Today was my last day of the academic year. I now embark on 3 months of assessment-free bliss!
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Unlike all of my other Australian peers, I will not be working on my tan during a long, hot summer - but will rather be preserving my paleness and donning thick coats and longjohns as I'll be spending Christmas in the wintery, white of dear England. I'm taking off in just a few weeks; to visit my grandmother - of course, who is one of my bestestest friends. I plan on nagging her to knit me more berets, cooking her dinner, rummaging through all of her old WWII ration books or 1930's London playbills, and recording her stories about the Royal Air Force on camera.
Actually, there are so many things I can't wait to do. I've already written lists, upon lists of activities I'm set on doing during the holidays. Among the lists are such wonderful tasks such as: writing plays, watching piles and piles more of classic and silent films, learning how to sew (so I can sew dresses), baking pies, starting crafty projects, reading my W. Somerset Maugham novels and much, much more...
But right now, all I want to do is sleep, sleep and sleep.
p.s. I started a new blog where I record all the movies I watch: It coincides with my new habit of recording each movie I watch on a card which I file away. I got inspired by the director and auteur, Bogdanovich, who - for every movie he saw - would record it's title, director, date watched and comment on a card which he organised into a filing system. I'm watching one of his films next, actually: The Last Picture Show.