May 28, 2010 08:41
This home thing is taking some time to get used to.
Still don't have a job which is unfortunate since my bank account is quickly depleting.
I've started taking my clothes in to consignment shops to get money, although that's only proved lucrative once.
My birthday is in 2 days. Why do we still attempt to celebrate them anyways? Seems like so much work. I'm this cynical about turning 26... Oy! hopefully that'll take a turn of optimism by 30.
I never thought I'd care about living at home. No rent, nice place, not bad I suppose. Not really though. I think I'm officially too old to be living at home. Not age wise, I think there are people much older than me that may never grown out of living under their parents roof. I think I'm intellectually too old to be here. Once you establish your way of living on your own, then move back into your parents house... you feel like you've stunted yourself. NOthing feels like it's mine. It feels like everything is my parents. As it should, because it is theirs but when you're younger you feel you have ownership over things that were never, and will never be your own because your parents give you access and you don't know any better (or care for that matter.
I'm readjusting as well as I can.
Making a few new friends but mostly just reuniting with old ones. I like this age. You're over being petty about a lot of the things that never actually mattered and able to just spend time with people you enjoy. You also have the freedom to spend your time as you choose, and not waste it with people who don't matter.
I hate not having internet. It's been a few weeks now. We got it downstairs, on my stepdad's mini lap top... but this just really isn't the same. Especially since so often my mom is on here, tending to her zoo or planting her crops on facebook. Plus, as I said earlier, this is my parent's...not mine and Im fully aware of that now, and don't like to tie up their laptop and internet. Just wish mine would work. It would make unemployment much less annoying if I had full access to all the time wasting power of the internet.
Still waiting on financial stuff to come through. I applied for a fellowship almost 2 months ago and still haven't heard back. Would really like to know if I'm going to be able to cover tuition in the fall. I have to just play the waiting game with the remainder of my loans until August. That's when I can apply for the other $30,000 I need. Oh man... $67,000 in loans my first year. It only goes up from here. Well, I only have $33,000 as of now....but hopefully I get approved for the rest. Money. Money. Money.
I haven't been using it wisely since I've been home. I've been spending like I'm not unemployed...but now that I see where my balance is.. I'm quickly getting the picture. Sad because I wanted to buy a little something to wear on my birthday...but I don't think that will be happening. Who knows though, I still have a little bit of money until the second credit card is maxed out. Haha clearly I haven't learned quite yet.
Priorities. Need to really get mine in order.