The arrival of the wife and kid

Apr 28, 2010 11:10

Starry and Riv arrive here...well right about now actually. Their plane should be landing in approximately 2 minutes.
Last day of work with the kiddies was yesterday. It hasn't hit me yet that I'm not going back to them. No more homework help or playing ball or coloring. No more hugs or games of tag.
I have some amazing memories from working there. 2 and a half years of wonderful kids and coworkers.
My last day at SH was on Saturday. It wasn't as hard to leave that job, since I'd only been there less than a year. I'm officially unemployed. Weird.
Oh... I did Koko Head, on Sunday. CHECK! Yikes. I can't believe I actually did it. 1100 stairs. It was difficult, I took quite a few stops along the way up...but it was worth it. I got some pretty good pictures too.
Still haven't sold my moped, still have so much I need to get done. Vacation with Riv and Starry starts soon and I gotta fit in packing and moving and goodbyes.
Oy. I haven't even begun to let myself really grasp the goodbye part. It's already started. I've had my farewells at my jobs, and with select friends here...
But there are more goodbyes to come; bigger, much harder goodbyes.
I'm avoiding those as long as possible.
I know I want to do this, I know it's time to go. I've had a good run in Hawaii..but everything runs its course, it's just always hard saying goodbye.
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