May 19, 2012 08:06
Focus Group participants required in several categories. Please reply directly to Please do not reply to Live Journal forum.
In the subject line of your email, please put LJ followed by whatever study you are applying for. e.g. LJ Toddler Moms
1. Mothers of at least one child aged 1 - 3 living at home (child does not attend) In subject line put : Toddler Moms
2. Males aged 19-21 In subject line put Males aged 19-21
3. Males any age with at least one child aged 6-10 and/or at least one child aged 14-18 living at home. (child does not attend). In subject line put: Dads
Various GTA locations Payment: $50+
Info required
Your first and last names
contact number
Thank you.