Jul 01, 2011 13:20
I am recruiting females cat-owners aged 25+ for a market research project on pet products. I have filled most of my quotas but have 3 still open. The interview will be done in your own home lasts between one and one and a half hours and payment is $75.00. My male quotas and younger female quotas are filled. Choice of Thursday July 7th 11am to 3:00 or Friday July 8th 9am to 3:00 - you can pick your appointment time within those time periods.
1. A female with 1+ dogs, 1-3 cats and at least 2 children under the age of 12. Ages of other
children, if applicable unimportant. Household income must be $60,000+ which is before taxes and can include income from all sources, not just employment, e.g. benefits, renting out a basement etc. Yes, a busy household!!
2. A female who has 1 or more cats but all have to be under the age of 2 years. No requirments for dogs or children and no income requirement. However the female must be a first time cat owner, must have never had cats previously..........this is the first time for cat ownership
3. A female owner of a cat aged 1-7 who has one cat only. The cat must have special needs that require special care and attention unlike most cats. Whether or not there are dogs or children in the household is unimportant and there is no income requirement.
Please email direct to linda99@ican.net if you are interested or have any questions. Please do
not post to the journal as I may not check back regularly, however if emailed directly will respond promptly. If you qualify make sure you include a contact number your first and last names your age, and which of the three categories you are applying for.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you and if you know anyone who would qualify please forward to them. Please do not post to any social networking sites as it becomes to overwhelming to deal with. thanks for understanding. In email subject line please put Live Journal cat owners.