Dr Who: Eps 6x05 and 6x06 (The Almost People)

May 30, 2011 21:02

I haven't posted in like months

Whatever, not the point, the point is that  ^  That up there^  In the title.


What the fuck was that.

Please note:  I did not forget a question mark.  That is not a question.  It is a *statement*

"What was wrong with these two episodes, Amy?"

Well, apart from doing exactly that "OMG FREAKY PREGNANCY" thing that I was hoping real hard they *were not* going to do?  Plenty.

It was rather stunning.  It wasn't just that the The Trio would suddenly and inexplicably act out of character.  It's that they introduced like, 6 new characters and then somehow managed to make it seem like *they* were acting out of character.  Or just...inexplicably.

I think the most offensive part is that they were written by Matthew Graham, who co-created and wrote Life on Mars.   Consider that for a moment.  Compare.  FEEL THE INJUSTICE.

I guess when he's not writing superlative psycho-thrillers he sits in a dark room painting unsubtle morality plays on the faces of hammers, so he can smack  you on the head with them for 90 minutes and call it "Dr Who":

"There are these manufactured beings, but they are just like us and we are pretty shitty and so i guess that means they're pretty shitty too, except sometimes they're okay but when they get mad they can eat folks and turn into a loping Silent Hill thing but WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?"

Oh yeah.

"Who are the *real* monsters?"


Other things:

-Yes, please mention your five-year-old son's birthday again.  Because if you forget for five minutes, then so will we.  Which is bad, because you are definitely going to live to see him again, and he is definitely not going to get used to make Ganger-You realize his humanity and--OH WOW!  I was wrong on BOTH of those?  NO WAY.  Never saw it coming.

-"Hey, cure this fatal blodclot with this easy thing in my drawer.  Cause what was even the point of you having it?  I only have one dose, though, so it's a good thing your ganger voluntarily euthanasia-ed.  Which was totally necessary, by the way, and not just to make the ending tidy."

Yeah that didn't compromise the moral of the story, or anything.  "No, it's fine...we'll sacrifice ourselves cause we're not the real you's anyway.  What?  Me?  Oh no, I'm fine.   You've learned your valuable lesson about the horrors of prejudice, so my work here is done.  I'll just stay here and get vaporised.   I'm noble like that."

People did sudden and unbelievably stupid things for the sake of DRAMA and frankly, if you're running an inexplicable acid factory I wouldn't have thought that to be a quality you'd hire for.

Oh, and while we're on that:

FFS you have a goddamn ACID FACTORY and nothing in there is ACID PROOF and the building itself melts into HEAVY MURDERGAS on contact with ACID.  You know, ACID...that thing that you make.  Here.  In this ACID FACTORY.  With SPECIAL, HEART-SEEKING ACID that you PUMP TO THE MAINLAND IN PIPES UNDER THE OCEAN.  FOR SOME REASON.


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tv rant, tv: dr who

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