[Log] Speculation

Jun 05, 2006 23:00

Who: Adria, Breide, C'rad, Daiis, I'neph, M'vari, R'fin, Usha, V'ter
When: Unknown
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
What: Gossip gets around in the Weyr.

Living Cavern
     Huge, still mostly the natural shape of the bubble cavern that formed it though embellished with intricate columns, the living cavern is large enough to seat over two thousand people at any given time. But it has fallen into a state of disuse, for the most part. There are long gaps in the room where tables must have been at one time: Now, there are only twenty tables - each with space for twenty-five people - left in the room, where once there must have been closer to eighty tables. They are all gathered near the northeastern wall where the largest of the room's four hearths are. The rest of the space seems bare. There are a few smaller tables to seat five or six people scattered randomly throughout. Though there is easily room for twice as many, and still many bare swathes of wall that should boast tapestries, there are only three hangings in the living cavern, and all of them are small given the grand scale of the cavern: Two are Fortian brown with the black "Fort" symbol on them, and the third is a light brown field with a brownish-bronzish wing breaking out of the shell of a single white egg. Up a set of handsomely carved stone steps is the Weyr's large kitchen, wrapping around balcony-style with a view into the cavern.
     The cavern is mostly deserted right now. It's nighttime in the autumn. The fire is kept low in the hearth to keep out any lingering chill.

I'neph.........6', athletic; olive skin, dark brown eyes & hair; early 20s.

Bowl..........................[W] Inner Caverns.................[S]

SURPRISE! M'vari's here. It's shocking, I know. Mug of something, feet on table, table to self, he kicks back and watches the world go by on this rainy autumn evening. Some other people are doing more interesting things - five people playing poker, two people playing some game with marbles, an old lady knitting and humming to herself.

Usha comes in from the inner caverns, humming softly to herself and smiling. She glances around, and looks visibly dissapointed when she doesn't see anyone she knows. She aquires a glass of juice, and wanders through the people in the caverns, pausing near the poker players to curiously watch their game.

Look. Poker players don't like people staring over their shoulders, regardless of how it's portrayed on all those Viva Las Vegas movies. They give Usha the evil eye. M'vari chimes in helpfully, "People will assume you're helping someone cheat if you stand around like that."

R'fin has been at the dining hall for some time already, but apparently his first meal wasn't enough, as he's now loading his tray with a second. A slice of meat here, a bowl of soup there - a pyramid of bread rolls - and a cup of juice so full he has to pause by the table for a moment while he drinks it down to less spillable levels. As he does, he turns to look out over the dining hall, noticing with a small start that someone took his old seat. Hey.

V'ter ducks in from outside, looking tired but cheerful and heading to get a mug of something himself. Klah, in his case, not juice, and he looks like he needs it. Glancing around, the blueling seems to consider things, eyes lingering on a couple of tables.

Wet and muddy-footed, I'neph hustles into the living cavern with unusual speedOf course, as soon as he's out of the drizzle, he slows back down, stamping his feet at the entrance to knock the worst of the dirt off. Then, he follows V'ter easily, eyes the food, and in the end takes nothing at all. Instead, he peers at both other weyrlings. "Evening. So, where're we sitting?" is his question as he decides to inflict his presence on V'ter and R'fin.

Usha backs away from the game; dirty looks and quiet warnings are all she needs. Instead, she turns to the man who spoke to her, and offers a small smile, blushing. "So I gather, sir. I've never seen it played before, is all. Such games would never have been allowed at the hall."

Adria comes in from the bowl.
Adria has arrived.

R'fin looks over at V'ter's approach, hesitating just a second before he pops a grin on him. "Hey, V'ter. You got a table yet?" I'neph's arrival prompts him a widening of that grin to include the bronzerider. "Dunno yet. I had a place, but - somebody took it." He chuckles, with a hapless shrug.

"Crafters don't play poker?" asks M'vari doubtfully. He either hasn't noticed the cluster of weyrlings, or he's purposefully ignoring them. Given that he has a mug and Usha is partially in his line of sight - and his propensity to be annoyed by weyrling - each is equally likely. "Strange. To each is own, I guess. If you have money, they'll let you play. Otherwise, I recommend keeping a wide berth," he counsels.

V'ter shrugs a little bit. "Not sure." He lowers his voice. "Not too near M'vari, or he's likely to come up with something we should be doing." He makes a surreptitious line of sight check on the weyrlingmaster.

"Apprentices don't." Usha naively claims. "We had far too much to do with lessons and such. Well, I did, anyway. But I'm not burdened by money... And if I had any, I imagine there would be better uses than gambling." She pauses, and blushes again. "I'm sorry, I'm speaking rudely. I've grown unaccustomed to watching what I say.""

"Mean of them," observes I'neph, "after we've been on our feet all day. Oh, come on." He rolls his eyes at V'ter, quickly exasperated, and sets deliberately off for a table, keeping a safe distance between himself and Mvari--indeed, slinking around the weyrlingmaster and his company like he's up to no good. He does glance at Usha, however, with a markedly sympathetic expression.

Adria's slow to enter the cavern, due to a painfully unhurried old woman in front of her - but on the plus side, it gives her enough time to shrug off her jacket and get a good look at the lay of the tables. The woman is -really- slow. Once she gets a chance to swing around and out into open cavern, she does the complete opposite of the weyrlings, making straight for M'vari. Apparently, some people willingly spend time around him - Shocking!

