[Log] No Time Like the Present

Jul 30, 2006 22:57

Who: Aolani, Cayri, I'neph, Soriane
When: Day 22, Month 2, Turn 443
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
What: Soriane suggests I'neph give Aolani a tour of the Weyr. I'neph agrees. Aolani will probably regret accepting.

Living Cavern
     Huge, still mostly the natural shape of the bubble cavern that formed it though embellished with intricate columns, the living cavern is large enough to seat over two thousand people at any given time. But it has fallen into a state of disuse, for the most part. There are long gaps in the room where tables must have been at one time: Now, there are only twenty tables - each with space for twenty-five people - left in the room, where once there must have been closer to eighty tables. They are all gathered near the northeastern wall where the largest of the room's four hearths are. The rest of the space seems bare. There are a few smaller tables to seat five or six people scattered randomly throughout. Though there is easily room for twice as many, and still many bare swathes of wall that should boast tapestries, there are only three hangings in the living cavern, and all of them are small given the grand scale of the cavern: Two are Fortian brown with the black "Fort" symbol on them, and the third is a light brown field with a brownish-bronzish wing breaking out of the shell of a single white egg. Up a set of handsomely carved stone steps is the Weyr's large kitchen, wrapping around balcony-style with a view into the cavern.
     Dinner is over now and the food has been put away. Those seeking food have adjourned to the kitchen or the nighthearth, leaving the cavern mostly empty. It's late in the evening in the winter. The fire is kept stoked and warm and a klah pot is usually kept near it for warmth.

Soriane........Blue-gray eyes, black hair, Late teens. Fit.
I'neph.........6', athletic; olive skin, dark brown eyes & hair; early 20s.
Aolani.........20, fair build, 5'7", dark curly hair, grey eyes, cinnamon skin.

Bowl..........................[W] Inner Caverns.................[S]

Occupying the area of the Weyr few are inhabiting, Aolani is parked close to the hearth for light more than heat. A neat arrangement consisting of her sketch/notebook and a few different shades of charcoal sticks is splayed before her. Other than a wedge of cheese, the Miner is quite solitary.

Soriane hurries in from the bowl, chased by a blast of cold air. Furitively pulling her coat closer against herself and ducking her chin close to her chest, she makes her way toward the stoked fire for the klah kept there.

Aolani seems to be embellishing a current sketch from memory, making good use of the four colors of charcoal available to her. In a near vacant space any entrance that admits a tail of winter wind is bound to be noticed. Leaning back somewhat, Lani broadens her view of Soriane whom she seems to recognize from the other night in face alone if not name. "It's lukewarm at best," flipping a remark about the state of the klah.

Ambling into the living cavern, I'neph has a plainly discontented expression as he stops by the serving tables and notes the absence of any food.. With a disgusted sound, he turns back away and starts toward the kitchens. However, when he passes the hearths along the way, he backtracks a couple of steps to them, stopping again. "Hey, Ao...lani," he gets the name right, even if he has to pause. The pause is even longer when he notes Soriane, but he finally manages a wary, "Soriane."

Soriane lets a very disheartened sigh escape. "I'm freezing! Can't they keep it hot?" She turns on her heel, dismay writ clearly upon her features. I'neph should be use to such greetings, even if it's unintentional. "I'neph, hello. Aolani, right?" A friendlier smile for the other female is offered as she finds and settles into a seat.

Halting the motion to gnaw on her tiny block of white cheese (traces of the last example of food for the evening), Aolani withdraws her hand back to rest on the table. "Good evening, I'neph," voice ringing with subtle pleasure for her remembered name. "That's right. You're friends with I'neph here and J'tei, right? I didn't let my name formally drop the other night, but I see you caught right on." Perhaps it's the hearth warmth loosening her tongue for she both engages Soriane and smiles adequately.

I'neph has the grace to look sheepish as he catches Soriane's expression, glancing downward and then over to Aolani. "It's not so bad. Warming up already, I think," he notes, words for Soriane even if he doesn't look at her. To Aolani herself: "And probably because I just said that. 'Friends' is kind of strong for us--" a wave toward himself and Soriane "--and kind of weak for them." He shoots a brief sideways glance at the other girl.

Soriane's lips pucker for a brief moment, "They're Weyrlings together. J'tei's trying to get along with I'neph, even if he doesn't always make it easy." The bronze weyrling is given a small look that's judging, but a fraction friendlier then normal. "Anyways, did you ever figure out what you wanted to do with that stone thing you found?"

Aolani's lips make a gentle 'o' of compliance of I'neph's clarification of their relationship and doesn't seem to go there. "Like two stones racing down the same stream." Classing the two bronze weyrlings in a simile fitting for a rock scholar. "Actually I haven't yet. It's just getting acclimated to collecting dust in one of my sample bags. It's not alone," She gives a pliant laugh.

I'neph glances askance at Soriane again, lips pursing; then, quickly, he leans over to mutter earnestly to her. He mutters to Soriane, "Look,... other... I really... I... to be... know.... well." He shifts uncomfortable as he breaks off, shaking his head once and then turning back at Aolani. "Really. Huh. That's... nice," he tells her, without much enthusiasm.

