Students at my University start classes the day after most public school students do - which is to say, two days after Labour Day. That was the third of September - eighteen days ago. I've now been through all my classes, twice. So, what's the situation?
This year I am completely committed to my major - Psychology - and my minor - history - as well as the mandatory French classes that must be taken. The two history classes are very engaging, and have really good Professors. The psychology classes are a little more middling, and somewhat dry - the disappointment with that subject is that I don't think any of them will ever best my very first professor, who taught the survey course (and nothing else at that level, alas). The French class will take some time for me - last year, I was moving at a fast clip, and this year the pace is much more sedate.
In other news, I visited the orthodontist, and had those obnoxious elastics removed, meaning (I can only hope) that I am finally nearing the end of my term of dental imprisonment. I would love to have them off before Christmas - oh, to eat all of those goodies unencumbered! However, I can't say I'm too sure of that possibility.
Finally, today I was able to rendezvous with
stonehilt and we had lunch, followed by a tour of my campus, a suggestion that I made in return for
something he had arranged for me, almost three years ago now. He claimed to be very pleased with my campus, and especially its greenspace, which has always been a mark of pride. It was also the first time that I've seen him in person since
"only" two-and-a-half years ago. I decided that in this age of the internet, there's no excuse to lose touch with friends.
Of course, keeping in touch with friends is
a never-ending mission...
-- Brainbin