R'fin gives that a doubtful tsk of his tongue. "Nah," he starts, "it's freetime. He's not that bad." A thing which R'fin would probably say of Satan himself. But if he was going to keep on that tack, the plan is cut short by I'neph's sudden departure. Flashing V'ter a quick smile, he sets down his fruit juice and follows.

M'vari asks simply, "What have you said that's rude?" He eyes his mug momentarily, tilting it just a touch - presumably to check just how much he's actually had to drink so far. By the shallow angle he can safely achieve, it ain't been that much. "Excuse me a second." Turning to Adria, he greets almost cheerfully, "Evening, greenrider. Want to hear something remarkable?"

V'ter considers, then moves to follow the other weyrlings. "It's not his job to be not that bad. It's his job to be worse than anything else we have to deal with, the way I see it." The bluerider shrugs a little bit.

Usha thinks a moment. "Nothing, I guess..." She trails off as he turns towads Adria, and turns to her as well, offering her a shy smile. "Evening, ma'am." The weyrlings, for their part, remain unnoticed.

I'neph just gives R'fin a Look, shaking his head as he settles into a chair off behind M'vari a ways. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Suck-ups," he decides at once of the other two weyrlings. "You don't /really/ think that. Do you? Because you're crazy. He's, well." He directs a look at the weyrlingmaster, frowning.

Adria pauses near M'vari's table, assessing his mug at the same time the brownrider does - though with some trepidation. An expression of relief passes over her feature quickly, but when he turns, she's just arching a brow. "I'm always willing to hear something remarkable, brownrider," she says, pleasantly. She returns Usha's smile easily, nodding. "Evening."

R'fin blinks at the accusation, setting his own tray down across from I'neph and moving around the table to take his seat there. "Sure I do," he says, determinedly upbeat. "He's my mentor, and I've never had a problem with him. He's just odd." With a shrug, R'fin digs into his food.

"There are THREE weyrlings in this room, and not a single salute. I tell you, it's just uncanny," informs M'vari in a tone decidedly loud enough to reach the table around which the three weyrlings are settling. "But nevermind. Time enough to deal with that in the morning. Bit of extra hard labor ought to sharpen those salute muscles, I figure. How are you? And do you know - ah - " He ends up gesturing and looking blankly at Usha.

"Usha." She names herself, and smiles a bit more. "And we have met, though I don't think I have had the oppertunity since to thank her for that. We wouldn't have managed without the help of her and, ummm. Chiyath?" Her eyes cross a little as she tries to recall the name, and she smiles more when she does.

"I picked her and her travelling companion up," Adria explains, settling into a seat across from M'vari. Flashing a smile Usha's way, "Usha. I'm Adria, if I forgot my manners in urgency. Well met. And the name is correct." Glancing back over to the Weyrlingmaster, she shrugs slightly. "I suppose. Or at least make them sore whie they're saluting. And I'm well - yourself?" She includes them both in the question.

M'vari nods at the pseudo-tale, saying, "Well, lucky for her and her traveling companion. Though - you didn't want to go back to, uh, whatever Hall you were talking about a minute ago?" To answer Adria, he initially just tips his mug in a 'want some?' gesture. "Enh. Good enough. I could complain, but it wouldn't do any good. We have a fight last time we talked? I never remember any more."

R'fin flushes a brilliant red when M'vari's words reach him, interrupting his attempted defense of the weyrlingmaster. Bouncing to his feet, he snaps off a quick salute, his eyes flicking across first Adria and then Usha. Formalities observed, he lets himself fall back into his chair with a low, "Pheew."

Usha blushes, just a touch. "Oh, I left the hall long before we came here. I don't think I'd be welcomed back, really." She smiles towards Adria. "We're doing well. Daiis has recovered a lot, and one of these evenings she'll be out herself, soon as the healers ok it. Adria." She nods. "Quinley told us who you were."

"He's mine, too," gripes I'neph, about the time M'vari speaks up. For a second I'neph's frown lingers; then, he plasters a bright smile over it. In a cheery tone to rival R'fin's, though it's not likely to help things any, he notes, "Oh, sir, but we just didn't want to interrupt your fascinating conversation with Usha here--how are you, by the way, Usha--you see, sir? Ma'am. Isn't that right?" He throws a nod to Adria in along with a snappy salute before looking to R'fin and V'ter for support.

Adria is first thoughtful at M'vari's question, then rather surprised. "Er - I don't re - Yes!" She narrows her eyes across the table, waving off the mug, nose wrinkling. "I told you I hated you sometimes, but I can really recall why. Likely your usual attempts to be charming." A pause, then, "I suppose I don't hate you right now. And since when did you not bother to complain?" She arches a brow questioningly, then offers Usha a smile. "Good to hear." I'neph's salute leaves her mildly bemused, but the younger girl returns it.

M'vari takes the mug back with a shrug. He keeps tryin'. "I think you've said that before. About hating me. I must have gotten used to it by now." He tilts his chair back after scraping his feet off the table - which is polite considering now he's got company - and half-smiles at the weyrlings. "Too little, too late, boys. But it was a nice try."

