[Log] Unpacking

Jul 07, 2006 18:37

Who: Bayan, Draila, Reighley
When: Unknown
Where: Inner Caverns, Fort Weyr; Storeroom, Fort Weyr
What: Reighley helps Draila unpack a tithe in the storerooms.

Inner Caverns
     Lower than the Living Cavern above, this room is still a large, bustling place. Hearths heat some of the areas here, allowing elderly and ill residents to rest here rather than mount the steps to the Living Cavern above. Rooms open out to the storerooms, the children's areas, the private rooms of staff members and some of the residents. Laundry rooms and bathing areas down one set of stairs draw near-constant traffic throughout the day.
     Two long corridors lead off of here, one to the east and one to the south, going to the crafters' and staff quarters respectively. Noise drifts out from the curtain to the northeast that leads to the residents dorms, and a small door to the north leads to the guest room. A short flight of stairs to the west leads back to the Living Caverns.

Obvious exits:
Central Stores Weyrhealer's Quarters Records Room Hot Spring StoreRoom Candidates' Barracks Resident Hallway Staff Corridor Crafters' Quarters Residents' Dorm Guest Room Living Cavern

Draila retraces her steps realizing she passed the lass and blushes. "Evening Lass, sorry I was distracted and.." Draila softly greets as she returns.

Reighley, standing still in the middle of the hallway, is something of a roadblock to the people trying to get through, forcing them to file around her. When Draila speaks to her, Reighley turns that way, grinning slightly. "Oh, it's okay. I was waiting on somebody, but they're all late. What are you doing?" she asks.

Draila offers the girl a light smile as she inclines her head towards the central storage rooms. "Some tithes came in from Boll and I ways heading that way to begin the unpacking of crates. Care to join me Reighley? I could use an extra set of hands."

Reighley glances the other way, back toward the living cavern "Oh, well. I can, sure," she agrees after a moment, turning back to face Draila. "It'd serve them right if I was gone--they've had me waiting, like, all morning."

Draila lightly giggles as she listens. "Then it does serve them right." Softly agrees before turning about and leading the way.

Draila passes though the double doors into the Central Stores
Draila has left.

You pass though the double doors into the Central Stores

Central Stores Cavern
     The cavern is large with age worn shelves on the left and right walls reaching from floor to ceiling. The contents of the shelves are carefully organized by type, ranging from cloth items (clothes, towels, rugs, etc.) on the far left to dried and preserved foods towards the center and right. From there, after inventory, they are moved to their prospective caverns through the rough hewn arches in the back. Each arch has a door that is usually locked. The glows are placed throughout the cavern and the scent of the air is dry and fresh from the cleaning in preparations for the coming tithe trains. The floor is scrubbed regularly not giving any stain a chance to linger for long.
     The recently repaired crack from the previous tremor has split and splintered in the latest one, sending tiny fissures above and below it. Shelving nearest the crack has fallen, leaving that area of the cavern unusable.


Obvious exits:
Tunnel Inner Caverns Leaking Cavern Kitchen Stores

Upon entering the room, Draila pauses to look about then spots the stacks of crates over against the far wall. "These must be them. I've always enjoyed unpacking these as it offers the first choice of items and makes the task easier to do." She informs Reighley with a smile.

Reighley follows Draila, glancing around the big storeroom curiously. "So, just what sort of stuff /did/ we get?" she wonders. "I heard they grow lots of plants and stuff, like, um. Well, I don't remember /exactly/ what, but you know what I mean, right?"

Draila shrugs quickly in answer then softly adds. "That's part of the surprise in unpacking Reighley. One never knows what they may come upon next. There have been clothes and china, linens and sliver. Sweetsands and foods. So your guess is as good as mine." She begins with a barrel pulling the lid free then leaning into it to unpack something wrapped in cloth. Slowly its wrapping is folded free to reveal a china serving plate.

Reighley crowds in around the barrel as well, leaning over to peer in it as well. "Ooh, that's pretty," she notes, glancing up to eye the plate. Then, she tilts back over to pull out another item, unwrapping it awkwardly, but managing to escape dropping it still.

"Yes it is. If this proves to be a set we'll use them on good occasions." Draila murmurs her curiosity growing as she watches Reighley with the next item. "Is it part of a set dear or just random pieces?" she softly inquires as she bends into the barrel to lift out another once the china is set carefully on the shelf.

Bayan enters though the double doors from the Inner Cavern
Bayan has arrived.

Crates line the far wall as Reighley and Draila talk over a barrel they both are unpacking. So fare some nice china had been revealed and placed neatly on the nearby shelf.

Bayan walks in, his eyes taking in the work before he changes course. "Heard you got some tithe in," he says by way of greeting to Draila, walking up to the two and passing Reighley a wink. "Need my assistance?"

Reighley eyes her plate, holding it over to Draila's to compare. "It is, it is!" she says excitedly, reaching up to slide that plate along with the other. Then, she's back diving into that barrel clumsily, and there she is when Bayan walks up. Hastily, she extricates herself to eye him, another unwrapped package in hand. "We're doing okay," she answers him warily.

Draila's words follow quickly after Reighley's in an answering greeting to Bayan. "All hands would help get the job done sooner." She hadn't missed the lass's actions and her being caught head down in a barrel when the handyman entered and she fights back any sings of amusement not wanting to distress Reighley any further. "Oh fortunate for us." The riders drawls softly as she uncovers a mug to the set. "Lady Boll has been very kind to us this spring."

With a smirk at Reighley, Bayan moves forward to a crate to open it. "Opening and storing is all it is?" he asks before checking into one of them. "Haven't really...uh, done this before." He looks sheepish for a moment, then turns to them to watch. "This all came from Boll? Hm, the Holds certainly tithe well."

"It's not very hard," Reighley notes, frowning slightly. "You just... get stuff out and put it where it goes. A kid could do it." Not that /she's/ one of those. She demonstrates by heading after another plate, unwrapping it with the same care and sliding it onto the shelf with a clank.

Draila nods lightly in answer to Bayan. "Just unpacking and putting away. The thrill is in what surprises we may come across in the unpacking." Her gaze touches on the handyman then dips downwards to the crate he opens. "What have you found over there?" she asks as the mug joins the plates on the shelf.

Bayan gives Reighley a wry glance, "Ah, thanks." The amusement is still there as he turns back to the crate and peer inside. "I got some...." he looks closer, putting his hands in, "...ah, more mugs in this one." He looks over at Draila, giving her a warm smile before asking "So what type of surprises? Do you get clothes, too?"

Draila lightly nods as she replies softly over her shoulder while continuing to empty the barrel. "Clothes, foods, linens, furnishings. Toys for the littles. Sometimes spices too. What ever the hold feels it can spare I suppose." Pausing she looks up and ohs, "The mugs can be placed here with the rest of the china set please Bayan.

Reighley mms thoughtfully, moving on down the line to get into more crates, unpacking the items within in silence, except for the occasional pleased 'ooh'.

Bayan nods and pulls the mugs out slowly and carefully, walking over to place them in the area indicated. "Very interesting," he comments on the goldrider's answer, though he doesn't elaborate on why. He glances at Reighley briefly before he finishes emptying out the crate. "Even with thread gone, the Holds still are willing to?" he asks this to Draila absently as he moves to another crate and cracks the top open.

bayan, draila, reighley

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