May 18, 2005 23:40
You know, much as I love video games and having a column on them, I'm
sooo looking forward to going camping in Yellowstone for vacation next
week. It means almost a whole week during which I can't play
video games. Well, okay, technically I could, if I bring my PSP and DS
along. But I'm going to leave them at home, both for security and
presence of mind. I've played so many games in the last few months,
it'll be nice for a break. I suppose I could switch to an
every-other-week column, but then I'd feel so behind. I feel like I
have this responsibility to my readers (who, for all I know, number 3 -
me, my husband, and my coworkers. Okay, coworkers are more than three,
but I lump them together. :-p), and if I don't do every week, I won't
possibly get everything in. So, rugged mountains and no electricity,
here I come!! I'm not even going to think about
the fact that I still need to do my "Matrix Online" review, and
"Midnight Club 3" and "Forza" and maybe "Enthusia," and whatever comes
out while I'm gone. My mind is going to be completely blank....
Though I did manage to finally read Harry Potter #5. I finished it last night. And can I just say, (**minor
not-so-much-a-spoiler ahead, not that anyone reads this except someone
who I know already read it. I think. ;-) If not, then you've been
warned, Simer!**) Dolores Umbridge deserved to be left out in
those woods! What a bitch! Anyway, yeah, wow. Great book. And I felt so
sorry for Harry, having so many bad things happen to him and so many
people being so mean to him. I mean, come on, how much worse could it
get for him? Anyway, I'm excited for the next book now, and I think I
may buy it when it releases, which will mark the first time I've done
that with the series.
I'm babbling now. I guess I just felt the need to update this, even
though I have nothing much to talk about, and I'm not good at keeping
it updated. At least I can pretend I do. :-P