CALLED IT!!! (Along with half of the internet, I know. But I can still be pleased, can't I?)
Awesome Badass Rory is Awesome and Badass. I really liked the fake-out this time where we're lead to believe Amy's narrating about the Doctor. I guess it was great this time cuz it didn't lead to Rory being self-deprecating. Instead he was fantastic.
Space Pirates! I was so excited to see them again, shame they were only in one scene. Overall I was happy to see most of the characters that I remembered, but I didn't remember a fair amount of them. I'm gonna have to go back and watch the previous series--I've been meaning to do it for awhile, but now I really have to. Overall it seemed to jammed pack full of cameos to actually make a good episode though. Sure, I enjoyed it, but plotwise it seemed lacking. I suppose we could chalk that up to it being a midseason cliff-hanger if we wanted to.
Also, this is four young girls that Moffat has had imprint on the Doctor now, right? This reoccurring theme is getting to be a bit much.
Is it September yet? I want what happens next.