R'fin eyes I'neph, clearly worried about just what the bronzerider's going after, with that. Still, it wouldn't do to leave his fellow weyrling high and dry, so he gives him a slow, cautious nod and even digs up a smile from somewhere. Not that it lasts long, because oh look food. Keeping an eye on M'vari, R'fin has his mouth blissfully full when the weyrlingmaster addresses them.

C'rad comes in from the bowl.
C'rad has arrived.

Usha offers I'neph a polite wave, and an equally polite answer. "Just fine, thank you for asking." She looks back at her glass of juice then, lapsing into an uncomfortable silence.

"Worth a shot, sir," remarks I'neph lightly, smirking at R'fin in the meantime. He shrugs, folds his arms over his chest, and observes the other weyrling's dining with a rather bored expression before his eyes flicker back up to Usha. "Good to hear," he remarks. "How's your friend?" And he quirks a brow slightly in question.

"Ah, that's unfortunate. I'll have to find a weightier expression when you're more infuriating than usual." Adria's tone is light for her words, and she grins over at M'vari, adding, "Or you could find a better way to have a conversation with me. Just a thought." She pauses, perhaps noting Usha's silence, then; "We don't usually mean anything by it. And I hope you're settling in all right."

V'ter does snap off a salute, even later than the other two, but then turns back to his food. He seems rather distracted...eyes keeping on shifting to that distracted look a rider gets when talking to his lifemate.

C'rad steps slowly into the cavern, peeking his head in before walking completely in. He sits down, and settles himself.

M'vari points out, "I'm being pleasant right now. You just have the misfortune of constantly running in to me when I'm dead sober or dead drunk." Right now, he's somewhere in between - and another drink helps with that. "Not that you're the single easiest person in the world to talk to, you know," he points out after a swallow, just watching the interplay between Usha and I'neph.

Daiis comes up from the lower caverns.
Daiis has arrived.

Usha says "Settling in? Oh. I guess so, just waiting for Daiis to get better, really. It remains to be seen what will happen then, I've not really had the courage yet to ask anyone about it..." Catching something out of the corner of her eyes, she looks over to see Daiis' arrival, and smiles brightly. "Speaking of whom!""

Daiis wanders into the living cavern a little uncertainly, not sure of what to expect. She takes her time to arrive, being careful to not overtax herself, clearly still in the process of healing. Seeing Usha, she smiles and waves, walking towards her.

Adria eyes the mug as M'vari drinks from it. "Mmm. How long does this lovely 'in-between' stage last? I'll stop you before you overshoot it. And it's funny that you appear to be the only person who has an issue with my conversation." Turning to Usha, she's about to answer the girl when Daiis enters. "Seems she's well enough at this point," she notes.

R'fin's circumspect spying on M'vari reveals that the man's attention has moved off him, so he slows down the process of food-to-mouth just long enough to ask a quiet question of I'neph. "What's this all about, now?" While he waits for a response, he takes a sip from his fruit juice, missing both Daiis's arrival and C'rad's.

"You gonna eat all that?" wonders I'neph, eyeing R'fin's eating a moment before glancing sideways at Usha again. He nods once, tracks her gaze to Daiis, and observes the other woman for a moment before the other weyrling pulls his attention back in. He leans forward to mutter to R'fin, casting several pointed looks past him to Daiis and Usha.

M'vari waves toward Daiis in a totally distracted way. He probably lost track of that conversation a while ago. "Really? Well, you haven't been around all that long. Give it time," he answers to Adria. Lifting his mug, he tilts it back and forth contemplatively, answering, "Three or four more of these. But this one's empty. Which is a crime."

Usha pulls out a chair, and motions Daiis to it. "Come sit. Can I get you anything? Juice, stew? I wasn't expecting you out tonight!" She looks to Adria witha slight nod. "I guess not, no... Ah, well. What's the worst that can happen, eh?"

You mutter to R'fin, "... showed... in here... this... story... her friend--that's... the... up... brought... the... Saw... all with my own... /And/ they're some..."

You whisper "That one, Usha, she showed up in here one night with this awful story about her friend--that's Daiis--being off sick in the woods. Adria went out and picked her up and brought her back to the infirmary. Saw it all with my own two eyes. /And/ they're some of /those/." to R'fin.

Daiis nods and smiles to Usha, taking the seat offered to her. She settles herself and looks around at the people present before answering, a bit softer than is usual for her, "Oh- I don't think I could keep anything down right now, but juice would be nice. I didn't expect to come out either, but I thought I'd surprise you!"

V'ter finally gets his attention back on things, and munches on his food. "They...just showed up," he supplies to the whispered conversation he can only half hear. "Not sure beyond that, maybe they weren't welcome where they were, or somebody was beating them or something."

"A crime," Adria echoes dryly. "Clearly, your life is terribly difficult. I suppose I'm at least safe to attempt pleasant conversation with you for a bit longer." She catches I'neph's pointed glances, briefly distracted before she ansers Usha; "The infirmary's certainly not far. I'm glad to see you up and about, Daiis." With a smile, she looks back the brownrider's way. "M'vari, there you go being -charming- again," she says, totally insincerely.

R'fin's happy little half-smile gradually shifts into a puzzled frown, and he, too starts looking past I'neph at Usha and Daiis. At the end of the explanation, he leans back into his chair to think about it - and then his eyes suddenly go wide and turn towards V'ter. Back to I'neph, "You mean-?" His voice is uncertain, and he keeps it low.

