Jun 06, 2011 23:42
I saw X-Men: First Class yesterday. I was apprehensive for the first thirty minutes or so, as I was worried it wouldn't cohere into an actual plot and it suffered a bit from origin-story-syndrome. (On a re-watch I realized the first X-Men movie didn't have this problem, and became even more impressed by it, despite the few awkward ways it's aged.) But then it suddenly got awesome. I was so engaged by the end of that film. I cared about everyone. But really, let's be honest, I cared about Charles and Erik, and their beautiful, tragic friendship. And the way they are totally shippable. (I'm going to scour the internet for all of the fanworks right after this, but if you've got any recs I'd be glad to hear 'em.)
The casting was phenomenal.
I wish Banshee had been Irish. And Moira MacTaggert Scottish (and you know, resembled the character in the comic books.)
The cameos in this film were priceless.
The opening of the film was clever, and it made me really happy to see them acknowledging movie continuity like that.
(Is it just me, or has it become more acceptable for movies to have multiple endings since Return of the King? First Class had at least three endings--not that I'm complaining. I have to do more research into this phenomenon.)
Yeah... it was great. I can't wait to see it again.
Also: I haven't watched A Good Man Goes to War yet. I will in the next twenty-four hours. I promise.