July 15 -- Well you just laughed it off, it was all okay

Jul 15, 2011 08:36

Dear Diary,

I'd forgotten how entertaining evenings with the White Sigil can be. I think that six or eight months ago, in the midst of my own personal tragedies, I would've been just as serious about last night as everyone else, but since my life basically did a nosedive into the "hell in a handbasket" world, I've realized that Oliver's been right all along. There's no use in sitting here and bemoaning circumstances and asking "WHY ME?" because the universe's answer will inevitably be "why not you?" and then you'll feel silly for asking.

No, really. I'm starting to come to the place where when tragedy next strikes, I'll probably look it in the face and yawn.


Oliver and I've been neglectful in working with the Sigil for a little while, largely because I've been wrapping up some business around the city before I really throw myself into it (that business is most certainly not the acquisition of enough Binary Brew to kill a gronn. It's the acquisition of enough Binary Brew to kill a clefthoof. Big difference). Last night, with business wrapped up and life ready to move on, I made my way down to the Quel'Talan to meet Oliver there. Apparently, he arrived first and was waiting for me inside. Ziichi told me this and, following a bout of silliness, started talking about motherhood.

I couldn't really bring myself to tell her that calling me and Dizzy "estranged" is probably the understatement of the year, largely because the last time I was near her, I got the distinct impression that she was angry with me for not having some sort of tearful reunion with Dizzy and everything going back to happy rainbow sunshine land. And I also didn't want to get into how it's kind of hard not to be estranged from your daughter when she wears the same face as one of your tormentors.

So I just talked and kept things surfacey and unrelated to anything. Ziichi mentioned how strange it is that she and I were talking about children. It's significantly stranger that she is talking about children, I'd think, but then again, apparently she's eighteen now or... Light, I don't know. Magic. Whatever.

Something about motherhood was troubling her, but I didn't feel right asking what. I don't really hold anything that transpired against her, but it's been a very long time since that talk we had on the docks. I don't think we're quite as similar anymore as we once were, and I don't know that I'd be able to say much to assuage any peculiar feelings she'd have on the subject. But! Who knows?

Oliver and I met many of the new Sigil members... well. New to us, at least. It was entirely bizarre, and they were all so... so serious. Aurric was there, of course, and Balderos. I don't know them really well, but their faces were at least familiar. Several draenei were there--Theelina was one and Caade another. A woman named Aradelle. A young man with glasses named Lucasus (he was the one they congratulated over the signets a few nights ago) and his girlfriend with curly red hair, Airlia. And Dimocles, who was supposed to give me combat training and was surprised to find that I'm not entirely incompotent or...something.

So serious, all of them. At some point, Jadagar showed up and started doing his usual "I am a spooky spook!" thing while staring at the boat. This seemed to piss everyone off immensely, but I just found it funny. I mean, hell. When you spend a week with the Apophan, just about any other "evil" person strikes you as amusing.

And then Marius came in and tried to make pancakes for everyone to distract them from the Jadagar thing, like the Sigil were all his three-year-olds and the pancakes were a shiny set of jingling keys. Light, I shouldn't be as amused by this as I am. It was really objectively funny, especially considering that half the people there had never eaten pancakes before. What the hell is that?

I think I like most of them, though, as serious as they are. I was very serious, too, until it occurred to me that taking life as seriously as I've been taking it only results in misery on my part. I mean, there just comes a point when life throws you so many twists that you basically have to just smile and walk on. I think that Dimocles fellow may be my favorite of the new ones, though. He's highly serious, but in the most endearing way. I think I shall make it my personal goal to make him laugh.

In other, Sigil-unrelated news, Chadley. Chadley, Chadley, Chadley. Well, first, he found out that I'm his stepmother and sent me a note saying that my dishonesty disgusted him more than my marriage, which was a surprisingly better response than I expected, considering how worried Oliver was. I thought he'd seek me out and try to beat me with the flat of his sword or something, and wouldn't that be a lark.

In more cheerful Chadley news, though, apparently Shepard convinced him to give Oliver a chance... sort of. Shepard really simply convinced Chadley to consider death knights as individuals rather than as a whole group of undead who need to be purged, and that is a step in the right direction. Apparently, Oliver very strongly believes that he'll be among those undead given a chance to prove themselves. I haven't seen him this happy in a very long time, and I swear, if that boy fucks with his happiness, I'll beat him with the flat of my sword, only I don't have a sword, so it'll just have to be a boot to the head.

Also, apparently Wilhiem wants to talk to me about Shepard's brain or something. I find this most excellent and look forward to seeing where this brings us.


balderos greycall, dizzy macglynn, apophan, aradelle, chadley fairdale, caade, shepard lovells, theelina, dimocles fadestep, ariadine, marius de'fairwryn, jadagar vosmus, lucasus brennor, oliver macglynn, airlia, senkha macglynn, ziichi springheart, antonius aurric, wilhiem hammerstorm, quel'talan insanity

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