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In yet another spurt of ambition, I have decided to dedicate Wednesday blog time to writing prompts. After all, if SQL Server and Saturday goes together, why not Wednesday and writing prompts, yes? I’ve already got four weeks worth of prompts, which I will schedule to come out every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. for the next few weeks. If you have ideas for writing prompts, please let me know.
Here are the rules:
1) Anything goes so long as you stick to the spirit of the prompt.
2) I ask that if you do publish something based on one of my prompts, that you post the good news (and the link) in the comments of the prompt that inspired your success. You want other people to help you celebrate, right?
Inspired by my business communication classes, here is today’s prompt:
Write two short scenes, the first scene containing the first sentence and the second starting with the second sentence. Both scenes can contain the same characters and elements, but should not be a rewrite of each other. Or entirely new elements and characters can be used for each scene.
Sentence 1) “You told me there were no more shuttles going to Mars.”
Sentence 2) “I was told there were no more Mars shuttles.”
Thank you for participating in today’s writing prompt workshop. Now go and write.