Quarter life crisis>me

Jun 25, 2010 02:32

Now I remember why I always date younger boys, so I don't have to deal with the ones my age going through some sort of quarter life crisis.
It's always the same. They're all about me and thinking I'm intriguing and not like other girls they've dated... they're so into me but worry because of course, I'm inevitably leaving....then all the sudden they're "confused", "lost" and "mixed up" about life.
I mean really? jesus... get it together.
I have to feel bad about what I'm doing because either they're less successful than me or my success makes them question what they're doing or something else that I seem to stir up in them.
And of course their friends tell me how "he's an idiot" and various other things that while they may be true, don't stand to make me feel any better about the situation.
When you go for younger guys, they're not intimidated by my achievements because, they haven't reached that point yet... so they don't see me as comparable in that sense and don't hold my accomplishments against me, they just admire me for them. Where as guys my age, just seem to resent me for them.
I know I'll get over it. I'm dealing with injured pride, a bruised ego at most...
but its still frustrating.
I know I've signed up for the lonely road, just sometimes wish someone was willing to join me on the ride for at least a little while.
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