Oct 12, 2004 21:59
Dude69143: I guess lindsay thinks its a shame that she has to spend the night in the same room as me..omg
anti x keri: yeah.she doesnt really care though. just keep her eyes shut and its all good
Dude69143: I'm glad you think so
anti x keri: yeah i know, arent you?
Dude69143: so you met my friend alex
Dude69143: he's a cool kid
anti x keri: oh its a man eh?
anti x keri: my bad
Dude69143: you thought it was mary didn't you
anti x keri: lol no not really. thats why i was saying her name and not saying "you"
Dude69143: yea..some of my friends think your a lesbian
Dude69143: cause thats kinda how you were acting
anti x keri: haha
anti x keri: oh well
anti x keri: do i sound like a person who would care about that kinda thing? naw not really
Dude69143: on lin's xanga thing she says she is going to hook up with you
Dude69143: but
Dude69143: maybe you are..cause you don't know me and you act like you want to bang me
anti x keri: well i do
anti x keri: really bad
Dude69143: thats great you physco lesbian
Dude69143: you don't even know me
anti x keri: aw now whats with the name calling?
anti x keri: physco?
anti x keri: thats not nice
Dude69143: do I look like the type of person who cares..nope
anti x keri: ohhh burnnnnnnn
anti x keri: nice nice
anti x keri: now just stop worrying about what im saying, and..go get off to mary? sounds like a plan GO FOR IT babe
Dude69143: don't call me babe
Dude69143: you don't FUCKING no me
Dude69143: why don't you get off to mary
anti x keri: sorry sweety,your my one and only
Dude69143: really..I thought lindsay ws
Dude69143: was*
Dude69143: you dike
anti x keri: naw lindsays chillll
anti x keri: but not my lover
anti x keri: that spot is for you
anti x keri: ;-)
Dude69143: super..2 bad for you I'm not leasbian..I already know your just doing this to fuck with me
anti x keri: your right. just to fuck you. your catching on quickly hun
Dude69143: you sack of shit..I hope you die an ugly lesbian dike. go to hell and leave me the fuck alone
anti x keri: hey babe your the one still iming me
Dude69143: hey dick, guess what I'm leaving
Dude69143: suck on dat
anti x keri: naw i prefer sucking on you
yeah well, today was ok. lunch is annoying me. and everyone at school cept elly molly brittney (sp) and todd...and a few others. but i especially hate lunch. the guys are being assholes. oh well. what do i expect? i mean, im the only girl there, and im not exactly "perfectly beautiful" like they want me to be. they always seem to find somthing about me that ugly, or different, and they pick at me, tell me, then laugh. whatever, i can take it. i dont care, im just annoyed at the moment. i feel like all my friends arent acting like friends.
besides everyone making fun of me, i felt so un pretty today. blah i dont know.im just goin to forget about it all, sleep it off or somthing.
but me and amy had a SIICK time today. we went skating, and blasted tbs haha. we SUCK so much but it doesnt matter. then we walked to don jonas and started dancing. then i made an idiot outof myself, yet again by laughing when this guy said head. haha he started cracking up. i took amy into the one person bathroom and we started dancing in there too. haha the guys that work there (my buddies) were laughing histericly lol. it was great. then i went pole dancing :P and put my brandnew hat on side ways lmao. god times.
and i LOVE my bestest friend lindsay. haha were so great at making fun of her friends :P <333333333333 xoxoxoxo ol yeah, someone was makin fun of my best friend..so ya know, i had to give her a little "talking to" haha.