Rec: The Anamalia Sequence

May 25, 2007 10:01

The Anamalia Sequence

Pegasus B, an alternate universe in which, among other things, Jack and Daniel became part of the SGC much later and both joined the Atlantis mission, not SG-1.

This story made me laugh, out loud, from beginning to end. Particularly the second part, told from Jack's POV. So, so, hilarious.

"I dunno," Stackhouse was saying, "I always kind of figured the major would make a good piglet. I mean, if he was turned into an animal."

Ford goggled at him. "A *piglet*? Where the hell did that come from?"

Stackhouse shrugged. "I think it's the hair, the way it always sticks up all over the place. Something about it makes me think, 'piglet.'"

Ford shook his head, then took another sip from his mug. "Pigs don't even have hair."

"Yeah, they do," Stackhouse said. "It's just really sparse." He shrugged again. "I guess it's just... you know, his hair is cute. And piglets are cute."

"Gayer than Christmas," Jack muttered into his coffee. This was the last time he sat with anyone who wasn't Daniel at breakfast. Another sentence or two of this inane conversation and he was liable to reach across the table and drown the sergeant in his cereal.

Of course, Daniel would have hated knowing Jack was even thinking like that. It made Jack miss him all the more. And it had only been about 24 hours.

Daniel was currently back in Jack's room. Jack had left him sleeping in a tiny fuzzy ball on his pillow. It would probably be shredded when he got back. Not to mention pooped on. Which was another reason he couldn't wait to figure the machine out, he had to admit.

"Beagles are cuter than pigs," Ford said. "And they're smart, and good at tracking things. I could see the major as a beagle, maybe."

"Pigs are smarter than dogs," Stackhouse said. And Jack's fingers twitched.

stargate fic recs, fic recs

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