a query (that was supposed to be posted somewhere else)

Sep 19, 2013 07:16

Is anyone interested in doing National Novel Writing Month this year? I am, although I don't plan on signing up to do it officially. We could do our own "just write the darn thing" challenge in November, where we all state at the beginning what our goal for the month is (word count, story that needs to be finished, daily amount of time spent ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

timespirt September 19 2013, 16:17:43 UTC
Wish I were a writer, but I'm not.


bratfarrar September 20 2013, 15:36:15 UTC
That's fine. You're more than welcome to play audience and cheering squad--I meant to put this up at my writer's comm, but forgot to change the posting location before hitting the button.

Oh well.


timespirt September 20 2013, 18:51:01 UTC
Hey, I don't mind being the cheering squad!


sholio September 19 2013, 16:37:15 UTC
I think you meant to post this to Writer's Lair ...

If I do it this year, which I'm still dithering about, I'll be doing it unofficially -- I've actually never done an official NaNo despite doing it unofficially several years (and never "won", so it's probably just as well I didn't sign up officially :P) because I didn't want that much pressure on me. I love your idea, though! If I do decide to do some sort of formal writing thing in November, I'll definitely participate.


bratfarrar September 20 2013, 15:37:57 UTC
Yes I did! And now have. That's the problem with posting from Semagic--I love it mostly, but it's a little too easy on it to forget to check the posting account. Especially as I'm out of practice. :P

I'll be getting back into the swing of things over the next couple of months, I think....


kriadydragon September 19 2013, 19:37:19 UTC
I'd be willing. Not in an official sense because, like Sholio, I'm not fond of the pressure. But it'll depend on if I have a project ready by then (although if not it might still end up being a good way to write those short story ideas that have been bopping around my brain).


bratfarrar September 20 2013, 15:40:09 UTC
Yeah, that was my idea (which is now up at WL, where it was meant to go in the first place)--to do an alternate version for people who didn't feel up to handling the official version of things, but still wanted the impetus to get more writing done than usual. Of course, official NaNoWriMo participants would still be welcome to join in the fun.


trishkafibble October 26 2013, 04:34:34 UTC
Having a go at the PROJECT OF DOOOOOOM for NaNoWriMo is an excellent idea!! I'll certainly be cheering for you. ^^ In fact, there are very few things I can think of right now that might actually motivate me to check in with cyberspace more than just occasionally, and watching your novel take shape as you write it is most definitely at the top of that list!


bratfarrar November 20 2013, 02:34:46 UTC
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa--

Or at least that's how it feels. Always grand plans and promises to myself and my few readers, and then very slow and little payoff. Which is why it's taken me three weeks to respond to your comment. The PROJECT OF DOoooooooooooOOOOOm is still doomy, it's just waiting for me to finish the mental tidying job I'm doing right now as I finally type of all the bits and pieces of past, nearly-abandoned stories, so I can stop being distracted by them every time I page through a notebook looking for what I last wrote.

Also, I've been distracted by Highlander, although I can at least plead relevancy, as part of the PoD is figuring out what a culture made of up people who routinely live to 450-500 years would look like. Highlander doesn't exactly have a culture I can borrow, as they do run around chopping each other's heads off, but it does a rather good job at portraying characters that are old. The best job I've seen, actually, outside of Tolkien's elves--who never get center stage and so aren't a ( ... )


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