Mar 15, 2009 13:00
So, it's been another whole heck of a long time, but I suddenly felt the need to do some writing in my LiveJournal, and I figured I would seize the impulse before it faded away. In the last six months, my university had a three-month strike, and I almost got a job, but it fell through at the last moment, and I've suffered through another half-year of dental shackles, but now it looks like I'll finally be rid of them, in just six more weeks, fingers crossed. Another Christmas and birthday have come and gone - most of the gifts were very good. My Nintendo Wii now has internet connection, so if anyone out there has Wii friend codes to hand out, I'm collecting them.
I'm trying to be more regular on my various other "Brainbin" sites. Facebook - where I use my real name - just hasn't been the same since they changed it around some months ago, so I don't go there very often anymore. I do my best to keep up with the latest stuff on YouTube. I always favourite what I consider to be really funny or interesting videos - to each his own of course. I happen to love YouTube Poop, which is about the stupidest and most inane thing going. It's the most wonderful way to release pent-up tension. I'm also favouriting various things on Deviantart - I site I've long since given up hope actually updating myself. Sustained creativity is not my forte. Even commenting is difficult enough.
Also, I recently joined Twitter, where it is much easier to come up with things to say. (In fact, the real challenge is coming within the 140-character limit.) What I think I'm going to do is have my LiveJournal provide updates on my Twitter status, as I've seen numerous other LiveJournalists do. That way my LJ gets updates, and of course nothing is stopping me from posting more elaborate updates here. This is, after all, the closest thing I have to a homepage for the moment.
On another note, today is the Ides of March - on this date 2,053 years ago, Julius Caesar was felled in the Roman Senate by Brutus and Cassius. Sic semper tyrannus? Maybe. But his is the legacy that remains with us to this day. Who knows what would have become of the world, had he lived. It is one of life's great mysteries. Thanks for reading, and hopefully it won't be six months before I make a proper post.
-- Brainbin