Apr 23, 2005 22:27
FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT'S MAY TERM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...got that out of the way. I'm jsut hoping that my last final went okay on Friday...I was kind of drugged up so that I could get out of bed to take it! I'm sure it was fine... :)
Anyway. My chilled mood broke under the sick/tired/end of semester stress. Some things didn't work out (one involving money...I hate money...it jsut screws stuff up). I ended up crying bc I was stressed out by the situation, but I got over it and it should all be okay.
Alright...to the cool news. I tried to get out of teaching Lifeguarding this weekend when I was sick on Friday, but Terri didn't have anyone else to do it, so I jsut said that I would. The "participants" were cool. Good "kids"...they picked up everything very quickly. I was very impressed with their..uh..quickness. :)
Anyway...while we were reviewing stuff the head lifeguard interrupted to tell one of them something (I thought it was rude so i was kind of ignoring her) but then the "kids" started looking out the window so I asked what was going on. they informed me that there was a famous actor in the pool area. His kid is in swim lessons there. So I ask who and they tell me "steve zahn". the name sounds familiar but the movies they're associating him with are not ones I've seen. I glance out the window and see the guy. He looks familiar but i'm not entirely sure, so I ask them again. They try to think of movies he's been in so that I can figure out who he is...they come up with "saving silverman" and "joyride". I'm not figuring it out, so I tell them he looks like an actor from "You've Got Mail" and ask if he was in that. They look at me like I'm from Mars. They say no, but I'm convinced it is. They aren't really familiar with the movie. I don't understand this because I remember when it came out...i was in...high school. At this point I figure out that they were in 5th or 6th grade at that time. I feel old.
I ended up figuring out that I was right. He played George, one of the Shop Around the Corner's employees. I like his character in that...he's quirky. Jessica and Emily and I have quoted some of his charcter's quotes while goofing off. He was just a few feet from me at one point...well I was in an office and he was rightoutside on the pool deck. (I didn't go up to him...jsut because I recognize him is not a reason to invade his private life...his kid is cute btw) When he was by the office I was looking out at the lessons and glanced at him. He glanced up at me at the same time...oops. Anyway. He smiled at me, so I smiled back.
That story was way to long for a silly littel encounter, but hey. I thought it was a cool event. That's the first famous person I've seen up close. And it was one I knew and liked...so that's cool.
Alright...going to bed now so I can get up and teach tomorrow.
Love to all!