C'rad stretches out a leg, and leans toward a young rider nearby. He whispers something to him, and chuckles. A glance around the room gives him the opportunity to nod at M'vari. "Howdy." He offers to the rider, although it might not be clear who he's greeting.

M'vari notes, "Any attempt you're going to make is going to have to be adjourned at least as far as where Reith is waiting for me. As thrilling as this is - " He nods to indicate the weyrlings, the girls, whatever else. " - I'm going for beer." Unfortunately, he says that right at the same time that C'rad comes over, making his smile somewhere between apology and greeting. "Howdy. Feel like babysitting?"

Usha is trying hard not to blush; it's hard to ignore the looks and such. But she dutifully excuses herself long enough to get a glass of juice, and returns to the table Daiis shares with M'vari and Adria. "Daiis, this is Adria, by the way. She's the one who came and got you, her and her dragon." She looks to M'avri, "I don't actually know his name, but he seems nice enough."

Daiis smiles at the two riders, taking a sip of the juice before saying. "Thank you, Usha. And thanks for everything, Adria. I'm sorry I wasn't more appreciative when you actually brought me here, but..." she grins, cracking her first joke in quite a while.

Adria intones to Usha's observation, "All is not as it seems." She nods to Daiis at the introduction, "Well met. And I suppose I can forgive the oversight." Flashing a smile, "I hope we'll have a chance to speak more later, but it seems I'm going for a walk. If M'vari - that's his name, by the by - and I get into an argument, I might be back." To M'vari himself; "Hopefully, I'll manage. I don't think I'm in the mood to argue."

While listening to R'fin, I'neph takes the opportunity to offer C'rad a distant salute.Flatly, he nods to R'fin, noting, "I mean," in that same pointed tone of voice. Another look to Daiis and Usha. He calls over, "Hey, Usha, don't forget me, too. I'neph, bronze Dioscuth's--I was in there helping Quin save your life," he introduces himself to Daiis with a charming(ish) grin. He mouths sideways to R'fin, 'Watch this.'however:

M'vari smiles toward Daiis and Usha, saying seriously, "She'll be back." How's that for a vote of confidence? "Nice to meet you. Bye." He shoves an elbow toward Adria, like a REAL gentleman. "Take a walk with me." Not that he's anxious to get off somewhere less crowded with the greenrider or anything.

Usha looks to I'neph, and offers a weak smile. "Yes, of course. I'neph was a big help, making sure Quinley was ready for you and helping her out. He has a very pretty bronze, too. He's an interesting person."

Adria rolls her eyes, pulls on her jacket, and takes M'vari's arm just the same, though she seems a touch bemused. "That was the plan," she tells the brownrider, giving him an odd look as they start from the cavern. "Evening, all."

"Babysitting?" The old brownrider raises his eyebrows. "Oh, we're always up to watching the younguns." C'rad grins widely. "You're well into your 'nice' stage, aren't you?" Having lived around M'vari for a while, he's well aware of the pattern. "Well, we'd better take over before you get over it." He winks at M'vari. "Go on, then." As he looks around at the weyrlings, he notices Usha and Daiis. "Hello, ladies, I'm C'rad, rider of brown Barrath." He nods at them, ignoring the whispers around them.

R'fin follows the line of that salute to find C'rad, and offers up one of his own. He does this all with a kind of stunned air, as though his mind weren't really present in the room, but as it gradually returns he fixes the two mystery girls with a look of mixed pity and anxiousness. Because of this, I'neph's mouthed 'watch this' goes largely unremarked, but eventually R'fin returns to I'neph anyway as the natural source of leadership at their table.

M'vari nods thanks to C'rad and gets the hell outta here. As an aside, out of the corner of his mouth, he tells Adria, "I miss the days when the living cavern got abandoned and dinner time and ignored till breakfast." He shrugs, looking back over his shoulder at the cluster of people before stepping to the bowl.

M'vari heads to the bowl.
M'vari has left.

Adria heads to the bowl.
Adria has left.

Daiis seems a bit overwhelmed by all the new faces all at once, but smiles at C'rad. "Nice to meet you-- Daiis, if you didn't already know." She shoots a glance towards Usha, looking for support.

V'ter watches the girls too. "Reckon they're running from something. But they might as have good reason," he adds. "Some people, they don't know how to treat women right, you know."

"Aw, thanks, Usha," I'neph tells the girl with a broad smirk. "I'll tell him you said that. He's the prettiest, after all. Handsomest. Whatever."

Usha rests a hand on Usha's shoulder, with a gentle squeeze. "I have to admit, I don't know enough bronzes to make a judgement." She settles down into a seat by the other girl. She glances again at V'ter, briefly, then finally greets C'rad. "Usha, it's nice to meet you, Sir."

R'fin eyes I'neph through part of this exchange, then turns to look at V'ter with a faint flush creeping its way up his neck. He manages to recover himself, and stop the red's advancement, by smiling. "I think you're right, there," he says as he starts picking away at a till-now forgotten slab of meat, cutting a hunk of fat off it. "Those poor girls can't have been treated well. Not coming here." He directs his sympathetic smile towards the meat, just before he sticks it in his mouth.

Daiis smiles greatfully at Usha before offering to the conversation, "Well, I certainly don't know enough dragonriders to make any judgements at all!"

