And she lived happily ever after....

Oct 25, 2012 03:23

Dear Tara,

I read through just about ever journal entry you've ever written. It makes me sad, seeing how much of an emotional roller coaster ride your life was. What with family drama, the problems you had with your on again, off again boyfriend Joey. All those nights that I'm sure you cried yourself to sleep. It also makes me upset, that for so long, you LET yourself feel that way and allowed that drama and negativity to control your life. 
But i'm not here to drag you down even further. Im here to let you know, its OK. Life did get better.
You've moved on with your life. Joey is no longer in the picture. In fact, he hasnt been for two years now. You eventually realized that he was no better than chewed gum on the bottom of your shoe and you could put your faith in knowing that you would find someone better than him one day. He was doing nothing more than dragging you down, emotionally and physically for a total of four years...and you dropped him when he shot down your dreams of leaving your old life behind and starting new. 
 After a years worth of prayers and determination, you got the clean slate for your life.
And guess what? your a flight attendant now and you live in Colorado, where youve watched the leaves change for the first time in your life. And woken up to the snow outside your window like you've always wanted. More than once a week for the last year, you're in a different city, meeting new people and making new friends. You fly among the clouds more than you drive along the roads. And everyday, your heart soars just as high as those metal wings.
They say after a broken heart, it grows back ten fold. And they were right.
You've never been happier. Your smile has never been bigger. 
Sure you've had your off days. Never like before though. You met a boy in Colorado. Who also broke your heart. Though, it turned out to be a really great thing, because for a long time (thanks to that chewed gum I mentioned earlier) you honestly thought you didn't have a heart to break. He proved to you that you could love again. And though a love like that hasn't been back since, you know its out there, waiting for you to stumble upon it like before.
In the mean time though, your content with just being in love with your job. :)
And so, Tara, I hope you read this and realize everything in your life becomes extraordinarily better. More than you could have ever dreamed for. You finally crawled out of that deep dark hole of depression and self hatred, and faced the light which oddly enough, was within you the entire time.

Perhaps I'll continue to update this. No one besides you reads these things anymore anyways. Plus it would be great for you to brush up on your writing. Its obviously been a few years since you've written anything remotely coherent. hah. 
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