Title: Brotherhood is a Two-Way Street Author: brate7 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG Word Count: 2890 Summary: A series of vignettes focusing on the relationship between the Winchester brothers.
Title: The Other Side Author: brate7 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG Word Count: 650 Summary: A view of the hunt from another character. Warning: Vague scene of domestic violence.
Title: Worth the Wait Author: brate7 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 5700 Summary: When Sam goes missing and is found injured, Dean fears the worst--yet another supernatural bad guy out to get them.
Title: Dead Like Me Author: brate7 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 3100 Summary: Sam has a choice to make--save himself or save Dean. Note: Set between "Hunted" and "All Hell Breaks Loose."
Title: Better Off Together Author: brate7 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: R for language Word Count: 5200 Summary: The brothers run into Larabee's OSIR team at a haunted house. Note: A crossover with the Magnificent Seven OSIR AU. Follows Underground and It's the Fall That'll Kill Ya.