
Jul 22, 2006 01:00

Life is still looking up, amazingly enough. Noticed I hadn't updated since Independance Day so I guess i'll let you people in on everything.

After a lot of thought and research and e-mails and phone calls, I'm applying to the Mississippi University for Women's culinary program(...the only co-ed thing on that campus, apparently). So on the 18th me and my mom are going there to visit and get the tour and whatnot, and i'm just gonna take 12 hours this next semester of stuff that'll actually carry over. Then in spring i'm gonna end up in Mississippi hopefully, although I seriously doubt i'll have any problem getting in. If I can get into LSU I can get in there, right? Besides, a 29 on the ACT still has to count for something.

Oh yea, not gonna be working at Cane's for much longer either. Went to Ruffino's and put in an application, talked to the kitchen hiring manager for about half an hour, just hanging out, and sometime in the next few days he's giving me a call to go back up there and fill stuff out and tell me when I can put in my 2 weeks notice at Cane's. So yea, it's gonna be good stuff.

I'm pretty excited about going off to school. For one, improving drastically at something I enjoy doing(I swear I get a sick joy out of cooking a meal), and also i'll be going somewhere new, not louisiana. I'll finally be getting out of this state! For those of you that don't know, I've been wanting to get out of here for a looooooooooong time. A lot of people might be kinda afraid of the whole new beginnings thing, but I honestly can't wait for it. I figure if life has such a tendency to suck here, maybe somewhere else it won't be so bad. Who knows, since i'll be going to a campus where the guy to girl ratio is about 1 to 8 or 9, MAYBE i'll actually be able to get a damn date or something.

Or at least find someone worth dating that may actually be interested....that'd be a start.

Anyway, i'll quit boring the three people who read this.

I'll just leave you with this, which always makes me happy.

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