Apr 03, 2006 08:13
Went to bed by my internal clock too early... had a hard time waking up too early...
Got to work, just to find this *heavenly* scent wafting down the spiral staircase... Caffiene! My work sponsored a cappuchino/latte/espresso bar.
It has been more than a year since I've drank caffiene on a regular basis.
So, I gave in to temptation.. ohhh yesss I did...
One caramel latte with plenty of steamed milk and whip cream later....
SPROING!! Flip flifp flipfl ifp flipf lip poing!!! POING!
I feell all jittery and twitchy and edgyyy.
I am not loooooking for wardt to the crash.
Off I go to zoom around the building! zoooooom!!!