1. Koko Head 2. Surfing

Apr 01, 2010 21:12

One month left.
Had an Easter egg hunt with the kiddies at my work. Hiding eggs then watching them scramble around like mad men to find them all was the highlight of my day, well that and pranking my boss with my co-workers as we all throughout the day called in sick until she was totally stressing out with being short 5 staff members. We showed up 10 min late with an iced latte for her stresses. She said we got her really good. April Fools =)
Been keeping up with my New Year's resolutions for the most part. I'm averaging 2 books a month, which means I'm on my 6th book this year. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.
The other resolution however is proving to be a bit more difficult. Working on patience.
It's tricky when my life is currently surrounded by time limits and distance restraints. (Isn't it always though? Jesus!)
Time and distance. The major themes in my life are in full force at this current moment. I have one month left on this island, then I'll no longer have an ocean between myself and my family and old friends. I will, however, be leaving many things behind... and then they'll be an ocean away from my new life.
It's difficult to have patience when you're pressed for time. Only so much time left on this island to experience everything I hope to before I leave. The people I care about, and the list of things I've been saying "before I move, I'll do this.." Well, the time is now.
I want to hike Koko Head. It's 1,000+ stairs. It may well be the death of me, but I want to say I've done it.
Then there's the big one that I've been saying for over 3 years now: Surfing.
I need to try it at least once. Been putting it off with that never-definite "before I leave" and now that I've got approximately 30 days left... that time has come.
I know I don't have to do absolutely everything within this month. I can vacation here again and do whatever it is that I never got around to.
But those two things... those are the two I can't forgive myself if I don't do in this next month, Surfing more so...just because I've been putting it off for so much longer.

I met with a girl yesterday who's going to PAU in the Fall as well. It reminded me that I still have so much ahead of me, with a whole new set of people I've yet to even meet.
It was refreshing to meet someone new, who isn't a teenager and is at the same place in their life as I am. I look forward to having people around me that are actually my peers, near my age and on the same track as I am. Living out here, the majority of those around me are much younger and still in undergrad and leading a far different life than I am. It makes me feel old and out of place.
I'm looking to feel like I belong. I'm hoping grad school does that for me. I'm hoping to feel like I belong in grad school.

This song is my current obsession:
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