Soriane senses "I'neph glances askance at Soriane again, lips pursing; then, quickly, he leans over to mutter earnestly to her. "Look, about the other night. I'm sorry, okay, I really am. I didn't mean to be all... you know. How I am. So, well." He shifts uncomfortable as he breaks off, shaking his head once and then turning back at Aolani. "Really. Huh. That's... nice," he tells her, without much enthusiasm."

Soriane listens to the mutter, the end result of it has her looking up at him with a smile. "You're forgiven then." Just like that. Motioning to a seat near their circle, she more or less invites him in, but rather quickly says to Aolani, "J'tei doesn't have to compete. He's doing good already. I bet he'll even be Weyrleader one of these days." Such confidence!

Aolani effectively begins shading anew to prevent embarrassment when I'neph and Soriane speak privately. Even if doing so, it's better to not make it look like you're eavesdropping. "Hm. That would be quite an accomplishment." Not disclosing much emotion on fickle dragonrider affairs. Storm-grey eyes spin towards I'neph. "And what does your future hold?" It's a question based more on desire than fortune-telling.

"Wait. What?" I'neph repeats, blinking at Soriane. "That's it?" He sounds offended. "No yelling at me? No hitting me with hides? Hmph." He folds his arms across his chest and turns back to Aolani, without taking any heed of Soriane's invitation to sit.

I'neph adds to Aolani, "I'm... Dunno. I'll graduate, I guess." A shrug--quite a change from his usual boastings on that particular subject.

"I'neph will probably do as little as possible," Soriane says quite conversationally. It's not meant to be an insult, just fact. She even smiles at him as she nods her head, "I don't need to yell at you, really. You know when you're foolish. That's enough for me. But-" Here she straightens and fixes a firm look on him, "'thein won't let you keep talking like that. I don't want him getting in any trouble and I don't want you getting him in any trouble either." I'neph, be warned. "-I think you should give Aolani a tour of this place. You've been here long enough."

Aolani revels, "Aw, no long-range aspirations? I thought all bronzeriders had those," taking a small risk at the vague information she's heard and recycled. All this confidence in conversation sinks to a dead stop like feet in quicksand when Sori mentions the word 'tour'. "He's too busy I'm sure and I'm seldom free either," her wrist flicks waywardly at her folio in idle shadowing. Scritch scritch. "I've seen a lot on my own, you know. I walk a lot." Logical explanations signed and dated, the apprentices focus falls to her work by default.

"Oh, yeah. Grand tour," agrees I'neph, not responding to Soriane's latter words, not even looking at her for the suggestion. "I guess I could, if you want. Sometime." This, to Aolani, though he doesn't sound particularly interested in the idea. His offer of, "You should see some of the deserted passageways--they're amazing," is more mechanical than anything else--it's just what he's supposed to say.

"But it's nothing like what you'd get if you had a native showing you around," Soriane says idly, "See? Even I'neph doesn't mind. And that's saying something." Soriane falls silent to blow on her hands and viggorously rub them together before the fire.

Aolani really was set in her mind that she knew enough of the Weyr to keep her busy for at least an advancement of six months. But I'neph brings up the passageways where he previously claimed to have spotted more quartz and Aolani's innate interest bubbles. "Could you point them out to me?" trying to get something for nothing (I'neph should be familiar with the concept). "What were you doing outside?" She broaches some conversation devoted to Soriane for a recent change.

I'neph shrugs. "Always willing to help out, that's me," he agrees after a moment. "I'll do better than that--I'll take you there myself," adds the bronzerider with more enthusiasm. "I know all the best spots, you know what I mean?"

"I had to walk here," Soriane says in a matter-of-fact tone, "A few times. I kept forgetting things and had to go get them. It's so -cold- out there-" She huddles as close as she can get to the fire without leaving her seat, "And I have to go back out /again/. I'll freeze before it's through, I swear." Soriane stops there, pausing only to look curiously at I'neph for his eagerness to give Aolani a tour.

Aolani sets her hand gripping the stick of brittle charcoal down fast enough where she instantly regrets it. The dialogue halts before a quick examination of the drawing utensil occurs. "Faranth," the breath she releases is soft with reassurance it wasn't broken. But the prior interest is slipped comfortably back into. "That'd really be welcome. It's always a quest for a Miner to get bigger and better samples. So how do you know about these 'roads less traveled?'" Eyes squint with curiosity at Dioscuth's rider, perhaps even dubiously. "You could borrow my coat- it's not particularly thick, but it's long. Do you need it tonight?" Not really knowing what 'it' is, but bound to aid its collection.

"It's Fort. In winter," I'neph explains in his best talking-to-children voice, unable to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes, it's cold. Yes, we all deal with it, some of us without the bedheaters that others have." He shakes his head, then glances sideways at Aolani, smirking again. "Oh, don't worry. I can get you a good sample," he reassures her. "You don't live here your whole life without figuring some things out."