C'rad gives a short bark of a laugh, at I'neph's words, then returns his attention to the ladies. "Usha, Daiis." He repeats the names, looking from one to the other. "Might take a couple of times for me to remember. Used to be, Barrath'd remind me. Now, he's getting as forgetful as I am." Another short bark of laughter. "And crankky when I mention it." He shrugs to R'fin. "Dunno, they could've had family. That's why I came here." But that was also a really long time ago.

"Prettiest /and/ handsomest," I'neph notes on some silent correction by Dioscuth. And, glimpsing R'fin's flushed state, he quirks a brow. "What's /your/ problem?" he wants to know.

Usha glances over the riders again, and can't help but comment, her tone rather acidic. "I don't suppose anyone would bother to actually ask the girls? Or would that ruin the fun of rumors and speculation?"

R'fin's efforts to hold back that flush - a thing he's particularly susceptible to, pale-skinned as he is - fail entirely. "Er, sir, that's not exactly-" he starts, then blinks at I'neph. "Yes, sir," he directs back towards C'rad, changing his tack abruptly. Under his breath, he tells his fellow weyrling, "Something Eneyith said," and lets his gaze trail to Usha with an embarassed smile, but no comment.

Daiis looks at Usha, completely surprised by her being upfront with the other riders. Usually /she/ was the one to do that sort of thing, but not since she'd been sick, clearly.

"It'd ruin our fun," agrees I'neph easily, grinning at Usha and Daiis and offering a blatant wink. "Glad you understand." He glances sideways at R'fin again, leaning forward with a prompting quirk of his brows. 'Tell me,' that look says.

C'rad gestures broadly toward said 'girls.' "By all means, enlighten us, if you feel you'd like to. I'll warn you, though, probably won't stop the tongues wagging. In fact, they'll just find something new to discuss about you." He gives a sanguine grin, and continues. "Never been a place like a weyr for gossip. I mean, in a hold, drugdes'll go on, but here, ..." He shrugs. "Sometimes, it's best to interject some..." He searches for the right word. "...tact into the situation. No offense intended, Usha."

Daiis nods at C'rad's words. "Well, I'd much rather the gossip be /correct/, wouldn't you, Usha? Shall we clear things up for these gentlemen?"

R'fin smiles and shrugs helplessly at I'neph, grabbing a bread roll and picking it to pieces in his fingers. "It's not something I should repeat," he says, his smile becoming broader by way of an embarrassed apology. "Especially not in mixed company." By now, he's completely involved in his little side conversation, and most of what's going on with Usha and Daiis has been missed.

[DTU] To Eneyith, Dioscuth, plainly at I'neph's promptings, focuses his attention on the brown in a wordless query of his own. Along with that sensation is a flickering image of himself and Eneyith mirroring R'fin and I'neph's conspiratorial posture.

Usha looks to Daiis, and nods with a sigh. "You do it this time, I've done it enough for one month." She looks to C'rad with a faint blush. "It's just hard /listening/ to people talk about me. Most people have the grace to gossip away from the people involved."

I'neph arches his brows and turns to regard Daiis and Usha with interest, abandoning the conversation with R'fin rather abruptly.

[DTU] To Dioscuth, Eneyith pauses at the query, his mind a foggy gray mass of sleep. His words are slow and bored, << One moment. >> He takes it. << I speculated, >> he replies at last. << R'fin says that it is not very interesting, anyway. >>

R'fin's focus blurs visibly in the same moment I'neph turns away, and when he comes to it's with a quick, neutral glance towards the bronzerider, his usual dopey grin not in evidence just at the moment. Since Usha and Daiis seem to be the focus of most attention by now, he turns back to them, as well.

[DTU] To Eneyith, Dioscuth objects with a picture of himself and I'neph hanging on the other weyrling pair's every words, adoring stars in their eyes. They're interested.

Daiis shakes her head, agreeing with Usha. "Okay. I don't know what you've heard, but it goes like this: Usha is a former healer apprentice, I'm a former harper apprentice. We met when I fell ill, the first time. We became-" she searches for a way to say this succinctly- "I suppose you could say, more than just friends. We carried on fine for a bit, sneaking off to see each other, until discovered. Then we ran away, and have been living off the land since. That is, until I fell ill once again."

Usha blushes as Daiis speaks, but her face sets defiant and she looks at I'neph challengingly. "Any questions, bronzerider?"

[DTU] To Dioscuth, Eneyith seems dully, distantly amused by this image, and his mind withdraws to consult with R'fin again. Apparently, he meets with no success, as he returns within only a few moments, but his own tone remains amused. << R'fin does not think your rider would like me to repeat it, if he knew what I had said. I do not think it matters, if it is not that interesting. He has been wondering how two women would have sex. >> And with that note of self-satisfaction, he drops a hint that goes right around R'fin's apparent objections to him repeating himself.

C'rad gives a sage nod. "Yeah, crafters have a tendency not to understand stuff like that, especially when it's their apprentices." He changes his tone. "Well, in any case, welcome to the weyr. You'll probably be useful around here for the training you do have."

"Which is where I came in," pipes up I'neph with a big grin for Daiis. "No need to thank me for saving your life. Although..." He quirks a brow at the girls, expression bordering leer by this point. Studiously, he doesn't look at R'fin.

R'fin's blush is back full force. He shakes his head at what's being said, but takes refuge in his food, watching his tray diligently while he saws apart his meat.

