[Log] A Discussion of Weyrlinghood

Jul 05, 2006 22:40

Who: L'sen, M'wen
When: Day 16, Month 4, Turn 8
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen and M'wen talk about weyrlinghood.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
     The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Tiny bouquets of the first hardy flowers are crammed into jars and mugs, dotting the tables with their pastel colors and light fragrance. The faint, musty aroma of wet wool mingles with that of spice. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. The clink of cutlery harmonizes with the flowing river of talk and gossip as the weyrfolk gather for a hearty evening meal.

     A tall lanky man with deep brown hair, and eyes that change color almost the same as those of a dragon. They form a focal point in his slightly oval face, with well groomed hair cut close to his head, and a smile always playing at the edge of his mouth.
     He is wearing a simple tunic of a dark blue that fits neatly over his thin body, and long trousers of a light brown. Around his waist is a small belt of leather with a swirling design carved directly into it, and a beautiful buckle that must have cost almost a turns worth of work to buy. On his feet are simple, but practical boots of wherhide with leather bindings, that look tough but comfortable. His knot signifies him as a weyrling brownrider, and the blue and black signify him as from the High Reaches. As far as you can tell he is about 22 turns of age.

"You were flying better today, but your turns are still a bit sloppy." M'wen wanders into the Living cavern, talking to a green rider beside him about the upcoming graduation aerial display. With a slightly lazy salute, the greenrider parts off towards a table where her friends seem to be calling her from. Looking around, M'wen spots a familiar face, and gets a slight ponderous look to his face. Walking over towards the aforementioned person, he gestures to the emty seat beside L'sen with a friendly grin and a "Is this seat taken?"

L'sen's face bears an unusual expression just prior to M'wen's interruption: the bluerider seems actually, really, lost in thought. It's apparently unfamiliar territory for the man: it takes him several seconds to snap back to the present and grin up at the weyrling. "Oh, M'wen, hey," he greets the other rider. "Nah, not at all. Have a seat--I could use the company," admits L'sen. "How're you doing? Y'all are about ready to graduate, right?"

M'wen smiles as takes the seat, nodding towards L'sen. "Oh I'm doing great, graduation isn't to far off, and I'm leading it all as the Flurry Wingleader." The last part is said with a slight hint of barely contained enthusiasm. "Weren't you the flurry wingleader during your hatching? How did you manage to keep the others in-line? I'm having a bit of problems with some of them, and they don't seem to take what I say fully seriously...well some of them at least." His flurry of questions seems a bit overwhelming so he grins sheepishly, "So...uhhh, How're you doing?"

"I was, I was!" L'sen says quickly, brightening rapidly at that. He leans forward to expound on his experiences, confessing, "Oh, well. I didn't really have any problems with them, actually. I mean, me 'n' Te'an did, but those weren't really /wing/ problems, they were personal ones, and we worked them all out in the end, you know what I mean? The rest of them, I just kind of sat back and let 'em do what they wanted, you know? Hands off kind of thing. I mean, they knew that they were doing as well as I did, pretty much, and they weren't /much/ trouble--and S'din, he took care of the really big stuff, so I didn't really have to do much. It was lots of fun, though," he gushes, words flowing quickly, almost tumbling over each other in his hurry.

M'wen nods along with L'sen's questions, grinning at the end, "It's fun indeed, but you never had to deal with weyrlings like -these-." With a slight twinkle in his eye, "A couple of em probably have run more laps then your entire class did combined, and the people I've met from your class have seemed pretty nice, but maybe those from my class haven't the maturity to follow orders.", then dropping his voice slightly, "There's even one who regularly taunts S'din...would you believe it? And no number of laps or extra chores even phase this guy...". Stretching a bit to loosen taut muscles after what looks like it was a long day, "But they are learning, if you come to the show, you'll be in for a treat!"

L'sen wrinkles his nose, nodding to M'wen. "Like R'hin?" he guesses, frowning slightly. Then, shaking his head, he adds, "Well, we weren't perfect, but I think we were okay. I mean, Te'an did get demoted from wingsecond for a while, but then he got it back, so. Anyway, I wouldn't miss it for anything, so. I'm looking forward to it already, actually--d'you know how much longer it'll be?"

