baby, talk talk talk to me

Jan 20, 2011 23:18

Hello, guys!

So, I was thinking about how little I get to know about LJ people. Even if I do add them in my flist, it'll mostly feel like we never get to talk at all. And, for some reason, people always feel awkward when asking to add someone on LJ, let alone in chatting services. It's like we're super intimidated by each other, even if on friending memes.

That way, if you want to add me on any chatting service (I don't really know what you cool kids use abroad, but here in Brazil we're all hooked on MSN. I hear some countries see it as a 2000 thing, so just tell me what you use and I'll creat an account, it might be fun lol), just leave a comment in here. You do not need to be my mutual LJ friend, if you just think it'd be nice adding me and having a chat, you can answer to this. I'd love breaking the ice that always seem to be present in this social network :/

So, really, just leave a comment and I'll send you a PM with my MSN address. Or tell me what service you use - I'll create an account and PM you with the address.

Note: I do have skype, but I don't have a mic, so you might rule that one out :/

I'd love getting to know you guys :)

Edit: MSN as in the Window Live Messenger. I just remembered some people think they're different things, while for me WLM is just an evolution of MSN. So, yes, it's the same thing for me, guys.

friends adding, lj-related

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