The product of YAD boredom

Dec 19, 2007 19:19

I don't write, I was just bored and haikus amuse me. They're the only think I still count on my fingers for!

Bleeding heart still beats
Dying slowly all alone
Yay emo haiku!

Rosy light floods in
Warming all that it touches
Life is beautiful

Sand through the hourglass
Fingers raking through my hair
Conflicted; confused

Ugly platypus
Your oddities make me laugh
Natur's little joke

Fixed- broken again
Please don't hurt me anymore
I'll be cast aside

Doll with perfect curls,
Painted smile that never fades:
Hollow and empty

Pretty lingerie,
You are uncomfortable
Life is so unfair.

Music is playing
Isolated in the booth
The world dances on

I'm afraid to move,
A butterfly on my nose
But it won't stay long

Take what life gives you
There may be no second chance
Seize me! Erm, the day.

Bleeding feet hate me-
My trained instruments of dance,
Less elegant red.

Ugly Chibi dog
"Hyper doesn't make you "cute"
Just accept the truth.

The mirror's melting
This isn't the way it used to be
Everything blurs, dripping grotesque deformity
Is it the mirror, or is it me?

Sinking to the floor:
Disintegrating whore.
How low will you bend
To pick me up once again?

Melted down to a puddle
Things are a muddle
Ripples across my surface tear
Until I evaporate into air

Breathe me in-
Anything to be near you
Even though I'm gone
And you haven't a clue.


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