:
Bowl Candidate Barracks

Josilina's standing just shy of actually being behind the Weyrlingmaster's table; she seems a little hesitant around it, even so long removed from weyrlinghood. On the desk's corner sits a few hides and a knot.

Zunaeth deposits I'daur in the bowl as close to the barracks as he can get; the rider thumps heavily to the ground from his neck and pauses there to get his bearings. Then, purposefully, he heads over to the door, stepping inside and forward to meet Josilina. "Weyrwoman," is his greeting as he comes to a halt in front of that desk.

Josilina loses some of her unease as I'daur comes in and she stands a little straighter, smiling in welcome. "Just Josilina, please. Good to see you - I'm sorry I haven't been able to check in with you sooner since your transfer. How's settling back in going for you? And for Zunaeth, of course."

"And you, Weyrwoman." I'daur doesn't follow that particular instruction very well, though he does quirk a wry smile. "It's going well. Getting reacquainted with the place, the people--met your new Weyrleader the other night."

Josilina pulls a half-grimace, but it's good natured from the smile that follows, "Good to hear. Oh?" curiosity arches her brows, "What did you think? Or, how did it go? If you don't mind my asking. It must be - strange, coming back to a new Weyrleader." She pauses and checks herself, smile twisting a little wry, "Two, even, I suppose it is."

"I think S'rist was Weyrleader when /I/ impressed," I'daur answers drolly. On the subject of R'hin: "We didn't get to talk long--'fraid there was a little scene going on at the time. Said we'd talk more later sometime, though, haven't had the pleasure yet."

Josilina chuckles softly, "I know he was when I did, for sure." She nods, listening to the rest, lips lightly compressed. "Mmm. Well, you can't blame me for being curious. He's young, it has some of the Wingleaders in a flurry - I'm trying to keep tabs on things. Anyway," she brightens in both tone and look, "you - probably? know why I wanted to meet with you. S'din's decided to retire, and especially with your experience in the weyrling program down south, I'd like to offer you the position here." She sets a hand on the knot, sliding it forward a little as she says this.

I'daur snorts when she mentions the wingleaders, smile dryer. "Do some of them some good, probably," he remarks, shaking his head. Then, eyes fall on the knot, and his mouth settles into a frown as he observes it, then glances up at the goldrider. "I figured," he agrees simply. "And... I'd be glad to, suppose."

"Probably," Josilina agrees, hastily adding, "don't tell them I said that, of course." Her head tips to one side, curious, at the frown and she probes, "Suppose? Would there be a problem? We wouldn't offer if we didn't think you were qualified, you know."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Weyrwoman," replies I'daur, one corner of his lined mouth twitching upward again. In explanation to her latter: "Never really thought about it before. Thought I might volunteer to assist next time around, but. Wasn't really expecting S'din to retire, either, but like I said, I'd be happy to do it."

"Appreciated," Josilina says, with a little dry humor of her own. "It was a surprise," she agrees, more seriously. "It seems like he's been teaching forever. Which I guess is why he'd retire; everyone's got to take a break someday. But wonderful! I'm glad you'll do it. I think the program will be good for some fresh perspective too, I mean if you picked up anything down south they don't teach here." She picks up the knot now and holds it out to the bronzerider, "Congratulations, Weyrlingmaster."

I'daur, reaching to accept the knot, turns it over in his hands, watching him a moment; and then nodding, slipping it into his pocket. "Thank you, Weyrwoman. I'll do my best," he agrees, nodding once.

"I'm sure you will," Josilina nods to match. "Now," she taps the hides on the desk, "these have some information that S'din left, I think. I think he's willing to stay in an advisory role for a bit too, if you want. If not, well, it's all your call. You're welcome to staff as you see fit, too, with assistants and all. I'd reccommend talking to Amilin, Dasmareth's rider - she's been S'din's senior assistant for some time. Even if she's not to continue on, she might have good tips." She pauses, then asks brightly, "Any questions?"

The gears turning in I'daur's head are almost audible; reaching to slide those hides across toward himself as well, he nods absently to Josilina. "No, Weyrwoman, I think I'm good. I'll look through these, see if I can talk to them. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Josilina sticks her hands in her pockets, looking pleased, and starts for the door. "I'll leave you to it, then. And - " pausing, "thank you. It's really appreciated, that you'll take it on. Good luck! And feel free to get in touch should you ever need it, I'll see you around!" And with a wave she strolls out.

zunaeth, josilina, lhiannonth, i'daur

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