M'wen hmms, "Like R'hin indeed, as well as that Greenrider he gets along with so -well- with.", then the slightly disappointed look fades from his face, "It's exciting being wingleader isn't it, I'm enjoying it, ignoring the problem ones!", then with a slightly ponderous look, "I assume in the next month or so...we only have 1 more major lesson, then its just practice til the show!"

L'sen grins, nodding quickly. "I remember the days. Ah, it was so long ago--we were still kids back then," he says wistfully--nevermind it was only a couple of turns, and anyway, M'wen's older than he is. "You just wait--being graduated is even better than being a weyrling!" Duh. "You can drink and have people over and do what you want all the time. It's really great. Except--" his good cheer flickers briefly "--I don't see many of my classmates any more, now that we've gone our own ways. I kinda miss 'em, you know what I mean?"

A small flicker of excitment flickers across M'wen's face. "Really? Better then being a weyrling? That'll be pretty hard to top indeed." Then with a slight raised eyebrow, "Well, I don't really miss them, considering I still see them everyday, and some of them I'll be happy to see the last of em, but I hope I don't drift to far away from a few of them, we've had some good times together."

L'sen nods. "That was my thing, you know? Like, I just miss them all. Like Te'an, I hardly /ever/ see him anymore, and he was like my best friend back then. And C'len, too--he's never around anymore, that I've noticed. Sari and Suri, I see every once in a while--Neiveth, he likes chasing Suri's Ozzy every time, since he caught her that once. X'dyr... He's still a weyrling, ain't he? I heard something about that, you know?"

M'wen nods, grinning, "Yeah he is...what happened to him? I see him in class every once and a while. Oh, I've met Suri, she was down by the lakeshore when I was on break...she didn't seem to like the cold." Then with a big grin, "Me and R'hin were talking about X'dyr still being a weyrling, and R'hin guessed he'd probably be stuck as a weyrling as no wing would want him." he lets out the last bit with a chuckle.

L'sen shrugs. "Beats me," he answers. "He just... didn't graduate with the rest of us. I never got told why. You should ask him yourself," he encourages. "And Suri, oh, yeah. She's from Ista. Or IGen. I forget which--the I-ones are so confusing. Anyway, she's from one of those really hot, warm Weyrs, so she hates the cold around here. Do you really think somebody would have to stay a weyrling forever just because nobody else wanted them?" His eyes widen slightly in surprise at the thought.

M'wen shrugs his shoulders slightly, at a loss, "Well what do you think they'd do if no wing wanted the weyrling? I don't think they'd force a bad weyrling a wingleader like that...but X'dyr doesn't seem -that- badly behaved, so I don't know why no wingleader would want him, if that is the case. Really I have no idea about the inner-runnings of weyrling graduation."

L'sen shrugs. "He was nice, when we were weyrlings. I mean, I liked him a lot, you know what I mean? Anyway, I... I dunno, really. You should ask S'din, maybe. Because seems like, I dunno. I mean, nobody wants a bad weyrling, right? But it's not right to keep him out of a wing forever, is it? I mean, the dragon would want to be in a wing, too, right? Huh. I'll have to think about that," he decides, grinning.

M'wen shrugs again, an unreadable expression on his face, "Well I assume that time will help settle the bad ones, but you never know...some people are just naturally bad, but...then why would a dragon want to impress them? I'm sure R'hin will manage to restrain himself enough to be at least -considered- for a wing, but that could just be wishful thinking...But I really hope all the weyrlings in my wing get into a good real wing after graduation and work as hard and well as they have for me...well sometimes at least."

"R'hin." L'sen frowns slightly, wrinkling his nose again in apparent distaste--an unusual reaction for him, certainly. "Well, anyway," he continues quickly, in a more typically cheerful tone, "I'm sure everybody'll be okay. Hey, maybe we'll even end up wingmates, you know? That'd be fun--I like my wing pretty well and all, so. But, uh. Well, I oughta be gettin' goin', so I'll see you later, M'wen. Night." He stands, offering the weyrling a grin before he turns to depart.

m'wen, l'sen

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