R'fin senses I'neph, under the table, aims a light, I-told-you-so kick at your legs.

Daiis smiles greatfully at C'rad. "I hope so. We've both had several year's training, although with the bias being towards males in the crafts, I can't say how close either of us were to walking the tables." Casting glances at the other rides, she adds, "Now, out of curiosity, what has been said about the two of us?"

R'fin misinterprets the kick. He mutters to I'neph, "I told... not to suggest..."

You sense "R'fin misinterprets the kick. "I told him not to suggest it!""

Usha nods a little to C'rad. "I hope we can, I admit I would like to st..." She stops as I'neph's words sink in, and she gapes at him, bright red. "You can't mean...?"

[DTU] To Eneyith, Dioscuth ponders that a moment, amusement clear in the touch of his thoughts. He flickers through several images, unable to settle on anything despite his rider's fertile imagination. Finally, he simply suggests, << Ask. >>

I'neph blinks innocently at Usha. "What?" he asks her, unable to completely suppress his grin. He glances sideways at R'fin, brows arching, and he shrugs when he looks back to the girls.

[DTU] To Dioscuth, Eneyith watches the images with muted curiosity, adding at the end his own curious (and somewhat anatomically vague) invention involving hands. << I will not, >> he says calmly on the tail of this image. << You may, if you like. >>

R'fin refuses to meet anyone's eyes, because this is good meat, this right here. But, "I'neph!" he exclaims, aghast. "Leave off that, okay? If nothing else, then because I'm trying to eat, here." And he shoves some of that good meat in his mouth just to prove it.

C'rad frowns, glancing over to the other two. "You know, gentlemen, unless you intend to keep your dragons in their weyrs during every single green flight," he pauses, to correct himself, "rather, every greenflight save one--gotta get used to her being on a green--then, you'd better not be too squeamish about such things. It's a possibility at the least, and a probability as a dragonrider who cares for a virile young dragon." He corrects himself again. "Well, that lecture's for another day when your little ones aren't so young." He turns to the girls. "Excuse me, ladies, I thought we had instilled better manners in these young men."

V'ter shrugs. "Flights are one thing. I'm not going to go after other boys out of choice, but I'm not going to inhibit Tynrath either." He smiles a little bit. "He deserves his chance at the greens."

[DTU] To Dioscuth, Eneyith is apparently listening in to R'fin, because he adds another comment on. << Someday, perhaps, when we aren't so young. Then we will know. >>

Usha sighs and shakes her head. "I.. Daiis, maybe we should get you back to the infirmiry? I don't think you should be exerting yourself, or dealing with this kind of thing." She looks to C'rad, "Thank you, sir, for your advice and kind words."

Daiis shakes her head. "No, I want to be here. I figured this would happen sooner or later, and I certainly don't want you to face it on your own."

"No offense, sir," I'neph notes, "But I'm not giving Dioscuth real good odds on the gr--Okay, okay. Dioscuth will catch every green he chases," he decides confidently at a word from his over-competitive bronze. "But I don't count on him chasing many," is his quick (and quiet) addition to that.

R'fin's blush just gets deeper and deeper. "With respect, sir, I think that situation's a bit different. And, with respect to you, miss - to both of you," he nods his head towards Usha and Daiis, "I just don't think it's appropriate to bring up this kind of talk - any of this kind of talk - " and his gaze moves briefly to I'neph, "at the dinner table. So please, can we change the subject?" This last word from him comes with a note of the plea in it, and he adds a big smile to sweeten the deal.

[DTU] To Eneyith, Dioscuth pictures himself as he is now, then rapid flashes of himself increasing older that combine to indicate his growth to full-size. Along with a flash of confidence, that's his version of agreement.

"That is probably a very good idea, R'fin." C'rad nods his agreement. "I don't know what else there is to say on the subject, especially within the bounds of good taste." He chuckles at I'neph again. "Your bronze is rather vocal, isn't he?" He looks around for a moment, then sighs. "Could I trouble one of you young men to..." He cuts off midsentence, glances out the door, and frowns. "For Faranth's sake, talk about vocal dragons. Alright." He stands up, and walks over to get himself a drink. "So," he begins, settling himself back down. "Daiis, are you going to help Quinley out when you're up to strength? That would be very helpful."

Usha looks to R'fin, and then to C'rad. "I'm as happy as anyone not to talk about my private life." To C'rad, "Sir, she was at harper hall. I was t the healer hall, and I would very much like to help her how I can. We owe her a lot, directly, and if I can help our hosts out at all, I am certainly wanting to."

Daiis smiles at Usha's gentle correction. "That's very true. I'd be happy to help out at the weyr as I can, as well. I'm not sure how, beyond some after-dinner amusement. But I owe the whole weyr, all of you, a great deal."

I'neph glances sideways at R'fin. "What?" he protests. "Wasn't saying nothing. What do you /want/ to talk about, the weather?" He eyes the other weyrling disdainfully. "Besides," he points out uncharitably, "you started it. Or Eneyith did, whatever. Consider it dropped. How about this rain?" He adds to C'rad, "Only about some things, sir. Competitions, winning, anything he thinks might possibly be a competition..." A roll of his eyes.

R'fin opens his mouth to dispute the claim about Eneyith, but I'neph moves on fast enough to prevent him from attempting that, so R'fin just shrugs, smiles, and lets him move on. "There are other things to talk about, you know." He glances at C'rad with a curious expression, but since the request never gets finished all he can do is smile again.

