Introduction to journal's second section

Feb 18, 2007 15:35

[Written in surprisingly large and flowing script on a page tucked towards the end of the journal. There are more than enough pages after to add more entries.]

Ever since the events of Naboo and my subsequent arrival at Landel's, I have come to ponder the true nature of death and mortality more often than I probably should. Becoming one with the Force is a fate that awaits all living beings. Regardless of our differences, it is a common thread we all share with one another. It is unavoidable.

I always knew this, of course, but I have come to truly understand it within the past several days. Despite all the training I have received, despite my young age, despite everything that might work to my advantage in a dangerous situation, my life force is just as fragile as anyone else's. I may have the means to prolong my life, but in the end, death will catch me, perhaps when I least expect it, and there will be things left undone, words left unsaid, and people I care about who will have to pick up the pieces.

Right now, many of the advantages I once had are gone. This is a dangerous place. My life is just as fragile as the prisoner who died my first night here. The Force may take me before I have managed to escape. Although it is not something I like to dwell on, it is a very real possibility I cannot ignore.

I have decided to devote a portion of this journal to writings born of this knowledge. If I were to die before escaping, I would be a hypocrite for not leaving something of myself behind for those I care about.

If you are reading this, Qui-Gon Jinn, I can only assume you have either stumbled across this by accident (in which case, I humbly request you ask me before you continue reading), or I am, in fact, dead and have somehow informed you of the existence of this record before my passing.

In any case, I'm unsure how valuable my writings will be in the practical sense. Most of my knowledge about the workings of Landel's can be found at the front of this book. This section is dedicated to more...personal matters, which I hope will be of some interest to you. Perhaps you and I will come to a more solid understanding before you read this, but that was a hope I once carried before Naboo. I am not so careless as to make the same mistake twice.

As much as I like to focus on the future, it's ultimately something I cannot predict or control. Most people don't get second chances. I'm certain we won't get a third.

I know such a method seems inadequate - cowardly, even. But until one of us has the courage to speak, this is the best I can do.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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