they decided to take all batman related titles toghether this week, wich giva me a lot to readm but leaves really little to wait for the rest of the month.
Anyway, I have a few thing to comment regarding them:ç
BATMAN AND ROBIN 6 was... uh? It felt like there was something missing (an entire issue, perhaps?). The conversation between Dick and Gordon is odd taking into acocunt there's a bleeding Robin on the floor and the comish was always wary about having little boys on the job. It's like: "Is he ok?" "Oh, yes, totally. Yep. sure" "Oh, ok, just checking" WTF?? I don't cared much about it, either, Gordon, but I'm not the law!! Perhaps I'm worng , but they are going to use the regeneration powers of the boy in this and everybody is going to be awed. bah.
Also, Jason Todd is supossed to be twenty (twenty-one at most), not 50!! Who the fuck is drawing such fugly faces?? Oh, oh, and someone sugests the Lazarus Pitt, as if... Dick is not going to use it, not only will it be out of character but Tim will come back and chocke him in his sleep. So , bad writer guy? I don't recomend it.
BATMAN 693 was... blah. Tony Daniels tries, at least we can say that. I don't like his pencils that much, neithe rhis pen, so I'm just hopping his arch will end quickly and as painfully as possible. I'm still offended at Huntress dress and the lame, lame mistake Dick makes at the end. Come on! He is new at being Batman, not at being a hero!!! Gah!!
then REd ROBIN 6. I know
mina_murray will say I'm biased, and perhaps it's true, but I'm so happy Tim has a proper writter... Poor Yost tries to get his title in cointinuity, giving us a hint as to where Balckest Night happened and the state of mind Tim is in after that. He is trying hard, but making mistakes. This mistakes are meant to make the plot interesting, but we have a good reason for them and for that I'm grateful.
Also, the spiderweb is tightening around the boy, quite literally, both in Gotham and wherever he is now (can't remeber if it was London or Paris or Budapest or...).
I'm liking the path in this, and enjoying the internal monologues. Tim was always chatty while he fought and now, as he is older and angsty, all this chat goes on in his head and it's kind of a good move from Yost.
Also, I like bachs pencils more and more each passign day.
And that's all. Still have to read Batgirl, but I don't think it's going to be that good. Pitty.