Submitted at random for your entertainment and/or chortling and/or eye-rolling.
Amusement A:
Heheh. Damn, if I had a nickel for every litter-birthin' breeder I've known like that... well, they would be even broker than they already are, I'm guessing.
Amusement B:
The new Useless Boss has officially asked me what is quite possibly the stupidest question on the face of the earth, ever, in the entire history of question marks.
She has two decades of experience in the newspaper business. Last night while I was preparing the paper for press, she was looking at a page and asked, "Do you think that the writers at this paper know that they should write their stories while keeping in mind that the last paragraph or two might get cut for space??"
Dot dot dot.
Uhm. I guess all those fancy 'editors' we hire could save a whole lot of time by just CUTTING THE END OF THE STORY OFF INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY, YOU KNOW, EDITING. Maybe I should write a memo.
A memo that would undoubtedly end, "So, in conclusion, in order to save time and payroll costs and effort, effective June 30th, I propose th"