The way Yachiru directed us to do this is put up the three icons voted out, along with the count. Then there will be a voting tally where everyone can see if his or her icon got a negative vote or a vote for favorite. If you want to see the comments received for your icon in either case, leave a comment to this post with the number of your icon. Those comments will be screened to give iconmakers privacy.
And now. The results.
BRAWL LIMS - Round One - Challenge Three - RESULTS
Voted Off:
shieldprincess with 8 votes
bukitan with 5 votes
tightropetensai with 5 votes
We'll be very sad to see your icon-making abilities go.
Now for the Audience's Top Choice as well as the Mod's Choices.
Audience's Choice:
kukujaku with 4 votes
Yumichika's Choice:
gemini_otouto I rather liked the choice of color scheme for this icon, the blues and purples with the slightest bit of green compliment each other well. The use of dots in contrast to the quote itself was clever.
Kuchiki's Choice:
lovetilmitt The colors are nice and contrasting and there's enough blank space to look nice, but not look blank. Overall, a very nice and balanced icon.
The voting tally is as follows...
1. -2, +2
2. -5
3. -2
4. -8
5. -3, +1
6. +4
7. -5
8. -4
9. -1, +1
10. -1, +2
For those 7 still in the competition, I'll be putting up the next challenge shortly.