[Log] A Silly Student

Jun 05, 2006 14:00

Who: R'dur, Sabi, Yselle
When: Unknown
Where: Courtyard, Harper Hall
What: R'dur runs into, of all people, Yselle when he makes a visit to the Harper Hall.

     The courtyard is the heart of the Harper Hall quadrangle, a vast expanse of grey flagstone without a trace of greenery. Several shallow flights of stairs tiptoe their way upward to a variety of doors around the courtyard's perimeter. The towering cliff walls of the Fort Mountains surge upwards in sheer splendor, the drum heights precariously toed into a large outcropping, as if climbing the wall. Several broad windows pierce the solid rock face, giving an air of lightness and welcome. The bustle and sheer exuberance of the courtyard atmosphere threaten to take your breath away.
     As you pause, getting your bearings, your eyes scan the yard. The massive doors of the Main Hall rest at the top of a small flight of stairs to the west. The staircase to the drum heights rises to the northwest. The apprentice dorms are located to the north, while the entrance to the instrument workshop is northeast. The broad expanse of the arch crouches to the east, with the Voice Master's rooms to the south. A small flight of stairs in the southwest corner darts down into the kitchen.


Obvious exits:
Voice Hall Kitchen Main Hall Drum Heights Apprentice Dorms Instrument Workroom ArchWay

A brown dragon wasn't overhead a second ago, but he is now; and Alidaeth spirals lower toward the hall until he can land. R'dur, his rider, dismounts carefully, with a glance around as he heads for the courtyard of the Harper Hall, purposeful strides marred by a lost expression.

Sabi is settled on a bench in the courtyard, hides held casually in her hands as she speaks (begrudgingly it might seem from the tenseness of the girl's form and the way she looks past the Weyrsecond) with the rider lounging not far from the bench. "Ah-ha." Far from bubbly, Sabriel's tone is rather oneof badly feigned polite interest. "My father tends to work with fancier pieces." She places a stress on 'fancier' that easily implies 'gawdy' or at least an almost arrogant confidence in her father's workmanship. "But I do suppose its possible that they may have crossed paths. Perhaps I'll ask him about the accquaintence when next I visit the Minecraft." And then again, maybe not as her eyes flicker briefly back down to the hides and then up - anywhere that isn't at Yselle. Her gaze thus catches the descent of the dragon and her lips thin to a line a moment before the 'I'm-smiling-because-I-have-to' smile is back in place.

Yselle turns to look properly at Sabi now, and has to look away far too quickly. The girl might catch a glimpse of an amused grin on the greenrider's face, and the shake of her shoulders. With her attention away from the harper girl, it's caught by the descending brown, and she can just be heard to utter, "Just when you think things couldn't possibly get /worse/."

R'dur stops abruptly when he sees none other than Yselle awaiting him. Eyes widen, color drains away, and he just stares at her before reluctantly steps closer. "Yselle," is his unenthusiastic greeting to the rider. And, to Sabi: "Ma'am. Ah, I'm not--I'm not interrupting, am I? I mean, I'm only here to see someone, and I can--I mean, if I am, I can... go. Right."

Gaze drawn down from the sky, the student's brown eyes are drawn to rest on the approaching rider, brows lifting slightly upwards, "No, sir, Harper and Smithcraft duties and welcome to the Hall." The smile becomes less forced, though by no means entirely natural, her expression transforming into that of the little hostess she's being taught to be (at least in some of her education). At least he's a distraction from the Weyrsecond. "You're not interupting one bit, sir. I shouldn't want to distract you from any business you might have with the-" A hesitation, and that forced quality enters her voice, "good Weyrsecond or at the Hall." Then she flicks a look towards the greenrider to include her in the next comment, "Indeed, I would be tremendously loathed to think I might be keeping you from important tasks. Don't feel the need to pay just a silly student any mind if you've need to be elsewhere." The hints are only very slightly subtle.

Yselle closes her eyes for a long moment, as though trying to control herself. "How lovely to see you, R'dur," she says in that ever so polite tone. "I'm sure this young lady would be more than happy to switch my company for yours." She glances at that door again, her frown deepening.

R'dur hesitates, glancing again from Yselle to Sabi and frowning. "Ah. Oh. Telgar's duties," he echoes after a moment, nodding to the student. "I'm not... it's nothing important. But, ah. You live here, at the Hall? Do you know someone, a girl named Gaygia, who's a harper here? A journeyman, actually, just promoted." Pride colors his voice as he speaks of the girl--pride that leeches away under Yselle's gaze. "Oh, you don't have to go, Yselle. I mean, if you two were... I can go," he insists again, earnestly, despite earlier reassurrances. "I don't want to keep you--either of you--if you're busy."

"Gaygia?" Sabriel's brows drop in a moment of thought, and then she makes her reply, "The name sounds familiar, but I can't say as I know her personally." She lets her glance slide between the two Telgari, "I'm afraid I must decline company of any kind just now. I fear if I don't pick up my feet and move along, I shalll be late to the meeting with Gertrude and the Weaver." She offers a smile to the pair, more genuine - perhaps in the light that she's departing the conversation. "I do hope that you both find whatever or whomever you're looking for at the Hall, and clear skies to you both." And with that she moves off towards the archway in the route that her fellow students took earlier in the afternoon.

Sabi heads out of the courtyard towards the archway.
Sabi has left.

"R'dur," Yselle sighs, as the girl goes, "You're a wingsecond, remember?"

"She's... kind of quiet," admits R'dur. "But thank you, though. Good day, ma'am." He watches Sabi go with a slight frown before turning quickly back to Yslle. "Ah. Yes, ma'am?" he answers her tentatively.

"You're allowed to act like it," Yselle grouches. "Honestly, between you and Tel." She rolls her eyes. "I really must have a talk to T'bay," she mutters under her breath.

R'dur blinks at Yselle. "But I... Wasn't I? Acting like it, I mean? What did I do /now/?" he asks, in a resigned, long-suffering voice.

"Oh never mind," Yselle mutters, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "Go and uh... whatever. Shells, I'm really going to have to let K'ran teach me to drink. I could sure use one."

"I'm sorry," apologizes R'dur at once. "I'll--I'll go. I'm sorry." Mouse-like, he scurries inside, before he can exasperated Yselle further.

sabi, r'dur, yselle

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