Entry Five

Aug 28, 2007 18:50

As of last night, I became a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

...well, for all intents and purposes. I suppose I still need to clear it up with the Jedi Council, but, considering the circumstances, that's more or less impossible. Still, I no longer doubt my exact status within the Order, and that is enough for me.

I've had some time to ponder the exact meaning of this change. It certainly means a lot more than losing a braid, and, as another prisoner recently brought to my attention, placing too much emphasis on such symbols may do more harm than good. Still, I can't say I'm not disappointed in having it forcibly removed by a nurse when tradition calls for something much more meaningful.

That's not to say my knighting wasn't special. Despite its lack of tradition, Qui-Gon carried out an admirable compromise that suited our present situation. If you ever read this, Qui-Gon, please know that you have my eternal gratitude. Not just for last night, but for everything you have given me. You once told me the life of a is Padawan difficult, but I can't imagine a Master's lot is much easier. I owe what I've become to you. Thank you.

Traditions are important, especially now. They are our link to our homes and our true identities. However, I think this experience has taught me a great many things about traditions. They are important, yes, but...perhaps it is all right to modify them to suit current needs and situations, when appropriate. After all, if we had adhered to strict tradition, I would not have been able to proceed forward.

I think there is something to be said for that.

As for whether I can apply this principle to other aspects of my life, however, I do not know. Perhaps I should meditate more on this in the future.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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