Soriane sniffs in an injured way, "You don't have to be so rude about it, I'neph. It's not my fault I don't have proper winter clothes." The look she regards him with suggests it might be /his/. Saying she had anything to say about it. Butting out of their conversation for the time being, Soriane focuses on the warm fire.

Aolani continues to fiddle with the charcoal despite blackening fingerpads. "Then I'll trust your judgment." She replies with a glance to her forgotten, and like aged further, cheese. Trusting I'neph may or may not be like Napoleon and Waterloo. "If I'm not in it you're welcomed to my coat. It's usually on the south peg board." Again offering Soriane. It seems Aolani's in a trusting mood all around tonight.

"There's stuff in stores," I'neph points out in return, snorting. Quickly, though, he looks back to Aolani. "Really? Good. Got time tonight? No time like the present." He seems in a remarkably better mood for her agreement, too.

Cayri comes in from the bowl.
Cayri has arrived.

"No, no," Soriane says, now prompted to reply, "I can't take your coat. I'll be fine. Besides, you might need it one of these days." Though I'neph's comment makes her nose wrinkle, she nods in his direction, "I can go look for an extra coat there too. I'm sure I'll find something."

Aolani instinctively looks down at her leatherbound codex like it's also her calendar. She cradles her chin with a hand fluidly. "No, I'm not doing anything tonight." The other hand closes the book with a small puff of black powder expelled from old diagrams and figures. "If it's not in use, use it. I /insist/." Strengthening her stand on sharing what little she has, especially when its not being worn.

I'neph frowns at Aolani, brows knitting. The two girls are seated at the hearth, I'neph standing nearby. "Fine, whatever. Lemme know whenever you got time, then, I guess," he tells the miner. No more enthusiasm for her! Instead, he turns back to Soriane, volunteering, "I can help."

"Oh no," Soriane says quite firmly, "I don't think that's such a good idea. I can go myself. I've got plenty of time and I know my way around them just as good as anyone." I'neph gets a smile for his effort. Even Aolani is given a shadow of such, "It's fine, really. I wouldn't feel right taking someone else's coat. I'd likely have to try and make it fit, which would make it useless to you. No. I'll go with something from the stores."

Cayri slips in quietly, looking exactly like someone who ought to be in bed, knows it, and shirks it anyway. She bounces on her toes at the entrance, making well and truly sure that no one of consequence /coughM'varicough/ is in the room before she comes in any farther. All quiet on the entrance front, she starts on across the cavern towards the hearth: A natural destination on a cold night. She chimes in at once, only a fractional clue what's on the conversational menu, "You can wear mine."

Aolani places each hand on the table to ease her chair's position back enough until she can stand. Demurely, "I said I'd go." Her torso inclines towards I'neph even as she tucks her journal under an arm and regains her piece of hard cheese. "All right; I hope you find something good. Dig deep is my motto." Her grin to Soriane is executed with sloppy precision. Enter Cayri and look Aolani. "Hi." Cheese nibble.

"Oh. Well. Nevermind," I'neph abandons Soriane quickly when Aolani corrects him. "So. Let's go. I know the /perfect/ place. There's this one tunnel that's just the best place ever for this sort of thing--I've been down there lots of times, actually. I--" He breaks off to fix Cayri with a look, rather wary. "Uh. So. Let's go," he quickly tells Aolani, gesturing for the miner to come along as he edges away from the green weyrling.

Soriane looks at Cayri too, and just as she'd done with Aolani, quickly shakes her head. "No. Thank you." She's far more stiff and unfriendly then she was with either Aolani or I'neph, which likely says a great deal. "I think I'll be going too, actually. You all have a nice evening." Soriane quickly stands and slips around the far side of her chair.

Cayri greets Aolani cheerily in return. "Hi. That's a great color on you." Like it's all one thought, she points toward Aolani's bodice, then turns her peachy-keen smile toward Soriane. "Always nice to visit with ya, Soriane." Even if no one else does, /she/ appreciates the irony, carrying her chuckle a little ways off toward the klah pot. She'll undoubtedly get around to something clever for I'neph once she's back.

Soriane has disconnected.

Aolani finishes off the bit of food before trekking after I'neph and departing from the cavern at large and the two other women. "Bye!" Flashing a few fingers over her knotted shoulder at Soriane as Lani turns half in the black-haired girl's favor. The array of drawing sticks are clipped at her waist and surprised at the compliment, stares for a second at Cayri before a cordial decorum is regained, "thank you."

I'neph hardly seems to notice Soriane's gone and run off. He's entirely focused on Aolani, ignoring Cayri as well. His tone to the miner is deliberately non-chalant, as he turns to offer her a chivalrous arm. "We're going off exploring the deserted passageways," he tells Cayri smugly, obviously very happy about this fact. "See you later." And uncermoniously, he turns to lead the miner out, gloating all the way.

Cayri returns to a deserted nighthearth and proceeds to sulk and play solitaire. It's very sad, and hopefully everyone feels bad about it. The end.

cayri, soriane, i'neph, aolani

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