C'rad tilts his head sideways, and shakes his head. "Of course, you wait until I'm seated comfortably with a drink in my hand." He sighs, and gets up slowly. "My dragon requires my presence. I'm delighted to meet you ladies. Gentlemen, I will be nearby. I think B'rek's around here somewhere, so if you need us, just give Barrath a shout. He's clamoring for a bath. Says the lake's finally deserted enough." Another shake of the head, and he steps toward the door.

C'rad heads to the bowl.
C'rad has left.

Daiis watches the departing riders and suddenly feels as if they have a very good idea. "I suppose that I should go back to the infirmary now, then, shouldn't I? Usha, want to walk back with me?"

"Good night, sir," chips in I'neph with a grin for C'rad. Then, without that older rider supervising, or baby-sitting as M'vari more appropriately calls it, "And you two. See you another day, Usha, Daiis." He leans back to regard the pair.

Usha leans over, giving Daiis's cheek a light kiss; just to rub it in, of course. "I do think we should get you back, love." She grins at the shared thought, and stands, offering her arm. "Yes, I'll see you tucked in. I have been helping out where I can." She looks to I'neph. "Likewise, I'neph."

Daiis smiles to herself at the other girl's audacity. "Thank you, dearest," she says, accepting her arm, playing it up as long as Usha wanted to.

R'fin grows increasingly uncomfortable as the two of them keep playing it up, but he keeps his eyes pointedly averted and waits for them to leave.

With a little wave for the pair, I'neph grins again, watching them a moment longer before turning back to R'fin. "So," he begins.

Usha heads to the inner caverns.
Usha has left.

R'fin meets I'neph's eyes without a problem, giving him a hapless grin. "Kinda hard to start up a conversation after something like that, huh?" He chuckles, but he gives it a try. "Man, I tell ya. No matter how long you're here, weyr life always surprises you one way or another."

Daiis heads to the inner caverns.
Daiis has left.

I'neph eyes R'fin in silence until Dais and Usha are gone. Then, his laughter escapes him, lasting several seconds before he manages to get out, "You aren't even weyrbred. But yeah, I'll give you that one anyway. I wouldn't have expected something like that outta you, though. I liked to have lost it when Dioscuth wanted me to explain."

V'ter grins a little bit, coming out of that silent mode again. "Weyr life is...and I'm sorry. I got a blue dragon talking at me, and I can't even get earplugs." No doubt, there's a faint bugle of protest in the barracks, but it probably can't be heard from here. "I love him, but...not practiced at more than one conversation at once yet."

R'fin is surprised by the laughter, but after a moment he gives a little chuckle and keeps a somewhat embarrassed grin on his face. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. I tried getting Eneyith to tell you it wasn't something Dioscuth should know." V'ter gets a more hearty, full-spirited grin. "Don't worry about it, friend - you got the look in your eye, I knew where you'd gone. I had Eneyith in my head for a little while there, myself."

I'neph waves off R'fin, smirking. "I got him to ask for me," the weyrling notes airily, "because I wanted to know." He leans back in his chair, sprawling out. A glance to V'ter later, he remarks, "Dioscuth's pictures aren't so bad--I've gotten where I can work them out pretty fast now, even the really off-the-wall ones. He's not very distracting now, considering."

V'ter hrms. "Tynrath doesn't image much. He's much more verbal, only images if he doesn't know the word, or if it's a person, or the like. Dioscuth's the opposite?" he inquires, interested.

R'fin's smile turns wry at that. "Yeah, I noticed," he says, but he chuckles again. "Eneyith uses words because I asked him to, but I've noticed he'll do pictures with other dragons. Not that he talks very much, so it isn't really a problem for me."

Breide comes in from the bowl.
Breide has arrived.

I'neph shrugs. "Dioscuth doesn't like words. Doesn't use 'em if he can avoid it. Not that he /can't/--he just doesn't like to." He grins. "I feel like I oughta run around painting stuff--it really rubs off on you."

V'ter hrms. "Yeah. That's how Tynrath feels about pictures. Can use them, will use them, would much rather not. We really do have opposites. And...Eneyith doesn't talk? I almost envy you."

R'fin lets out a rumbling laugh, shaking his head. "You say that now, but I'll bet you'd miss Tynrath if he stopped talking. En's a great guy, and I love him, but I wouldn't mind him a little more chatty either. Words or pictures." He grins.

From the lower caverns to the serving tables, Breide makes her way in, pausing to speak with a few people on the way. But once she's claimed her mug of klah, dark eyes roam the caverns to find something more than just familiar faces, but welcome ones, and halts at the trio of weyrlings. Slowly, she makes her way over, lightly kicking the back of one seat with her foot. "S'not boy's night out, is it?"

I'neph shrugs idly, glancing between his two current companion. He opens his mouth to reply, and cuts it off when Breide arrives. "Breide, hey. Nah, c'mon and join us," he invites, nudging that chair out for her. "We were just talking about the dragons. What's Rielth's take: words or pictures? Or nothing at all?"

V'ter hrms a bit. "Actually, if Tynrath's not talking, he's asleep. If he stopped talking while awake, I honestly think I'd call a dragonhealer."

