April was an interesting mix with
dark_fest and
history_bigbang postings and saw the word count jump up because of the
history_bigbang. :)
DC Comics stories were:
The posting of Arc 9 of
Rainbow’s Freedom continues.
Obsession And Possession, a dark Bruce/Dick tale written for the 2012
dark_fest Challenge and my
2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge.
"Property Of...", a humorous Clark/Bruce story (with a side helping of Clark/Lex) written for
rileyc’s birthday.
Public Enemies stories were:
Lost Glitter, a dark Mel/Johnny tale written for the 2012
dark_fest Challenge and the
12_stories Challenge
Sacrifice, a Mel/Johnny hurt/comfort tale written for the 2011/2012
history_bigbang and for
12_stories Challenge
dcu_freeforall Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 0
Numbers so far since I started the tables in 2009:
Steve/Diana: 15 of 15 (Complete!)
Bruce/Dick: 15 of 15 (Complete!)
Clark/Bruce: 15 of 15 (Complete!)
Total: 45 of 45
12_stories Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 2
Numbers so far since I started the table in 2011:
Mel/Johnny: 5 of 12
Total: 5 of 12
Total number of all fics in April 2012: 4
Total number of all fics in 2012: 17
April Word Count: 39,426
Total 2012 Word Count: 80,926
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