Personal Canon

May 24, 2007 21:06

I keep seeing other people doing that "personal canon" meme, and I wasn't planning to do it, because I didn't think I had that much to say about it, but a few ideas have percolated up

This is going to seem weird, because I write in violation of my own canon a lot of times, for reasons that will be clear as you read.

I start with the most important/controversial, and move down to the less important ones.

1. Jack and Daniel are star-crossed and cannot have a relationship, at least not without a lot of trauma. I know this seems odd, considering how much J/D I write, but my first drabble series really reflects my feelings about how things would go between them. I violate this canon right and left, and wriggle around it, but when I am being really realistic and serious, I can't logically get around Jack's military status and the high-profile nature of their program, combined with their large number of political enemies. It just couldn't happen.

    Then we have the CK-in-denial-of-#1 alternate canon:

      1(a). Thor has provided Jack with anti-surveillance equipment. :)

      1(b). Hammond is willing to have a blind spot, if Jack and Daniel never take away his basis for plausible deniability.

2. Jack and Daniel are the same ages as RDA and MS. That is a 21 year age difference. Even assuming that Jack gets quite a bit of long-term health benefit from his forced use of Ba'al's sarcophagus, he's going to leave this world long before Daniel (assuming no death in the line of duty).

3. Daniel and Jack are both straight. This reflects my need to fit my stories with the show, and aside from their obvious chemistry together, they seem to be exclusively interested in women. So when they fall for each other, they have little to no experience with men. However, they both had health sex lives in their marriages, so I figure they know how to put tab A into slot B and aren't complete blushing virgins, either.

4. The whole Jack/Sam thing is real, if not realized. Plus, unlike some people, I think they would make a good couple, if not for their working relationship. However, as long as they are in the same command structure, I think a traditional romance is out for them, and they know it.

5. Daniel knows all about Jack/Sam. Sometimes it matters to him and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not sure this has mattered, except in 1+1+1+1.

6. Sam and Teal'c both know all about Jack/Daniel. Even before Jack and Daniel get it.

7. Jack's technophobia is a tool, just like his dumb colonel act is a tool. He has specialists to that he trusts to give him their best judgments on hard science and social science issues. He doesn't want to get mired down in the details. He wants enough information to do his job, which is to determine feasibility and efficacy of missions and tactical strategy. It's not that he's not interested. He's got a lot on his plate and the finer points of how the alien doohickey works and how Daniel found the data that let Sam figure it out is just not important to him right now.

8. Daniel actually speaks 23 languages that he can list on his resume, plus a few - Unas, goa'uld, Ancient - that he can't. His study of linguistics and eventual PhD level research grew out of this ability to master languages. ( informed by this piece)

9. Daniel and Sha'ure wanted to name their first daughter Claire in the Abydos tradition of naming the oldest daughter after the paternal grandmother.

10. Jack tends to top, but they switch.

11. Daniel/Jack/Sam is a very real possibility, in a Jack-focused kind of way.

12. Daniel/Jack/Sam/Teal'c is a very real possibility, in a we-can't-separate-personal-and-professional-lives kind of way. With extra lust.

13. I really like the way others have played with the fact that clone!Jack has the Ancient gene. It amuses me to think that he would be a valuable asset to the program and that despite his and Jack's agreement that clone!Jack would not be contacting him again, in fact once clone!Jack had created adult credentials for himself, he would be recruited by the program for his knowledge, expertise and genetic abilities. He wouldn't really be gone for good. This isn't really an important part of my fiction, as yet, but that's where clone!Jack is in my head.

porn meta, stargate meta, stargate writing issues, meta

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