R'fin looks up at Breide's arrival, greeting her with one of his big smiles and a polite, "Evening, miss," since I'neph has already taken care of the questions. Allowing the bronzerider to handle background as well, he turns to V'ter. "Well, there's half my problem right there. Eneyith's asleep most of the time, which makes it difficult to carry on a chat with him."

Breide practically beams at I'neph and with a neat flick of her foot, nudges that chair out further so she can slip in, sprawling somewhat with relief. "I've been on my feet all day for some reason," the blonde's brow furrows uncertainly, "I'm not entirely sure why, but- eh?" The young woman's head cocks towards I'neph and then her brown eyes flick around the table and with a puzzled set on her features and a shrug to her shoulders, she remarks diplomatically, "She makes good use of language. Timely too. But it's mostly essence. Color, emotions. Trust me," a crooked grin breaks through the puzzlement, "You know when she's angry. Why?"

I'neph smirks at R'fin, nodding once and then glancing sideways at Breide. "Really? Huh. Dioscuth does that /sometimes/, but only if I don't get what he's trying to picture to me," he tells her with a shrug. "We were just talking about who does what. Tynrath talks, Dioscuth pictures, Eneyith just lazes around and doesn't do anything. Why couldn't I have got /that/ dragon?" Pause. "Except in bronze," he amends.

V'ter grins. "Tynrath asks when he gets to fly. Amongst all the embarrassing questions. I really wish he wouldn't keep asking me 'why are greens different'. Really." There's a bit of a blush coloring the boy's cheeks at that.

R'fin flips his hands palms upward in a helpless gesture towards I'neph. "Sorry - mine." Looking back at his tray, and the remaining food that it has just occurred to him has gone cold there, he lets a touch of sadness color his features before pushing it away with a grin for V'ter. "Aw, just tell him. I'm surprised he hasn't figured it on his own, since I've got this suspicion that Eneyith raids my mind while I'm not paying attention and figures stuff out on his own. So to speak." With a shrug, he pushes his tray away from him, settling back without food.

"Cute," Breide comments, a sly grin for V'ter's rosy cheeks. "I'm of the belief Rielth was born knowing everything for all the lack of questions she has. Or else she just intrudes in here like your Eneyith," a tap to her forehead turns into a point towards R'fin to accompany her remarks, "When she desires. Some dragons loathe to display their lack of remembrance and knowledge. I think." The last is tacked on a beat too late, hesitant. To clear up her own ignorance, the blonde quickly shifts to another dragon, "Chaeminth? Do any of you know how Chaeminth speaks?"

I'neph smirks at V'ter. "Dioscuth," he reveals, "knows why they're different. They're smaller, slower, and stupider than he is. You know, same as every other dragon out there." He winks exaggeratedly at the other riders. "Chaemith?" he repeats with a groan. "Faranth, don't even get me started on that stuck-up jerk. Dioscuth can't stand him now. He's all, 'use words, use words!' and then J'tei got Sh'van after me and it's just, ugh. You were right about him--J'tei, I mean," he tells Breide.

R'fin offers up a weak smile, shaking his head slightly. "Easy now, friends. Let's not be too hard on the guy while he's not here to talk for himself. Gotta admit, I've never really spoken to him myself, but I've seen him around and he seems like a decent enough sort."

V'ter hrms. "Tynrath says that Chaemith is very much...he has to remind everyone that he's a bronze all the time, and that's not *necessary*. He knows he's a bronze, he doesn't need to be told it constantly."

"Slower?" Breide's brow furrows about to dispute that, before she's saved from circular arguments by V'ter. Listening to the conversation for a brief spot of silence, the young woman then tilts her head towards the bronzerider until the thick sweep of blonde bangs obscures one eye, and as she's about to speak, laughter instead results. "At least there are times when Rielth has the perfect timing of speech that make me realized we match well. As for J'tei-" fleetingly, Bre flicks a glance R'fin-ward and then turns squarely on I'neph, "He's not ... -that- bad."

I'neph shrugs, glancing away when Breide looks at him. "Sure, sure," he agrees lazily. "He's not so bad, I guess."

R'fin's smile broadens at the success of his peacekeeping efforts, and he shares his cheerful expression around the table as he looks from face to face. "Way I see it, you only get to go through this weyrlinghood thing once, so you may as well make the best of it and of your fellow weyrlings. Besides, our dragons are all like siblings, so there's something to bring us together, huh?"

V'ter shrugs. "Oh, he's not. Neither is Chaemith for that matter. He'll probably grow out of throwing his weight around anyway. Tynrath isn't too bothered, except that now he's demanding his rider's presence, so I'd better go. You know, I'm pretty sure of who's really in charge in *this* relationship." With that, V'ter stands up and heads out. Stealing a meatroll from the tables on his way.

Breide's brow furrows and in distraction, the young woman pushes away from the table. "If you'll excuse me-." She just manages to smile, though barely, and with that, the young woman exits in a hurry towards the bowl.

"Yeah," agrees I'neph distantly. "S'all like sibling rivalry, I guess--I know all about that. 'Course, I've always been the favorite, but--" He smirks arrogantly and stands, noting, "I got to get back, too--Dioscuth needs a judge for... something. See you later." And, turning, he saunters out to rejoin his bronze.

adria, eneyith, v'ter, r'fin, daiis, usha, dioscuth, i'neph, breide, c'rad, m'vari

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