BRAWL LIMS - Round Three - Challenge One - VOTING
Voting Rules:
You get 24 hours to vote. You don't have to be signed up for the event to vote. In fact, it would be great if EVERYONE voted so that Ayasegawa's vote doesn't count as much. :D
Vote for the WORST (lesser quality) icons. Don't vote against an icon just because your least favorite person ever is in it. -____-
Comment to this post with the THREE WORST ICONS, and your ONE FAVOURITE. With the negative votes, you MUST provide a reason! If you do not provide a reason, your vote will NOT be counted. This is Zaraki-taichou's rule, don't even ask. And Zaraki-taichou being who he is, you're not required to give a reason for your favourite icon. But you should anyways because it's nice. :|
There will be four iconmakers voted off this round. ;_;
There will also be one Audience's Choice and two Mod's choice. Meaning I'll choose my favorite and I'll try to keep Ayasegawa from choosing his own icon as his.
Vote using this form. Just replace the 00s with the number of the icons, and provide the reasons.
Voting Off:
#00 - Reason
#00 - Reason
#00 - Reason
#00 - Reason (Reason not required, favourite is.)
NOTE: Sorry that the LIMS were put on hold for so long. Both Ayasegawa and I were called away on missions and the like. Yamamoto waits for no one, don't you know. Since then, many participants have left and many just didn't get their icons in. So, the competition will end within the next three rounds, with three being voted off this round, three next round, and then the Final Two! :D ♥
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
[No Icon Here] [No Icon Here]