*peers at crystal ball*
Wow, lots of writing in my future! :)
Due to my off-line time for the past week, I am going to be a bit behind on things, so it'll be awhile before I'm caught up. I will be trying to wrap up Arc 7 of
Rainbow's Freedom in between typing/revising my final entry for
queer_fest and typing/revising two birthday fics for a couple of birthday girls coming up! ;)
I had hoped to do more for the
sb-prompts for
worlds_finest but lack of time will probably only allow me to write one or two fics. Lots of great prompts!
I plan on starting my
helpthesouth fic as soon as I get my winning bidder's preferences. :)
I've just started my Smallville Big Bang, and have posted 3 of the 5 fills for my
clexmas Bingo Card. I've got 1 more finished and just need to type/revise. The final one needs more simmering on the stove. ;)
I'd like to come up with something for my
2011 DCU Fic/Art Steve/Diana Challenge. :)
I'm hoping to finish the first draft of my professional novel any day now. Update on that soon!