Game of Thrones: 1x09 and general reaction to show.

Jun 16, 2011 08:40

I haven't really mentioned that I've been rocking GoT, but then again I also haven't mentioned things like "I have pet rats now and one of they sit on my shoulder and help with my taxes" and "I am going to NYC this weekend holy shit" or even what I had for breakfast on a given day (Alpen, tea).  I live in interesting times.  Let's leave it at that for now.

But GoT is more important to talk about right now, because it's fucking amazing.

The scripting, the INTRO GODDAMN YES, setting, the acting (except for Aiden Gillen...and he can't really get away with a lacklustle performance on this show because it *sticks out* like...uh...a Little Finger?   I am dissappoint)

Initially I thought Ned was going to last longer.  And suffer a lot more.  But once the "whoa, really?" body count kept piling up, I realized what kind of story I was watching.  Then I was *surprised* that Ned lived past ep 8.   But otoh SO SATISFIED when Viserys got "crowned".

I do think I was spoilered for Ep 9 just by the 3rd degree strength of fandom's reaction to it.  What do I mean?  I mean I didn't read or see any actual spoilers, but Ian made  the comment "So, according people who read the books, people who didn't read the books are so so so shocked right now" and I thought "Welp...that's Ned dead, then"

Tyrion Lannister = best character.   Best slumber party ever.

I do wish he'd at least tried to recant on the confession, though.  I feel like Ned coulda gotten in at least one "KING IS THE SON OF A BROTHER-FUCKER" before going down on the block.

In return for his degrading and unjust death, all I want  in return is:

1. Joffrey Finds out who his parents are
2. Tywin finds out who Joffrey's parents are
3. Both of them to actually *care* (will settle for one)

(note:  don't spoil me, I'm not

In related news, seeking a source for vid to "Nimrod's Son" .

Oh, as for Daenerys and Drogo...yeah, I uh did not see that coming.  At all.  I kind of didn't realize that magic was actually even a thing in this world, at least not in an overt way.  I am *intrigued* I have also been desperate to use the phrase "The Stallion Who Will Mount the World" for two weeks, no lie.

Okay, so this is now kind of all over place, this show is good.  Brutal, but good.

I'd have started the first book by now, but I am in the middle of Perdido Street Station.  One epic fantasy phonebook at a time, methinks.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a rat in my sleeve, and she is trying to type.

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